100 hours and what do the democrats have left?

LexusLover's Avatar
It is trending blue you dumb fuck....but it will not be blue for some time. Ask Carl Rove if you do not believe me. Originally Posted by WTF
So, you finally believe Rove. Looks like it is trending Bush.

Or are trying to switch sides ...

.... before the job pool dries up for your construction.

If the Democrats would field some qualified candidates ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Perhaps a 50's era Southern Democrat, such as Sen. Strom Thurmond, would be more to your liking.

From LLIdiot's vantage point, those were the good ol' days!
Sickpuppy's Avatar
That is the only reason I am kinda hoping they win the Senate.

. Originally Posted by WTF
They can start by rifling through Harry's desk for all those bills he's been hoarding so maobama won't have to face them. A bill-a-day dump on maobama's desk will show who's really been the party of "no" - the libs.
I secretly hope that Mitch McConnell loses but the GOP still has enough pick-ups to retake the Senate. Harry Reid is an awful human being, but McConnell is very weak and I don't see him standing up to Obama.
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps a 50's era Southern Democrat, such as Sen. Strom Thurmond, would be more to your liking. Originally Posted by bigtex
Have you voted yet (at least once), or are you disqualified?
LexusLover's Avatar
...but McConnell is very weak and I don't see him standing up to Obama. Originally Posted by brundlefly
I hope he will be able to remember what was discussed by the time he gets back to his office after a "White House" meeting. He's "sleepy" looking these days.