Freaking Out Over Bareback

  • npita
  • 08-05-2010, 04:12 PM
What I favor is full disclosure. That is, I want to know up-front if a woman is engaging in BBFS because it DOES make a difference to the risks I am assuming if I see her. Originally Posted by Laurentius
Full disclodure is never going to happen. You should assume that you are the only one using protection and if that makes you uncomfortable, you need a different hobby. When you have no way of knowing the actual risk, assume the worst case scenario.
When you have no way of knowing the actual risk, assume the worst case scenario. Originally Posted by npita
That's why I use condoms.
jhende3's Avatar
Some people sound like a baptist preacher or a poltician. Till they get caught up. One day a provider is going to spill her guts on here and a lot people are going to be running I can't wait.
It's NOT just Texas that this is a huge deal, im a member of a board that is Mainly PA and Ohio and it's a HUGE deal there/here..Once a person is found to be doing or offering BBFS they are pretty much done in this hobby,They will be outed and ridiculed until they can neither hobby or provide and in my opinion that is how it should be, people like that puts us ALL at risk..they are careless and clueless IMHO..

pyramider's Avatar
It's NOT just Texas that this is a huge deal, im a member of a board that is Mainly PA and Ohio and it's a HUGE deal there/here..Once a person is found to be doing or offering BBFS they are pretty much done in this hobby,They will be outed and ridiculed until they can neither hobby or provide and in my opinion that is how it should be, people like that puts us ALL at risk..they are careless and clueless IMHO..

Hugs~~Jenna Originally Posted by just-jenna

Is there no honor among thieves? Outing and ridicule in PA? Say it ain't so . . .
they're trying to discourage a trend that is turning out to be a big headache, and threatens the safety of providers in particular. . Originally Posted by jfred
Really? A trend that "threatens the safety of providers"? Really? Exactly what "trend" are we referring to? LOL I guess it's a case of one providers "standard of behaviour" versus anothers "headache". LOL

After all, all you need to do is spit on his cock before insertion. As we all know "saliva kills HIV". No "headache", no "threat". At least that's what I've been told............

BBFS-just another hobby activity that is enjoyed by some, feared by others.

Let's not get judgmental ya'll....
daty/o's Avatar
BBFS-just another hobby activity that is enjoyed by some, feared by others.
Let's not get judgmental ya'll.... Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Rational as usual, Heather. Last I heard, bbfs required participation by both parties.
Rational as usual, Heather. Last I heard, bbfs required participation by both parties. Originally Posted by esteve
As does every other hobby activity. Duh.
jhende3's Avatar
It's NOT just Texas that this is a huge deal, im a member of a board that is Mainly PA and Ohio and it's a HUGE deal there/here..Once a person is found to be doing or offering BBFS they are pretty much done in this hobby,They will be outed and ridiculed until they can neither hobby or provide and in my opinion that is how it should be, people like that puts us ALL at risk..they are careless and clueless IMHO..

Hugs~~Jenna Originally Posted by just-jenna

How? There are hundreds of girls entering and exiting this hobby every month. Providers have sex all the time bb, that's how they get kids! If someone would read these posting and see how people who provides sex and pay for sex are so rightous about safe sex they would laugh. I don't know if what some of these people say is for the benefit us to believe or there trying to get themselves to believe. Please! I'm honest with myself. Paying for sex from different people isn't safe sex.

Let's separate this shit. I know some of you probably can't but please try to comprehend what I'm saying.

I don't give a crap if I'm being paid, you are being paid, nobody is getting paid, and whether you are a provider, hobbyist, or some free shit from a bar. Hobby sex or free sex. If you are having sex with different partners you should practice safe sex, use a fucking condom or engage in "outercourse".

I will decide whom to have BB with. If I find a honey who wants to be my boyfriend or marry me, we will have a discussion about this, we will both get tested, WE will decide on whether to use condoms or not if we decide on a monogamous relationship. That is something between a life or potential life partner and myself.

But a one hour relationship? Hell no. I don't know you well enough to engage in unprotected sex. We haven't talked about either of our sexual histories, hell we don't even have a trusting relationship for greater than an hour.

Now I think one of the reasons some of us get righteous is because we care about the hobby as a whole and DO NOT want to perpetuate the stereotype of us being a bunch of disease ridden time bombs trying to spread our illness amongst the masses.
Nice post TxBrandy
DallasRain's Avatar
Ditto with the two sexy chicks on top of me!!!!!---TXBRANDY for president{lol}!!!!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Brandy has always been good about cutting through the clutter and getting down to the nuts and bolts.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 08-08-2010, 09:22 AM
Really? A trend that "threatens the safety of providers"? Really? Exactly what "trend" are we referring to? LOL I guess it's a case of one providers "standard of behaviour" versus anothers "headache". LOL

After all, all you need to do is spit on his cock before insertion. As we all know "saliva kills HIV". No "headache", no "threat". At least that's what I've been told............ Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
...I know some of you probably can't but please try to comprehend what I'm saying...... Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Brandy has always been good about cutting through the clutter and getting down to the nuts and bolts. Originally Posted by pyramider
Brandy is exceptional. She's clear about her own mind, informed and knowledgeable, and at peace with the "discrepancies" in her sexual life. That in itself is sexy, and it sure makes it easier to discuss things with her.

Heather, you're on the opposite end of that spectrum. You seem to seize opportunities to misconstrue and distort what folks plainly say. If you do it intentionally, consider stopping it. If you simply don't have sufficient grey matter to grasp nuanced ideas, know that when you speak you betray your limitations.
Brandy, I 100% agree with you, as usual.

But be careful babe. Not trying to change the subject, but when I dared to suggest that CIM was unsafe, as was told to me in the Safer Sex class given by two doctors here in Dallas at Baylor Health Services, I was crucified and hung out to dry and called a prude.

My point is that *some*(not you) people appear to be quite hypocritical in pointing fingers and judging others when *they* don't agree with sexual practices that others engage in in the hobby, but then turn around and are quite judgmental towards anyone who disagrees with what *they* do sexually.

And yes, jfrog, everything you said to describe Brandy is true. Thank God she agreed with you though, because if she hadn't, I suspect that the words you used to describe her wouldn't be quite so...nice.