Censorship? New Rule regarding UTRs? How is a UTR differentiated from a Stripper or streetwalker or MoCo or BP girl?

Netx9 i think you say it best...very well spoken and know how to get your point across appropriately
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  • Netx9
  • 07-04-2014, 02:40 PM
But in the case of attempting to shut down discussion of UTRs.... I think that's a mistake that could have a huge effect on the overall value of the board over time. Originally Posted by Whispers
At the expense of legal liability?? A discussion worth having, perhaps... Take it national then. What happens if you disagree with what the owners ultimately decide, then what? Perhaps start your own site... Or cry censorship??
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At the expense of legal liability?? A discussion worth having, perhaps... Take it national then. What happens if you disagree with what the owners ultimately decide, then what? Perhaps start your own site... Or cry censorship?? Originally Posted by Netx9
I don't believe that Redbook would have been taken down simply as a result of minors being found there. I think that is effective headline grabbing. Redbook was taken down because of money and that is what will determine their ultimate disposition. If the owners here are handling their finances above board I doubt there is any new risk here that has not always existed. The same positions they have in regards to prostitution will cover them if minors were to be found. They don't get held liable for what members use this place for. Just what they do themselves.

I've thought of bringing this discussion to the National Forums. In the beginning though it could have easily been dismissed as being a local issue. There was nothing to support it as possibly having any effect on the board on a National Level.

In regards to what I do when I disagree with the Guidelines posted on the board...... I have a long standing track record of adhering to the guidelines.

There are some I do not agree with already.... In some cases I can get a message across pushing the boundaries of guidelines.... But for the most part I acknowledge that the owner has the right to run the site as he chooses. I either adapt to stay within the guidelines or face the consequences others may.

Start a new Board? Why? This one does a good job.

They allow us to voice our concerns as well as question them. With a couple of exceptions it's damn great site for what it's stated purpose is.

I don't understand your willingness to live within a more restrictive environment myself where you blindly accept what you are told. But if you find comfort in that by all means live that way.
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  • Netx9
  • 07-04-2014, 03:35 PM
I don't understand your willingness to live within a more restrictive environment myself where you blindly accept what you are told. But if you find comfort in that by all means live that way. Originally Posted by Whispers
One last dig and implying something you know nothing about... What could I expect? I simply said ask questions, don't be a d!ck about it. What I'm willing to live with and/or except is beyond your realm of knowledge. My point would be that I don't "Live" on this site. It serves a purpose, is entertaining at times and has been very useful. If I want to express myself, I can do so anywhere else on the Internet, in my real life, etc. If I don't like the rules on here, I can leave. Whether or not we can talk about utr-s on here is minor in the grand scheme of things.
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It wasn't a dig.

You like to try to make things something they are not.....

You follow me around and your interaction is based on your opinions of me and usually questioning my methods. Seldom on the discussion at hand.... Often quoting guidelines that never apply in the manner you think they should.

Do you not support the intent of the guidelines that address keeping a thread on the topic?

Your opinion is that questioning openly is disrespectful?

And that what we are told is the truth and nothing but the truth?

Had any other member posted this question would you be participating in this thread?

You try to come off as being on some loftier and more respectable level when in truth you are simply unhappy with your inability to defend your whore effectively over preceding months and now you follow me around attempting to discredit what I post.

Will you still be sniffing my ass a year from now?

How long will it take you to understand that you lack the ability to effectively steer any of this?
I don't understand your willingness to live within a more restrictive environment myself where you blindly accept what you are told. But if you find comfort in that by all means live that way. Originally Posted by Whispers

Thats the whole point, right there. Whispers lives here. He actually lives here.
Look at how many times he's posted in the past day, week, month, etc. It really paints a picture.

What's even sadder is he's proud of it. He began this thread by bragging about how many thread views he gets and that "big bad whispers" occasionally puts MODS in their place.

It's incredibly sad, but there's no reason to debate with him. He exists for that moment. He'll never stop posting
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  • Netx9
  • 07-04-2014, 07:24 PM
Will you still be sniffing my ass a year from now?

How long will it take you to understand that you lack the ability to effectively steer any of this? Originally Posted by Whispers
Touchy touchy...

I certainly don't "follow"... Don't flatter yourself. You've posted plenty that I am blissful unaware of and haven't commented on. Just happened upon this via a San Antonio post and thought you were unduly rude.

As for staying on topic, I questioned the substance of your insinuations... That they were unfounded. You haven't answered that bc the answer is obvious... You had no basis for crying censorship or suggesting mods were "trying to protect verified Providers", your claims of just asking questions aside.

My opinion is not that questioning openly is disrespectful... the way you did it here was... As I've said three times. I commented on that substance.... Am I loftier for not delving into ad hominem attacks and using the words whore and ass? Maybe.

If by "sniffing your ass", you mean pointing out behavior I find unbecoming or "stinky", sure. and when it matters to me if I can "steer" anything on here, I'll be sure to let you know.

Are you the only one who can call out people on this site? Ask questions?
This is a very interesting thread. Carry on I like it.