LL to LL ...LexxLiar to LustyLady

Lucas McCain's Avatar
So are you allegeding that a woman can’t be an asshole, just a cunt? And a man can’t be a cunt but just an asshole? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Some definitely have a different definition about what is a "cunt" than I have.

To me, a "cunt" is a loud mouth obnoxious piece of shit con man like Trump who takes advantage of others for his own self gain. To me, a "cunt" is a man who held the most powerful position in the world but felt the need to attack a 16 year old (at the time) autistic Swedish kid on twitter. To me, a con man and cult leader is a "cunt" when he lets his retarded minions storm the capitol to do his dirty work and he is nowhere to be found after he riles up his dipshit army.

That's just to name a few things IMO. That aforementioned dumb "cunt" was removed from office for many good reasons. Bye bye and good riddance to that cunt.
LexusLover's Avatar
Some definitely have a different definition about what is a "cunt" than I have.

To me, a "cunt" is a loud mouth obnoxious piece of shit con man like Trump who takes advantage of others for his own self gain. To me, a "cunt" is a man who held the most powerful position in the world but felt the need to attack a 16 year old (at the time) autistic Swedish kid on twitter. To me, a con man and cult leader is a "cunt" when he lets his retarded minions storm the capitol to do his dirty work and he is nowhere to be found after he riles up his dipshit army.

That's just to name a few things IMO. That aforementioned dumb "cunt" was removed from office for many good reasons. Bye bye and good riddance to that cunt. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Someone was "removed" from office? That sounds like the bank telling me that my money was "removed" from the bank by a couple of guys with masks and firearms.

You have a nice day Mr. "I have military style weapons"! I start a new work project today and I'll be busy for the next ......weeks. A refreshing and rewarding experience ahead of me. Keep posting nonsense.
tman1847's Avatar
There are actually several kind of “cunts”.

There’s the ones who tell our enemies and everyone for weeks what he going to do to keep them from starting a war. Giving them time to prepare, (and move their money & yachts) and then when it didn’t work, states, “We didn’t expect it to.“

This same “cunt” collected a salary from the tax payer for 40+ years and did little to earn it. And when he got his “dream” job he immediately goes about destroying the “dreams” of the very people who paid him for 40+ years.

Former Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, but the Saudis won't take his phone calls

There are "cunts" who have to suck off dictators, (Maduro) because they have fucked things up so bad

When we discuss “dumb cunts" let’s not forget about the people who voted for the worthless “cunt”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, they’re still sweating red hats and threatening violence.

tman1847's Avatar
Continuing to ignore the issue makes you a loser just like your President

Yeah, they’re still sweating red hats and threatening violence.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Continuing to ignore the issue makes you a loser just like your President Originally Posted by tman1847
Your insults have nothing to do with the title of the OP

Who’s the loser??

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Continuing to ignore the issue makes you a loser just like your President Originally Posted by tman1847
If Biden is a loser; WTF does that make Trump because Biden whipped his ass pretty good in the election, genius. LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sharp as a bowling ball.

If Biden is a loser; WTF does that make Trump because Biden whipped his ass pretty good in the election, genius. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... Hee Hee! YOU voted for Biden!

See? ... No bleedin' wonder you're defending him.

Nice job.

### Salty
tman1847's Avatar
If Biden is a loser; WTF does that make Trump because Biden whipped his ass pretty good in the election, genius. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

And why is it you ALWAYS talk about Trump's personality, but are always afraid to compare Trump and Biden's job performance.

Trump's Job Performance in 4 years exceed anything Biden did in 40+ years. But when you're called on it, you Biden Boi's all run to some stupid mime, change the subject, or cry about his "tweets"
tman1847's Avatar
When do any of your posts have anything to do with the op? Flashing mime's, afraid to discuss Biden's job performance. Biden Boi's typical "run and hide" responses

Your insults have nothing to do with the title of the OP

Who’s the loser??

HahHahahHZHT Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And why is it you ALWAYS talk about Trump's personality, but are always afraid to compare Trump and Biden's job performance. Originally Posted by tman1847
Let's compare - Biden is not Trump. Trump is not Biden. They both are two old geezers unqualified for the job. Biden just so happens to be less annoying and obnoxious than Trump so he won by default. There is no job comparison unless there is a grade lower than an "F" for both. Technically though, Biden should receive an "I" for Incomplete because he still has plenty of time to move to maybe a "C" tops. Happy now? LOL
Let's compare - Biden is not Trump. Trump is not Biden. They both are two old geezers unqualified for the job. Biden just so happens to be less annoying and obnoxious than Trump so he won by default. There is no job comparison unless there is a grade lower than an "F" for both. Technically though, Biden should receive an "I" for Incomplete because he still has plenty of time to move to maybe a "C" tops. Happy now? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
No, Biden should get an "I" for idiot and he doesn't have enough time left to change the minds of normal thinking people.
tman1847's Avatar
Let's compare - Biden is not Trump. Trump is not Biden. They both are two old geezers unqualified for the job. Biden just so happens to be less annoying and obnoxious than Trump so he won by default. There is no job comparison unless there is a grade lower than an "F" for both. Technically though, Biden should receive an "I" for Incomplete because he still has plenty of time to move to maybe a "C" tops. Happy now? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Hell No not happy now!

You’re still “running and hiding”

Trump had no political experience and a “shit” personality. But he knew what the problems were and went about trying to solve them. The border and immigration, bad trade deals for USA, energy independence, NATO members not paying their “fair share”. Employment for blacks, latino’s and women. Blacks unjustly imprisoned. Fair trade agreements with China etc. For what ever reason North Korea quit shooting missiles and Putin didn’t attack Ukraine. How many peace agreements did Trump broker in the middle east? If people on here would read the agreement Trump brokered with the Taliban, they would quickly recognize that Biden didn’t follow thru, there by fucking up the entire withdrawal

Everything was going pretty good until Covid arrived.

Mr. Joe Biden, “needs more time” seriously! 40 years as a senator, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, 8 years as Vice President. He had way more experienced than Trump? And he has “hit the ground” on his first day, destroying this country. Why, because he had to sell his soul to the likes of Bernie Sanders, the “squad”, black caucus, Congressional Progressive Caucus, etc.

Biden blew off his big mouth on how he would solve Covid. (don’t forget he had 3 vaccines) and his death count is larger than Trump’s.

His border policy was so bad he had to re-institute Trump’s plan. And while he was telling everyone to get vaccinated he was shipping unvaccinated illegals all over the country

He said he would bring back America’s respect in Europe. European leaders recognized his Afghan withdrawal as a cluster fuck. And how do you judge a president who for weeks tells us the “sanctions” were in place to keep Putin from attacking the Ukraine, then admits he/they never expected them to work.

Not sure if the pipeline would have been a factor, but many experts have stated the oil will get transported anyway, by truck or rail, pipeline would be much safer and not require burning oil to get there

Now he’s kissing Maduro’s ass trying to get more oil. The Saudi’s won’t even take his phone calls

He did get the “restructure plan” passed. Anything else worth while?

What really gives me a laugh is Joe Biden’s State of the Union’s speech. He describes problems in the county he’s going to solve. Right behind him are at least one long time politician, and the gallery is full of them, both Democrats and Republicans. Why hasn’t he/them solved those problems long ago? Isn’t that why they were elected to office?

You state Biden is unqualified for the job. How many candidates were running? 20? Just like 2016 the DNC made the decision who would be the candidate. Not the people! I think you dems need to take back your party also.

Personally, for the country sake I hope he’s successful, if he doesn’t run again can you image the horror this country faces if the DNC picks Harris
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hell No not happy now!

You’re still “running and hiding”

Trump had no political experience and a “shit” personality. But he knew what the problems were and went about trying to solve them. The border and immigration, bad trade deals for USA, energy independence, NATO members not paying their “fair share”. Employment for blacks, latino’s and women. Blacks unjustly imprisoned. Fair trade agreements with China etc. For what ever reason North Korea quit shooting missiles and Putin didn’t attack Ukraine. How many peace agreements did Trump broker in the middle east? If people on here would read the agreement Trump brokered with the Taliban, they would quickly recognize that Biden didn’t follow thru, there by fucking up the entire withdrawal

Everything was going pretty good until Covid arrived.

Mr. Joe Biden, “needs more time” seriously! 40 years as a senator, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, 8 years as Vice President. He had way more experienced than Trump? And he has “hit the ground” on his first day, destroying this country. Why, because he had to sell his soul to the likes of Bernie Sanders, the “squad”, black caucus, Congressional Progressive Caucus, etc.

Biden blew off his big mouth on how he would solve Covid. (don’t forget he had 3 vaccines) and his death count is larger than Trump’s.

His border policy was so bad he had to re-institute Trump’s plan. And while he was telling everyone to get vaccinated he was shipping unvaccinated illegals all over the country

He said he would bring back America’s respect in Europe. European leaders recognized his Afghan withdrawal as a cluster fuck. And how do you judge a president who for weeks tells us the “sanctions” were in place to keep Putin from attacking the Ukraine, then admits he/they never expected them to work.

Not sure if the pipeline would have been a factor, but many experts have stated the oil will get transported anyway, by truck or rail, pipeline would be much safer and not require burning oil to get there

Now he’s kissing Maduro’s ass trying to get more oil. The Saudi’s won’t even take his phone calls

He did get the “restructure plan” passed. Anything else worth while?

What really gives me a laugh is Joe Biden’s State of the Union’s speech. He describes problems in the county he’s going to solve. Right behind him are at least one long time politician, and the gallery is full of them, both Democrats and Republicans. Why hasn’t he/them solved those problems long ago? Isn’t that why they were elected to office?

You state Biden is unqualified for the job. How many candidates were running? 20? Just like 2016 the DNC made the decision who would be the candidate. Not the people! I think you dems need to take back your party also.

Personally, for the country sake I hope he’s successful, if he doesn’t run again can you image the horror this country faces if the DNC picks Harris Originally Posted by tman1847

Melt down much?