Lets talk about Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm voting against Obama because he said he had an uncle who liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp when he didn't [unless he had an uncle in the Red Army we don't know about].
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 04:43 PM
Gary Johnson? Originally Posted by joe bloe

hell naw ...

I have no intention wasting my vote on the morons on the ballot ..

time will tell what a few strokes of the pen will bring
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Allow me to paraphrase the President in my response here.

If you have a business, you did not built it all by yourself, sir.

You had government help.

You had electricity.

You had running water.

You had interstate highways.

You had the internet.

You had computers.

You had email.

You had spreadsheets and countless other valuable software.

You had other folks plowing the fields that helped prepare your business.

. . . Let's show some gratitude to those who came before you, sir.

I dont' need to get a job; I have my own business. I built it myself. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I B Hankering's Avatar
Allow me to paraphrase what Odumbo doesn't acknowledge:

If you have a successful business, you succeeded where others failed using the opportunities that were offered equally to all citizens.

Everybody had government help; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had electricity; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had running water; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had interstate highways; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had the internet; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had computers; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had email; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had spreadsheets and countless other valuable software; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybody had other folks plowing the fields that helped prepare your business; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed.

Everybodyhad the same level of government support; therefore, everybody had the same benefits and yet you succeeded where others failed. Nevertheless, Odumbo is such a socialist, he cannot acknowledge the fact that individual entrepreneurial success is not a "gift" from the government. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Fixed that for you!
joe bloe's Avatar
Fixed that for you! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're exactly right. Obama is making a specious argument. He wants people to think the government has the right to confiscate money from successful people because they had access to roads, bridges, schools, etc that enabled them to succeed. But so did everyone else. It's a level playing field. Some people win. Some people lose.

The only emotion forbidden in the Ten Commandments isn't hate it's coveting. It's human nature to desire what belongs to someone else. Obama is telling people that it's ok to desire your neighbor's possessions because he doesn't rightfully own them. He encourages people to listen to their lesser angels.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Have held back for a week out of respect for the survivors but now we can talk about the movie.
**Spoiler Alert**

Early on the left tried to coopt the movie as Batman representing Barack Obama and Rush Limbaugh lampooned them for it. Is it racist to call Obama the Dark Knight? If Joe Biden is Robin, is Hillary Batgirl?

The creator of Bane says that he more than anything represents anarchy and the Occupy crowd.

The director said that Bane is his idea of the 99% and Batman is the millionaire philanthropist, businessman.

So Batman: TDKR is a conservative movie. Criminals are bad even when they cloak themselves in a pseudo political rhetoric.

At one point a character asks how do you keep 12 million people from crossing a bridge being guarded by police. I have to ask how do about 5,000 criminals stop 12 million citizens from rising up against them. You have to disarm the citizens as they are in this movie. So an example of failed liberalism.

How did crime get so low in Gotham City? Strict laws and strict enforcement under the Harvey Dent Law. The liberals (later joined by the Banes army) wanted to release all the jailed criminals. Another example of failed liberalism.

The police are the good guys. They are outgunned, outsmarted, and poorly led but they are the good guys

The politicians could mess up a wet dream.

I highly recommend this movie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Heard the story about "Bane" somehow being representational of Romney (i.e. his "Bain" Capital). Watched the movie, and Bane's platitudes sounded more like Odumbo's than Romney's, and Bane's unwashed minions were much more akin to the OWS movement than the 1%ers, who -- in the movie -- were the victims for the most part. So the myth that this movie was a leftist attempt to undermine Romney is sadly mistaken.

This movie wasn't quite as good as The Dark Knight, IMO. There's a fine line between suspension of belief and absurdity, and the director crossed that line several times.

@ WTF, Bane sounded like Sean Connery. I thought it was a dubbed voice-over, but actor Tom Hardy did his own speaking. It was Christian Bale, Batman, that I sometimes (a couple of occasions) could not understand. Anne Hathaway did a fine job as Catwoman, but since Eartha Kitt was always my favorite Catwoman, I was sorta disappointed they didn't use a black actress, like Zoe Saldana, for the part.
joe bloe's Avatar
Heard the story about "Bane" somehow being representational of Romney (i.e. his "Bain" Capital). Watched the movie, and Bane's platitudes sounded more like Odumbo's than Romney's, and Bane's unwashed minions were much more akin to the OWS movement than the 1%ers, who -- in the movie -- were the victims for the most part. So the myth that this movie was a leftist attempt to undermine Romney is sadly mistaken.

This movie wasn't quite as good as The Dark Knight, IMO. There's a fine line between suspension of belief and absurdity, and the director crossed that line several times.

@ WTF, Bane sounded like Sean Connery. I thought it was a dubbed voice-over, but actor Tom Hardy did his own speaking. It was Christian Bale, Batman, that I sometimes (a couple of occasions) could not understand. Anne Hathaway did a fine job as Catwoman, but since Eartha Kitt was always my favorite Catwoman, I was sorta disappointed they didn't use a black actress, like Zoe Saldana, for the part. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Julie Newmar was the best looking Catwoman. She was really hot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, somebody has to straighten this out. I guess it will have to be me. My responses are in green.

Allow me to paraphrase the President in my response here.

If you have a business, you did not built it all by yourself, sir.

You had government help. And who finances the government? People who have a BUSINESS. They finance it with taxes on their profits, and they hire people who pay taxes on what the owner pays them. Or they borrow money which will have to paid back through taxes on - you guessed it - business. Which comes first, business or government? Obviously, it's business.

You had electricity.Electricity provided by a BUSINESS. The business might now be owned by government, but originally it was PRIVATE BUSINESS that made electricity commercially viable.

You had running water.Again, a BUSINESS. The water company has to make more than it brings in, so it operates as a BUSINESS. And who provides the equipment and materials for the water company? You guessed it - a BUSINESS.

You had interstate highways.Where did the concrete, rebar, machinery and other materials and equipment needed to build the interstate highways. Could it have been - BUSINESS?

You had the internet. I know the President said that the government invented the internet so business could grow, but that is a lie. The internet would have come into existence, because it is a good BUSINESS. The business application of the internet was discovered by BUSINESS. The government didn't say, "Hey, Business, look what we made for you!" How stupid are you?

You had computers.Yes, we have computers. You know why computers became popular? Because people wanted them, so somebody had the bright idea to START A BUSINESS to provide computers to people.

You had email.See above. Email wasn't invented by government, it was invented by BUSINESS.

You had spreadsheets and countless other valuable software. Yes, and guess who developed that software? BUSINESS.

You had other folks plowing the fields that helped prepare your business. Yes, and those people plowing those fields are called BUSINESSES.

. . . Let's show some gratitude to those who came before you, sir.Yes, we should. That is why we PAY BUSINESSES FOR WHAT THEY DO! Those people took risks, worked late, had ideas, tried them out, made money, lost money in order to have a BUSINESS! We PAY THEM for what they do. It's how we show gratitude.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
These are the businesses who in turn fund the government. Someone starts a business, to make money, improve their lives, and charge for their product and/or service. That is their reward from the grateful customer. The customer then may use those products and/or services to start or operate another business, for which they will take the risk, do the work, spend the late nights, etc. so they may have a successful business. Their customers reward them by paying for the product and/or service. Which they in turn either use to start or operate another business, or to make their life easier, as a reward to themselves for the work they put in IN THEIR BUSINESS!

The rewards, gratitude, and credit to others are already built into the system. They are called PRICES!

The idea that a businessperson should feel guilty about what s/he has done because of the others that helped, is bullshit. Those helpers have already received their reward. It's how the system works. And the idea that a person shouldn't feel good about working hard to be successful is bullshit. "Lot's of hardworking people out there." Sure there are, but if you are digging a hole, and filling it up, you're working hard, but accomplishing nothing.

"Lots of smart people out there" the President says. Sure there are, but if they are playing video games, what makes them as deserving as the guy who invented something, or built a business that employs people and provides something other people want?

Total, utter bullshit.

We could take this all the way back, FastGoon, to where my ancestors invented the wheel, while yours sat and watched, and then demanded a ride.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Julie Newmar was the best looking Catwoman. She was really hot. Originally Posted by joe bloe
She was sexy!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Julie Newmar was slutty in a wholesome way. At 5'10" she towered over most leading men. Eartha Kitt could roll an "R" like no one else. Lee Meriwether....nuff said.

Selena Kyle was originally a white prostitute who stabbed a disguised Bruce Wayne in the leg when he tried to rescue a underage prostitute (and Selena's friend). Michelle Pfeiffer has one hell of a costume but it was impractical and she wore too much make up.

Anne Hathaway did okay but there are a dozen actresses who could have done better.

Only a comic book? I have some comic books in a collection that are illustrated copies of the Illiad, Aenid, Ivanho, and the entire series of the She-Hulk. Sounds like a comment from someone unfamiliar with what graphic novels have become. By the way, Atlas Shrugged was just a book that started a moment.

Atlas Shrugged II coming in October of 2012.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Julie Newmar was slutty in a wholesome way. At 5'10" she towered over most leading men. Eartha Kitt could roll an "R" like no one else. Lee Meriwether....nuff said.

Selena Kyle was originally a white prostitute who stabbed a disguised Bruce Wayne in the leg when he tried to rescue a underage prostitute (and Selena's friend). Michelle Pfeiffer has one hell of a costume but it was impractical and she wore too much make up.

Anne Hathaway did okay but there are a dozen actresses who could have done better.

Only a comic book? I have some comic books in a collection that are illustrated copies of the Illiad, Aenid, Ivanho, and the entire series of the She-Hulk. Sounds like a comment from someone unfamiliar with what graphic novels have become. By the way, Atlas Shrugged was just a book that started a moment.

Atlas Shrugged II coming in October of 2012. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Batman is a fictional comic book character just like Swampthing, Richie Rich, Betty, Veronica and the Hulk. They can show "Good" and "Evil" comparisons but seldom reflect the fine print of any subject.
Like why doesn't anybody ever shoot these people in the head? No body armor on Batman's face.

And just curious.

What moment did "Atlas Shrugged" start?

If you meant movement, did you mean the one started by the author who was pro-choice, an atheist, and rejected the use of the term "conservative" to describe herself?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2012, 06:28 AM
. By the way, Atlas Shrugged was just a book that started a moment.

Atlas Shrugged II coming in October of 2012. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

What moment did "Atlas Shrugged" start?

If you meant movement, did you mean the one started by the author who was pro-choice, an atheist, and rejected the use of the term "conservative" to describe herself? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
A Bowel moment...

If you meant movement, did you mean the one started by the author who was pro-choice, an atheist, and rejected the use of the term "conservative" to describe herself? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Those Atlas Nutters really do not like you bringing that part up...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, as long as my ancestors did get the free ride, that's all that matters!

. . . But if you really want to go back that far back in time, I don't think your ancestors ever figured out how to use fire!

We could take this all the way back, FastGoon, to where my ancestors invented the wheel, while yours sat and watched, and then demanded a ride. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am not even going to try to explain because you are not ready to hear it. You are the enemy. Not a mastermind or a leader but just a couple of the useful idiots that they need to draw attention away from greater things.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What President Obama was doing with his speech was simply reminding people of certain fundamentals that they would rather conveniently forget.

Running a government takes money.

The roads, bridges, schools, parks, running water, airports and countless other things are built by governments for the benefit of the people.

The people who are determined enough to build their own business, did not do it on their own. They had the support of the government who laid the foundation for them to grow their business.

Everyone needs to pay their fair share in order for the entire government apparatus to function.

. . . What is there to argue about?

You're exactly right. Obama is making a specious argument. He wants people to think the government has the right to confiscate money from successful people because they had access to roads, bridges, schools, etc that enabled them to succeed. But so did everyone else. It's a level playing field. Some people win. Some people lose.

The only emotion forbidden in the Ten Commandments isn't hate it's coveting. It's human nature to desire what belongs to someone else. Obama is telling people that it's ok to desire your neighbor's possessions because he doesn't rightfully own them. He encourages people to listen to their lesser angels. Originally Posted by joe bloe