How many Russian bots do we have in this forum?

bamscram's Avatar
Russian parrot bot!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Just posted the above Russian bullshit!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Polly just parroted about parrots again raising his count to 39,602. Is he posting (parroting) from the Russia troll house?
LexusLover's Avatar
Polly just parroted about parrots again raising his count to 39,602. Originally Posted by bamscram
Parroting must be an addiction for you. There are PA meetings!
bamscram's Avatar
Parroting must be an addiction for you. There are PA meetings! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Parroting is an obsession with you, anything to up your post count.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ya know instead of using Russian, use Russkie as a mocking term.
Parroting must be an addiction for you. There are PA meetings! Originally Posted by LexusLover
"I'm Polly Wannacracker. And I voted for Hillary." "Hello, Polly."
LexusLover's Avatar
"I'm Polly Wannacracker. And I voted for Hillary." "Hello, Polly." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Wonder who will tell him how to vote in 2020. If he can even vote.
bamscram's Avatar
"I'm Polly Wannacracker. And I voted for Hillary." "Hello, Polly." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Congrats, not many here will admit it.
bamscram's Avatar
Wonder who will tell him how to vote in 2020. If he can even vote. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You will vote Russian again.
Typical russian bot strategy is to say that the anti trump people are russian bots.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Typical russian bot strategy is to say that the anti trump people are russian bots. Originally Posted by Jason Green
Your ilk aren't "Russian bots"; you're "#Grubered", Russian dupes.
LexusLover's Avatar
Your ilk aren't "Russian bots"; you're "#Grubered", Russian dupes. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
... or "co-conspirators"!

Be mindful of the "counter-intelligence" aspects of this operation ... creating the illusion that the Trump campaign was engaging in "dirty tricks" while sopping up on the Clinton/DNC money! The Russians had already invested a lot in the Clinton Administration of the Future.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
russkie bots!! grubered, russkie dupes!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Be mindful of the "counter-intelligence" aspects of this operation ... creating the illusion that the Trump campaign was engaging in "dirty tricks" while sopping up on the Clinton/DNC money! The Russians had already invested a lot in the Clinton Administration of the Future. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The Pro-Trump crowd should be cautious in embracing the "factual" allegations about the Russians at face value and recognize the "motivation" behind the Russians engaging in Anti-HillariousNoMore activities since as I mentioned the Russians already had serious money flowing toward the Clintons and had already made a favorable commercial purchase in the U.S. with the approval of the Pro-HillariousNoMore crowd, ala Obaminable. Not to mention that Obaminable was withholding any effort to thwart the Russian activities.
Why would the Russians attempt to kill the goose that had been laying golden eggs for them, which included standing down while the Russians invaded Europe, in the "hope" they could do business with Trump, who was already talking about increasing the military and fortifying the perimeter of the U.S. Putin is smarter than that and he's an intelligence operative! "Bird in the hand" comes to mind.

When one peels back the bullshit the Russians did little that would have changed the outcome of the elections and almost intentionally focused their "campaign" activities in venues that they could not possibly affect in a way that would undermine HillariousNoMore. The pundits would have to first "assume' the Russians are not "very smart" and are not "sufficiently sophisticated" to affect elections. Is that a valid assumption?