Texas and Mississippi to lift mask mandates and roll back Covid restrictions

winn dixie's Avatar
I understand that Alyssa has a beautiful mind, in addition to the beautiful body. But still suspect her post got 3X as many "likes" as mine, the one she's kindly complimenting, because of her outstanding avatar. Originally Posted by Tiny
She has great assets
  • oeb11
  • 03-03-2021, 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by GastonGlock

Originally Posted by Levianon17
Hahahaha.. that's right, but the Liberals want everyone to be mandated to wear a mask it's the only way to stop the virus. Your underwear and pants don't stop those around you from smelling your farts so what makes Liberals think a loosely fitted piece of fabric covering your nose and mouth is going to prevent a virus from infecting you, lol. Texas and Mississippi are doing the right thing as far as I am concerned.

Comment - The DPST/ccp acolytes and minions are distraught over this - too Damn Bad!
the DPST masks mandate is about Obedience, -not science or serving the People of Texas.

Out of state liberal agitators - stay in kalifornia and ny - with your incompetent administrators You elected and deserve!
HedonistForever's Avatar
And if Miss., Texas and Florida show no spike in cases? As currently the case in Florida.

The point of all the restrictions was to make sure hospitals aren't over run with patients not to "eliminate" COVID before we could relax restrictions. We may be living with this new "flu" for some time to come. Some people will die just like they have from flu since flu began.

Nobody is forcing anybody to not wear a mask, two masks. Nobody is forcing you to go to a bar, a gym, a movie theater a restaurant. Nobody is forcing you to visit friends in their homes, go on vacations.

If you aren't convinced it is time to loosen restrictions, mask up and don't leave your house till you see what's what.

Let's return America to freedom loving people. Nobody says you have to join in.

Got my first shot yesterday. Arm is sore as hell.
There's a huge surge of illegal immigrants coming to the Texas border. I'm sure none of them have their COVID19 vaccine shots. Most of them don't have the complete list of vaccines most Americans have by the time they are 18 much less auditable records.

Houston Mayor Turner is sounding the alarm how the "Hispanic community is underserved" in this great sanctuary city.

This is mostly a Democratic Socialist panick ploy.
There's a huge surge of illegal immigrants coming to the Texas border. I'm sure none of them have their COVID19 vaccine shots. Originally Posted by gnadfly

illegals allowed to enter and covid tests given later

border patrol releases

covid test administered later

cant stop them can only advise about self quarantining

what a system
Sounds like a clever way to keep us forever locked down
I'm going to still wear my 2 masks and social distance at 6 feet. If anyone comes closer than that- I tell em "it's 6 ft motherfucker,6 ft so back off." I can't believe how many people have to get in your space to talk. I mean - really.
They wanna make my inner gangsta come out.

Anyway, I'm going to agree with Txdot (gasp) in that Abbott only did this to deflect from the energy crisis we had here in Texas. Common sense tells me that is what he doing. Also, I've never been a fan of Abbotts or that side kick of his - Dan Patrick. He's just a down right idiot.
  • Tiny
  • 03-03-2021, 01:37 PM
I'm going to still wear my 2 masks and social distance at 6 feet. If anyone comes closer than that- I tell em "it's 6 ft motherfucker,6 ft so back off." I can't believe how many people have to get in your space to talk. I mean - really.
They wanna make my inner gangsta come out. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
If you haven't had the COVID or the vaccine that makes good sense to me. I'm wearing one KN95 mask -- those have come down a lot in price. This one was authorized by some government agency for emergency medical use, and it's comfortable, at least for my head size. I'm pretty convinced the N95 and KN95 masks offer decent protection to both the wearer and the people around her.

Kudos to Abbott. Fewer Texans the better.
  • oeb11
  • 03-03-2021, 03:08 PM
Well - 'r' - showing your idiotology
remember 1930's Germany ( from history books before they are banned as racist) - demonized teh Jews, burned books, and then put them in camps to implement the 'final solution".

will 'r' be at the 'Arbeit Macht Frei" gates of AOC concentration camps for texans and all those U disagree with. ???

Drooling, no doubt.

Thanks for showing your true Self and that mindset of teh DPST/ccp minions. !!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2021, 04:30 PM
Wheels cares about the people affected by the dims lock downs. He wants to get the economy going and that will benefit all. By getting small businesses up and going and removing the restraints that have been limiting business for a year! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You do not have to drop the mask mandate

Jesus, son.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2021, 04:32 PM
I'm going to still wear my 2 masks and social distance at 6 feet. If anyone comes closer than that- I tell em "it's 6 ft motherfucker,6 ft so back off." I can't believe how many people have to get in your space to talk. I mean - really.
They wanna make my inner gangsta come out.

Anyway, I'm going to agree with Txdot (gasp) in that Abbott only did this to deflect from the energy crisis we had here in Texas. Common sense tells me that is what he doing. Also, I've never been a fan of Abbotts or that side kick of his - Dan Patrick. He's just a down right idiot. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You're also agreeing with me....you sure you wanna do that?

That freaking Patrick is a joke....there, I'm agreeing with you. Who'd ever thought?
winn dixie's Avatar
You do not have to drop the mask mandate

Jesus, son. Originally Posted by WTF
And folks can choose to mask or not and to go out or not!

My Gawd man
You do not have to drop the mask mandate

Jesus, son. Originally Posted by WTF
You can still wear masks. You don't have to be a tyrant and put a gun to people's heads about it.
  • Tiny
  • 03-04-2021, 05:45 AM
We’ve been back and forth on this ad infinitum. The mask mandate arguably wasn’t as onerous as laws against speeding, drunk driving, or wearing a seat belt. You didn’t get fined for a first violation. For subsequent violations you were supposed to be fined UP TO $250. You could not be detained or arrested for violating the mandate.

Does anyone here personally know a single person who was fined for not wearing a mask? The mandate was never enforced where I live.

It was a motivator, a reminder to mask up. I believe it saved lives, helped the economy, and was a minor inconvenience. I applauded Abbott when he instituted the mandate and think he was premature in removing it.