Repugnant Con Personality Traits


. . . and it's "Neuman" not "Newman". It almost makes one pity dumb-arse.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Almost ? Nah, never for a founding member of the lying liberal reach around crew !
I see it turned out as well as I thought though the start was really stupid to begin with. Never thought ad hominem attacking without provocation would be a great opening post in the least but I wasn't surprised in the least.

Congrats Dumar you did as well as expected.

On the topic I have no preconceived notion of a con's or a librral's personality. There are a lot of us who cannot be categorized as either but share ideas from both camps.

Too bad the OP tends to think democrat equals liberal and repubs equal con. But based on the definitions not so. Dems are social liberals but in no way economic liberals. Repubs are in no way all for more government.

Too bad nuance is completely out of reach for the OP. But what else is new?

I have no love for Obama. What has he really done to improve this country really instead of just pushing his agenda of what he thinks America should be. Most Americans if they have a brain would know the chief executive has profoundly transformed the country into a shit eating leftist out the wahzoo paradise where all social problems have just mutiplied and will continue until common sense is put back in its rightful place.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

The funny thing is that this pod could have been about the Easter Bunny and the irate posts from our RWW friends would have sunk to this level just as quickly.

southtown4488's Avatar
Republicunts hate when they get called out for what they are. . . racist cunts.
bambino's Avatar
Republicunts hate when they get called out for what they are. . . racist cunts. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Cuntface says what?
Republicunts hate when they get called out for what they are. . . racist cunts. Originally Posted by southtown4488
MORE projection from YOU , lying liberal ? Pinche puta !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Republicunts hate when they get called out for what they are. . . racist cunts. Originally Posted by southtown4488
And the Democrats are racist pricks. Both parties try to manipulate minorities to get them to do their bidding. You're delusional if you think Democrats are somehow morally superior to Republicans. Both parties are on the same moral scale as a pus filled anus boil.
albundy's Avatar
The OP is ignorant to say the least. While there are indeed racists in BOTH major parties, it doesn't mean EVERYONE in those parties are racist. I, for one, am not a racist. I could list the reasons why, but that always comes across like a guilty conscience or a lie.

I consider myself to be a Conservative. I am against abortion as birth control, but I am not very religious. I believe in the Capitalist system and a strong national defense. I see NOTHING wrong with asking someone to be a citizen and prove it to vote. I believe in lower taxes and more oil drilling and lifting the oil exporting embargo. BUT, I fail to see how any of these stances makes me a racist. Even the voter ID issue is not racist. It's not hard to go down to the DMV and get an ID card. Hell, you can get them online and computer usage is free at the libraries if finances are an issue.

It really is sad that the number one way to make your "point" is to resort to generalizations and lies. Argue valid points, not bullshit. It makes all of your opinions that you post seem tainted.

(BTW - Where in the world did you supposedly get 95% racist when people voted Republican? When you make such an idiotic statement, you MUST just be trying to get a rise out of people. Are you a troll?)
southtown4488's Avatar
And the Democrats are racist pricks. Both parties try to manipulate minorities to get them to do their bidding. You're delusional if you think Democrats are somehow morally superior to Republicans. Both parties are on the same moral scale as a pus filled anus boil. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't think Democrats are morally superior. . . I think they are less inferior.

No one with a working brain looks at the racist shit Trump and some of the other Republicunt candidates says and compares that to what Hillary and Bernie say and sees them as equally horrible. Sure you can find things here and there from dems, but this idea that they are equal just doesnt reflect reality.
dumars's Avatar
Oh, I ain't done yet!

You'll hear from me again on this subject, piece meal to be sure, but I'll be hear when I'm around.
bambino's Avatar
Oh, I ain't done yet!

You'll hear from me again on this subject, piece meal to be sure, but I'll be hear when I'm around. Originally Posted by dumars
Now that was a cogent thought. We can't wait.
albundy's Avatar
Oh, I ain't done yet!

You'll hear from me again on this subject, piece meal to be sure, but I'll be hear when I'm around. Originally Posted by dumars
So, basically, the way you try to argue for your point of view is to use unverifiable, sweeping generalizations and then take off. Use the all-encompassing "racist" tag and then haul ass? How about arguing your points and your political views instead? Explain WHY you have the leanings you have. Or do you realize there is no logic to your views? Only ""how you feel".
Now that was a cogent thought. We can't wait. Originally Posted by bambino
Looks like with dumars we have another spelling-challenged liberal as those POS say in PC speak -" I'll be HERE....." What a maroon !
So, basically, the way you try to argue for your point of view is to use unverifiable, sweeping generalizations and then take off. Use the all-encompassing "racist" tag and then haul ass? How about arguing your points and your political views instead? Explain WHY you have the leanings you have. Or do you realize there is no logic to your views? Only ""how you feel". Originally Posted by albundy
Why doesn't he try to support his viewpoints with reasoned arguments, you ask?

OK, that's an easy one. Low-hanging fruit, as it were.

That's simply not how a troll rolls!