Turning Texas Blue

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Another take on yesterday's events in Austin, this time from the Texas Tribune:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
For Dewhurst, a Critical Failure With a Large Audience

http://www.texastribune.org/2013/06/...arge-audience/ Originally Posted by bigtex
Another take from what?

Criticizing Dewhurst for following the Senate rules on filibusters is deceptive at best.

Now had he failed to follow parliamentary procedures he would have been rightfully fried.

(I have no dog in his re-election hunt, but endorsing mob rule and disruption is wrong.)
Another take from what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Perhaps I should have used the word 'perspective' rather than take.

(I have no dog in his re-election hunt, but endorsing mob rule and disruption is wrong.) Originally Posted by LexusLover
Remember: Don't shoot the messenger!
LexusLover's Avatar
Remember: Don't shoot the messenger! Originally Posted by bigtex
I don't......

unless the messenger shoots first ....

.... or indicates the intention of doing so in the relatively near future ("pre-emptive strike").

Like I said, I don't have any interest in Dewhurst's political fortunes or misfortunes.

Because I am concerned about our democratic institutions and that they run according to the rules and traditions that keep them viable for all political factions, I do have a problem with mobs disrupting those legitimate functions to prevent a lawful and procedurally correct vote, even if I might disagree with the potential or inevitable outcome.
unless the messenger shoots first .... Originally Posted by LexusLover

Let the record reflect that the "messenger" did not "shoot first."
>On another note, you crybaby libtards piss and moan about the Tea Party incessantly. Show me one instance where any Tea Party activists acted anything >like those baby-killing assholes in thd gallery last night. Originally Posted by Seeker
Harsh comments dude, I hope you aren't violent.[/QUOTE]

You hope I'm not violent?? That's rich. We're talking about people who want the "right" to roto-rooter babies into the third semester. Harsh, indeed...
LexusLover's Avatar
Let the record reflect that the "messenger" did not "shoot first." Originally Posted by bigtex
Previously noted. Let the record reflect.

Just a general qualification for the general public.
LexusLover's Avatar
I believe the bigger story would be how will yesterdays events play out with rank and file voters nationally. I will concede that yesterdays events will probably help Perry with Texas voters should he decide to make another run for governor.

If you are a small picture guy, this probably looks good for Perry's appeal to Texas voters.

Just my thoughts! Originally Posted by bigtex
So a "middle picture guy" thinks what?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
except for the casino's that we take your money and smile Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I wasn't aware those casinos were yours, or Oklahoma's, chief!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So a "middle picture guy" thinks what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
a middle picture guy sees this and the voting rights act fiasco as rallying cries for minorities, women and rank and file Dems who didn't think their vote counted and probably were right.

If played right, Perry and his game of haters are TOAST!
LexusLover's Avatar
If played right, Perry and his game of haters are TOAST! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Haters of what ... babies? I think you got that backwards.

On the other hand I suppose that there are those who hunt deer and justify ambushing them while they eat with the notion that killing them off keeps them from suffering from the inevitable starvation they will experience from the over population and the shortage of nurturing.

Perhaps if they spent less time late at night in legislative galleries and more time at home with their children, this country would be a better place with less violence in our schools. Perhaps.

Of course if MOM can disrupt a legitimate governmental function, why not disrupt school functions?

See what a middle picture guy sees?

Does that help?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
so this is all about restricting a woman's right to determine what happens to her own body and nothing else LL?

Because if that's what it is, then regardless of your personal belief, the Republicans assault on women's health is nothing more than a sick power grab. it's the BEST way to make more Democrats.
I believe the Kermit Gosnell trial changed a lot of people's thinking on abortion, especially the late term version.

Even the most ardent supporters of choice get squeezy when you start talking about hacking up 20 week fetuses. The truth is, it looks too damned much like a real live baby.

As medical science progresses, you will probably see more and more people turn against the abortion industry.

Why the heck doesn't every woman, or girl, that is old enough to breed carry a morning after pill with them at all times. This could end 95 percent of all abortions.
LexusLover's Avatar
I believe the Kermit Gosnell trial changed a lot of people's thinking on abortion, especially the late term version.

Even the most ardent supporters of choice get squeezy when you start talking about hacking up 20 week fetuses. The truth is, it looks too damned much like a real live baby.

As medical science progresses, you will probably see more and more people turn against the abortion industry.

Why the heck doesn't every woman, or girl, that is old enough to breed carry a morning after pill with them at all times. This could end 95 percent of all abortions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
... but also reduce the number of Democrats according to YR.
So a "middle picture guy" thinks what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't know, you tell me.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't know, you tell me. Originally Posted by bigtex
"......there are those who hunt deer and justify ambushing them while they eat with the notion that killing them off keeps them from suffering from the inevitable starvation they will experience from the over population and the shortage of nurturing.

Perhaps if they spent less time late at night in legislative galleries and more time at home with their children, this country would be a better place with less violence in our schools. Perhaps.

Of course if MOM can disrupt a legitimate governmental function, why not disrupt school functions?

See what a middle picture guy sees?

Does that help?"

Some of what a "middle picture guy sees" .... above.... and another thought from one below.

It takes a whole village to raise an idiot, but it only takes two to create one.