President Obama made a good deal

lustylad's Avatar
....if you just want to kill Arabs, they do a better job of killing each other when left alone than we will ever do. Originally Posted by DSK
Iranians are Persian, not Arab.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
My position is leave Iran alone. We don't need a deal. It's a red herring, designed to keep our eyes off the pathetic shape our country is in, right here at home.
LexusLover's Avatar
Iranians are Persian, not Arab. Originally Posted by lustylad
Just ask one. Or better yet, call them an Arab.
rioseco's Avatar
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran.

It will stop them from stockpiling more weapons grade material, lower the number of centrifuges, and allow international inspections.

We now have a pathway to monitor what they are doing, and have positively influenced the chance for peace in the Middle East.

The Iranians appear to be happy with it and have committed to not developing nuclear weapons. This is an example of good high level diplomacy by his administration, and I think we should all support his efforts on the international stage. Originally Posted by DSK
Has anyone listened really closely to what Barako said when he addressed the nation on the nuke deal with Iran ? His words included the phrase,"IF FULLY IMPLEMENTED". What does that mean ?
If grandma had balls she would be grandpa, right !
Below is link to what he said. Always listen to his words closely.He loves to talk, he likes hearing his own voice. Anyone who talks so much, usually spills part of the truth between the lines.
They are happy the sanctions are lifted. You should be happy, too. More oil on the market means lower oil prices and cheaper gasoline. We can bomb them anytime we want, but I would prefer we move beyond bombing and wars, and try to get along with the rest of the world. At the rate we are going, the rest of the world might gang up on us because we are such a bully.

Also, if you just want to kill Arabs, they do a better job of killing each other when left alone than we will ever do. Originally Posted by DSK
As pointed out the Iranians aren't Arabs.

But if I can put on my WTF hat...So what you are saying is that we need to give Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and some other ME countries the bomb and let them "have at it?"

My guess is the reason Saudi Arabia has opened their oil spouts the last few months has been to support the sanctions. It benefits them on several levels.

[B][COLOR="Blue"]Has anyone listened really closely to what Barako said when he addressed the nation on the nuke deal with Iran ? His words included the phrase,"IF FULLY IMPLEMENTED". What does that mean ?
... Originally Posted by rioseco
President Obama doesn't believe it himself. This is a legacy play like Bill Clinton and the Israelis/Palestinians in the last years of his failing Presidency. With the Russians help, Iran will have the bomb and Obama knows that it happened on his watch. The US media for 6 years hasn't held him accountable and now it's too late.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I heard Obama yesterday (Sunday, 4 April, 2015) saying that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon...."on his watch". Obama's watch ends on the 20th of January in 2017. What happens the next day is not his problem right? This from the guy who is still blaming his predecessor six years later.
I heard Obama yesterday (Sunday, 4 April, 2015) saying that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon...."on his watch". Obama's watch ends on the 20th of January in 2017. What happens the next day is not his problem right? This from the guy who is still blaming his predecessor six years later. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If a republican is elected it will give you a out, you can blame Obie.
LexusLover's Avatar
If a republican is elected it will give you a out, you can blame Obie. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Don't you get a little tired of your "Man" letting someone else clean up after him?

Or do you just like to blame the "cleanup guy" in the "aisle" for the mess?
Don't you get a little tired of your "Man" letting someone else clean up after him?

Or do you just like to blame the "cleanup guy" in the "aisle" for the mess? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Don't you get a little tired of the "your man" bullshit? If you are a American citizen he is your man also lexie. Are you a illegal?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
STOP its nuclear program? Where did you get that?

Were any of those weapons Reagan sold to Iran.. NUCLEAR? Why doesn't Obama save everyone time and just ship a couple of Nuclear tipped ICBMs to all the countries in the region, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, QATAR, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Hey dumb ass doesn't matter if they were rocks Reagan sold to Iran- needless to say he SOLD Iran weapons- who at that time was our enemy. What Reagan did would be the equivalent of Obama selling weapons to Al-Queada or ISIS. Reagan sold weapons to a country that held Americans hostages. Also, we were openly supporting Iraq and arming Iraq during their conflict and we secretly were supplying weapons to Iran??? Are you fucking kidding me- no wonder why Saddam did what he had to do- you are a dumb ass if you thought selling weapons to Iran was just a little minor item.
Hey dumb ass doesn't matter if they were rocks Reagan sold to Iran- needless to say he SOLD Iran weapons- who at that time was our enemy. What Reagan did would be the equivalent of Obama selling weapons to Al-Queada or ISIS. Reagan sold weapons to a country that held Americans hostages. Also, we were openly supporting Iraq and arming Iraq during their conflict and we secretly were supplying weapons to Iran??? Are you fucking kidding me- no wonder why Saddam did what he had to do- you are a dumb ass if you thought selling weapons to Iran was just a little minor item. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran.

It will stop them from stockpiling more weapons grade material, lower the number of centrifuges, and allow international inspections.

We now have a pathway to monitor what they are doing, and have positively influenced the chance for peace in the Middle East.

The Iranians appear to be happy with it and have committed to not developing nuclear weapons. This is an example of good high level diplomacy by his administration, and I think we should all support his efforts on the international stage. Originally Posted by DSK

After the Iranians get the bomb - and they WILL - the Saudis are going to want one, because if the Shia have it then the Sunnis must have it.

"Chance for peace in the Middle East" is a pure fantasy. I remember all the handshaking after the signing of the Camp David accords, which accomplished nearly nothing.

People don't even talk about "peace" anymore. They talk about "peace process" or "road map to peace".

Because it is hard to claim that you achieved peace when the terrorist attacks continue and the missiles keep getting fired into Israel.

But you can still cling to the fiction of "peace process" and "road map to peace" after terrorist or missile attacks, because - hey! - how do you prove that you aren't heading towards peace? That is off in the indefinite future.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We do not have to trust them, monitoring is part of the deal.

We don't bring everyone back, though we try very hard.
There are 124,909 US soldiers buried abroad, including 6 medal of Honor recipients, buried in Europe. There are even 6177 interred in Mexico City and Corozal Cemetaries. Originally Posted by DSK

idiot. the one thing Iran has consistently done is refuse to cooperate with inspections. like you think they'll start now? fool. and that's exactly what Prez Manchurian Candidate wants you to think. sucker!

some guy in Israel ain't buying it either. that guy who just got re-elected despite the Manchurian Candidate's ILLEGAL use of US funds to defeat?

Obama claims tying Iran deal to recognition of Israel would be ‘fundamental misjudgment’

this jackass won't even acknowledge Israel's right to exist nor make Iran renounce their stance of destroying Israel. how long will you idiots keep taking the "Brown Acid?"

US Senate probes Obama funding for anti-Netanyahu campaign – report
RedLeg505's Avatar
Hey dumb ass Reagan sold weapons to a country that held Americans hostages. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
So tell us Dumb Ass.. why it was bad to trade weapons to Iran to GET OUR HOSTAGES BACK, but good for Obama to trade 5 top combat leaders to the Taliban to get one deserter back?