offering money to a civilian for sex

The civie is banging you because she wants to. The provider is trying to make rent.
The primal urges of a male, and the mindf*ck that goes with it, is bitch to deal with at times. I need a psychologist. One that won't end our session until I am complete.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'd take a loose civilian over a hooker any day. And if the civi does call or text the next day.. all that means is that she wants to fuck again.. whats wrong with that? Originally Posted by Jack Flash
Not always that simple. Sometimes they want RELATIONSHIPS. The strategy some like to use is to 'lure' you in with a one time 'freebie'. Suck you and fuck you all night, hoping you fall for how good it is. They might throw lil hints like, "Well, I would call you but my phone 'bout to get turned off" or the like. If you DO fall for it, you're done. You 'help her out' that one time, and it could start a neverending cycle of "I'll call you when ____ needs to be paid". Don't get me wrong. I don't mind helping a female out, but you gotta make it clear that this isn't a boyfriend/girlfriend type of thing.

While it may be true that SOME just want dick THAT NIGHT ONLY, there are others who will not just let it be that. I've seen cars keyed up, windshields broken, house doors kicked in, and all kinds of crazy things over 'misunderstandings' of level of commitment. Some women are like, If I give you some pussy, you OWE me or we're 'together'. Even when you make it clear that all you want is Ms. Right Now, some try to use that against you. They'll agree to it at the club when it's near closing time and they know you're not thinking with the SMART head.

I hear what you're saying, but you gotta be careful. Some of them don't wanna hear that shit. From THIS perspective, providers are a way better investment.

If a woman who's not a official G/F starts a PATTERN of unwanted calls to you and there's some level of inconvenience to you (pay for something or take her somewhere), you need to find an exit strategy, because you are turning the corner into B/F territory. If a provider is doing it, it's easy to tell her you're out of town or have no money.

The best kind to get the 'pure' freebies from are the financially independent types. They may simply want a good time. If you're studly enough to get those to want you with no 'out of pocket' expenses, then good for you. If you run into the other kind, sometimes it's TGTBT when they give you a freebie. Best of luck dealing with the latter.
Jack Flash's Avatar
Rambro sounds like you need some coaching. I've hit lots of one night stands, never had my car keyed or RELATIONSHIPS or paid cell phone bills. I guess it is true for some guys.. dunno
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I'd take a loose civilian over a hooker any day. And if the civi does call or text the next day.. all that means is that she wants to fuck again.. whats wrong with that? Originally Posted by Jack Flash
Or ask for help on her rent. They all want something. Oops did I just post that in coed?
Jack Flash's Avatar
That's when you tell them "damn I didn't know you were a hooker! Sorry but this isn't gonna work out. Its a shame too cause I liked you." And then hang up!
OP - you are clueless...

if you know a woman is a HO....

then you should know she is VERY indiscriminate about who she lays with...

so why offer her money ???

yo'ure stupid man...

that's like free sex brah...

work on your game and gain some confidence.
josecuervo6969's Avatar
Who is OP?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Who is OP? Originally Posted by josecuervo6969
OP=original poster (thread starter) in this case it's you.
josecuervo6969's Avatar
thanks for the that case...go fuck yourself BD because I got confidence and game. Like I said several times this is mostly just a conversation piece. Only twice have I straight up offered a chick money because they hinted they needed financial help. I have had this convo with about 4 or 5 chicks I have known that were permiscuous but know nothing of the escort world. When I asked them about getting paid.....just for convorsation only because I was not trying to fuck them....they acted like that was just a horrible thing.
Some women might be offended if you put it like having sex with them is only worth $100.00
Some might be offended if you point out that she is a stripper, she just showed you the goods for a $1.00. People look at different things differently depending on the mood situation and preference.
The most important thing I have learned is she is still a woman. All women should (not to be confused with shall) be treated with respect.
Yes it would be so easy if you could just say I have 150 bucks, lets leave early because I have to work all day tomorrow!
Like I used to say, if ur going to be a hoe, u might as well get paid for it. 99% of the women consider randomly fucking is being a hoe.