Gay forum

Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
There's not enough TS reviews in eccie's history to even fill the first page of a separate forum despite the OP's hysterical claim that Other Reviews is being overrun. Dumb idea to create a new forum for so few threads.

Now, if eccie wants to start creating new forums, then Fort Worth/Tarrant Independents would be my first suggestion.
Boltfan's Avatar

Some kinks are ok, so long as they aren't too kinky for me, then they are just wrong and make me want to beat someone down, unless of course they look normal, then it is ok, so long as it doesn't make me gay, because reading about it hurts my delicate sensitive brain, cause I am not that kinky.

Does that about cover it?
There's not enough TS reviews in eccie's history to even fill the first page of a separate forum despite the OP's hysterical claim that Other Reviews is being overrun. Dumb idea to create a new forum for so few threads. Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
"hysterical claims"? "Other Reviews being overrun"? Re-read my posts. I never complained. My suggestion was that we recognize TS's and other gays as there own legitimate kink. I wanted to elevate the gay stuff from a thread to a whole forum. Right now it is just lumped into "other" hysteria - except by the people opposed to the idea...
I need some more butter for this popcorn............ Originally Posted by BlackMistress
Me thinks we are going to need another batch!
Sleepy363's Avatar
"hysterical claims"? "Other Reviews being overrun"? Re-read my posts. I never complained. My suggestion was that we recognize TS's and other gays as there own legitimate kink. I wanted to elevate the gay stuff from a thread to a whole forum. Right now it is just lumped into "other" hysteria - except by the people opposed to the idea... Originally Posted by bender1717
Why have you never posted the same request about reviews where women are kissing each other, going down on each other, and other lesbian activities occur?

Those are by definition "gay" activities, yet you have never once complained about those.

This section is exactly what it's intended to be. It's a section of other reviews that don't fit into the other categories on the site. That includes TS reviews, street reviews, etc.

Do you have so much of an issue with it that you can't control yourself not to click on a thread that clearly states "TS" in the headline?

There are at times quite a few street reviews. I don't see you on here starting threads saying "This section is getting overrun with street reviews. Can we not create their own section?" Perhaps you have homophobic issues?

This site should be a site of acceptance of all people and whatever kinks/fetishes they enjoy.
Why have you never posted the same request about reviews where women are kissing each other, going down on each other, and other lesbian activities occur?

Those are by definition "gay" activities, yet you have never once complained about those.
Originally Posted by still-asleep
READ THIS: I am NOT complaining!

I'm sorry but I have not seen the girl-on-girl postings, but I'm sure I don't see every posting on this site. If I did see a slew of those I might very well recommend a section for that too. It's easier to find what you want when things are neatly catagorized by subject.

Why are people so upset by this idea??
ca1962's Avatar
TS and gay men are not the same thing. I would bet the vast majority of clients that see TS's are mainly straight or at most bi curious. For some it is a one time fantasy fullfillment. For others it may be a regular thing. I'm guessing that most of guys who see TS's would never be with a gay male and don't consider their sessions with a TS to be a "gay experience".
I have also heard that TS's are scorned and rejected by many in the gay male community.
I agree that there are too few TS (and no gay male that I know of) posts and reviews to make a separate section.
It's clear that OP is trying to incite arguments on two levels, (1) by trying to set the TS reviews apart from "Other" when aside from the past week's flurry I can't recall seeing any when I used to lurk here, and (2) calling his proposed TS section a "Gay forum."

I'm always humored by the self-righteous monger who believes that his particular niche in this hobby is any better than another. Listen when I tell you that we are at least a little fucked in the big head to even be here in the first place, so trying to denigrate any niche is a slippery slope.

Leave the TS in "Other" until such time that the reviews become frequent enough to sustain its own forum. If you're not into the TS stuff but like "Other" to read about BP, UTR, or SW, then just don't read TS reviews.
artist3000's Avatar
I'm going to repeat what I think is a legitimate variation of this concern.

There is a legitimate concern regarding TS providers who try to pass as natural born females. In some cases the surgery is so good it's virtually undetectable. In other cases, especially on the street or alternative club scenes and so on, pre-operative TS's will only offer oral. It's also possible that guys posting reviews don't realize they've been with a TS or will simply leave out that fact.

It would not at all be unreasonable for eccie to adopt a policy that all TS providers must declare that in posts, and that all reviews or related posts also declare TS status where it applies.

In *that* context having a separate area for TS posts would make sense. It would underscore and enforce the policy that TS activity be clearly labeled, and that TS providers trying to pass as natural born females be barred from posting.
kilda, you are absolutely right that I believe a guy sucking a dick is gay, and a guy getting a dick in the ass is gay. I'm not criticizing homosexual activity.

I'm just making a reasonable suggestion, but some people on here are REALLY riled up about the idea. I'm not sure who it would harm.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-21-2012, 01:02 PM
It's clear that OP is trying to incite arguments on two levels, (1) by trying to set the TS reviews apart from "Other" when aside from the past week's flurry I can't recall seeing any when I used to lurk here, and (2) calling his proposed TS section a "Gay forum." I'm a little confused, I thought pitching to or catching from a guy with a dick was Gay?

I'm always humored by the self-righteous monger who believes that his particular niche in this hobby is any better than another. It was a good suggestion by the OP to give you guys a forum of your own.

Listen when I tell you that we are at least a little fucked in the big head to even be here in the first place, so trying to denigrate any niche is a slippery slope. We might be a bit off, Some more than others.

Leave the TS in "Other" until such time that the reviews become frequent enough to sustain its own forum. Sounds good for now.

If you're not into the TS stuff but like "Other" to read about BP, UTR, or SW, then just don't read TS reviews.Sounds good for now. Originally Posted by St Kilda
I'm a little confused, I thought pitching to or catching from a guy with a dick was Gay?

If you go to most porn sites, there is a clear distinction between TS and Gay. I engage in neither so I'm no expert, but apparently the "experts" see a distinction. You apparently follow the Andrew Dice Clay formula. Whatever.

It was a good suggestion by the OP to give you guys a forum of your own.

Again humored by the fact that because I don't agree with you in terms of judging one niche over the other, I must be lumped with those that are into TS. Sorry, but I'm into Asian pussy on a permanent basis.
Popcorn is gone ... unsubscribing now ... have a great one!
Boltfan's Avatar

Again humored by the fact that because I don't agree with you in terms of judging one niche over the other, I must be lumped with those that are into TS. Sorry, but I'm into Asian pussy on a permanent basis. Originally Posted by St Kilda
Its the "if you're not with us you're against us" mentality.

Where is Neotek when you need him.
once again apples to oranges. Everyone knows that MANY MANY MANY more people are excepting of lesbians than gay men.

By the way to the OP, this hasn't turned into a gay forum. One guy posted like 4 or five reviews in a row but for the most part there is an occasional TS review once or twice a year.

It's fine by me. It might be distracting if it was 50 or 60 a month I had to dodge but 4 or 5 is no biggie and might interest some of eccies members.

Why have you never posted the same request about reviews where women are kissing each other, going down on each other, and other lesbian activities occur?

Those are by definition "gay" activities, yet you have never once complained about those.

This section is exactly what it's intended to be. It's a section of other reviews that don't fit into the other categories on the site. That includes TS reviews, street reviews, etc.

Do you have so much of an issue with it that you can't control yourself not to click on a thread that clearly states "TS" in the headline?

There are at times quite a few street reviews. I don't see you on here starting threads saying "This section is getting overrun with street reviews. Can we not create their own section?" Perhaps you have homophobic issues?

This site should be a site of acceptance of all people and whatever kinks/fetishes they enjoy. Originally Posted by still-asleep