DACA, the dreamers act

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

its also called mental abuse when they know they are being manipulated for the wrong reasons.
bamscram's Avatar
Iffylube thinks Travon was as anchor baby. LOL
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Hope dildo is sterile. Originally Posted by bamscram
hope bumscrum & wtf is sterile.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Iffylube thinks Travon was as anchor baby. LOL Originally Posted by bamscram
no, travon just an idiot baby.
LexusLover's Avatar
hope bumscrum & wtf is sterile. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
... yea. The last thing we need is more "anchors" dragging the bottom.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2017, 01:51 PM
hope bumscrum & wtf is sterile. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Why are you worried about my fertility?

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  • WTF
  • 09-04-2017, 01:54 PM
... yea. The last thing we need is more "anchors" dragging the bottom. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You'd know about anchors dragging your bottom.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You'd know about anchors dragging your bottom. Originally Posted by WTF

your shoes are untied.
LexusLover's Avatar
your shoes are untied. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Who'd he steal them from?
No, I'm not. But I can discuss intelligently THE ISSUE of whether or not an UNDERAGED PERSON can "break the law" when the UNDERAGED PERSON is physically put in a position over which they have no control to be in violation of "the law" while at the same time when being put in that position lacks the mental capacity to knowingly and intentionally violate that "law"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lexus. Does a kid who benefits from dad/mom's illegal crimes such as living in a house paid for by drug money, having clothes paid for by robberies, watching a tv paid for by thefts, GET TO KEEP those items once daddy gets done for those crimes? NO.. THEY GET punished by losing them.
SO WHY should kids that parents brought here illegally, get to benefit when we deport the parent, by NOT deporting them too?

I said nothing about making them "legal" ... I said temporarily not deport them until Congress has addressed the issue .... what ever that final legislation says. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And how long is that 'temporary not deport them' going to stand for? 5 years.. ALREADY DONE THAT.. 10 years? 20? Doesn't sound so temporary to me..

Let's go back to the bank robbery analogy; if a criminal takes a minor to rob a bank, we don't punish the minor unless we think they were old enough to "know better" and they acted of their own accord. So if a 17 year old or 16 year old crosses the border with their parents...we may have to a different decision than an 8 year old. We don't give the afore mentioned child the proceeds of a robbery though. A dreamer should not be handed a legal status or citizenship without a fee or penalty. I also believe in one strike and you're gone. Avoid breaking the law, learn the language, a want to be a good citizen. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
And for those saying "Lets let them stay if they don't break the law"..
LEGALLY they can't work - cause of their illegal alien status. BUT HOW MANY DO work? Quite a few, and most do so either using forged/fake/stolen IDs (ANOTHER CRIME), or for Cash under the table jobs (ALSO A CRIME).. So if they are working, that's at least 2 crimes right there, one for working without proper authority, one for either working without proper documentation (so they can pay ALL proper taxes, or using fake/stolen IDs).

If they are receiving welfare/ebt or any other government handout, which last i checked, LEGALLY THEY are not entitled (and thus shouldn't be getting) that's another crime as it comes under the heading of defrauding the government.

So even if they don't become drug dealers, rapists, robbers, and the like, BY JUST staying here and either illegally working, or collecting government largesses, they are still breaking the law..

Yes thats the American spirit! Let's even kick out kids. Originally Posted by WTF
And what's your answer?? Let them stay indefinitely?
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  • WTF
  • 09-04-2017, 03:39 PM

And what's your answer?? Let them stay indefinitely? Originally Posted by garhkal

If they have spent their whole life here, they should become citizens.

besides, who the fuck is gonna put up all this drywall?
LexusLover's Avatar
Lexus. Does a kid who benefits from dad/mom's illegal crimes ...

....THEY GET punished by losing them. Originally Posted by garhkal
It's not a matter of "punishing" the children....even in your irrelevant scenario ... by sending them back ... although apparently in many instances it would be if the child has grown up, started a family, and was being a productive member of society by continued gainful employment and being law abiding.

And how long is that 'temporary not deport them' going to stand for? Originally Posted by garhkal
My comment was until Congress has acted on the matter ... and in anticipation of your complaining it would be appropriate to give Congress so many months to get it done....but it sounds like it may not take that long from what's currently being discussed.

Those who have criminal histories would not be in the group protected by any court's order stopping their deportation. They should go back to their country of birth.
bamscram's Avatar
hope bumscrum & wtf is sterile. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
copy cat.
Reagan's greatest regret...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
copy cat. Originally Posted by bamscram
you're welcome!