"The Rest of the Story..."

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-24-2010, 07:51 PM

To NB:

You would think so, but there are some who do not honor that request because a review means free membership. Not all are like you!!! Originally Posted by summerwaves
I sure hope that was an attempt at irony.
brutusbluto's Avatar

Man vs Woman
mmm this is starting to get my brain thinking. Should I have reviews done...or not? Will it hurt...or no? Based on being into this world, I know no review can harm whether it is good or bad. So being totally UTR does it keep business flowing or is it harder for these women? I think either way doesn't hurt. I'm sure many providers and hobbyist know UTR providers that are doing just fine UTR.
mmm this is starting to get my brain thinking. Should I have reviews done...or not? Will it hurt...or no? Based on being into this world, I know no review can harm whether it is good or bad. So being totally UTR does it keep business flowing or is it harder for these women? I think either way doesn't hurt. I'm sure many providers and hobbyist know UTR providers that are doing just fine UTR. Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
Well from the perspective of a hobbyist that never writes a review all business is UTR any way you look at it
mmm this is starting to get my brain thinking. Should I have reviews done...or not? Will it hurt...or no? Based on being into this world, I know no review can harm whether it is good or bad. So being totally UTR does it keep business flowing or is it harder for these women? I think either way doesn't hurt. I'm sure many providers and hobbyist know UTR providers that are doing just fine UTR. Originally Posted by BrookeButtons

Reviews are the best form of advertising. The way I feel about reviews I do not expect others to feel. I simply want the session to end when it ends.
Reviews are the best form of advertising. Originally Posted by summerwaves
I think you're almost certainly right, especially in the right circumstances.

The saying among small businesses is that the best form of advertising is "word of mouth". The reviews tie hobbyists together and is a way to rapidly spread the word.

There are plenty of anecdotal instances where a "new" woman's phone rang off the hook and her rates jumped after a spurt of good reviews.

On the other hand, an established woman with a firm repeat clientele list doesn't much need the reviews.

Whether reviews help or not probably depends on what stage in the provider's small business life cycle you're looking at.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmm this is starting to get my brain thinking. Should I have reviews done...or not? Will it hurt...or no? Based on being into this world, I know no review can harm whether it is good or bad. So being totally UTR does it keep business flowing or is it harder for these women? I think either way doesn't hurt. I'm sure many providers and hobbyist know UTR providers that are doing just fine UTR. Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
A x-kinda-provider, has a job in another state. Every year she use all her vaction and add some (noworknopay time) to come back to rochester for about a month. Just to see old friends. This year she wanted to see some new for P4P. So we did a P4P, and I did a review. Two weeks latter, she turned off her out of state cell for now. And got a cheap per-min one. She said it was fun, but it was way to much. And would rather just see old friends for fun. So only doing new clients if you luck out UTR. She could not beleive the number of calls from the review. She was never on the web before, And worked out of bars and word of mouth before. Been out of it for about 8 years, other than 1 month every summer. Will be about 2 months this year.
  • Temko
  • 08-25-2010, 06:11 AM
Well here is my 2cents on the subject, I would be all for providers reviewing hobbyist, except it should be in a private area for providers only as to cut down the drama. Might make it a bit more convenient instead of emails, phone calls, etc.

As for the ROS/BCD it should be taken for what it is, a story, sure some people with embellish a little, while others won't, but I look at it as a way to gain some insight about the providers personality and her general attitude towards her clients, which I think is an important part. I do admit I am still new to this whole seen. So I could be wrong.
brutusbluto's Avatar
reviewing hobbyist. Originally Posted by Temko
I can see it now, "oh my god he was so big, I couldn't take it all" or he was so tiny, It was all I could do to keep from laughing" lol
Here's a reason why I tend not to go with ROS. It's one of the first experiences with ROS and what changed my thoughts about the need and use for it. There was a provider back in the old ASPD days that would get great reviews...She was kinda exclusive did not meet many people or just anyone but did have quite a few regulars from the ASPD form. All her reviews were positive other than a few things perhaps her timeliness was often brought into question.

Now here is where the ROS came into play...The ROS often on her was quite different from person to person in some regards as to activities allowed etc and this was all from her choice, chemistry with the client and discretion...At one time during an appointment we were chatting and her reviews came up and she got quite upset and basically broke down over the subject ROS commentary and what it has caused her in reputation and business level for that matter. She often was put into compromising positions to do things she really was not comfortable doing with some people over others based upon expectations that people brought to the appointment based on others ROS commentary. Now I know expectations are created from regular review activites as well but the point in her case was the graphic descriptions or expectations that were laid out due to the ROS is what bothered her. I felt really bad cause she was a top notch provider but the perceptions that ROS comments made her out to be and do were sometimes not the case. I fully understood this cause after all everyone has different comfort levels with different people and to expect exactly the same out of one person as another is not realistic. Needless to say I was not really much of a reviewer even prior to this incident but after seeing someone get that upset over it made me ponder how many other providers felt the same on the matter or had similar experiences. Needless to say the ROS section on any review to this day remains blank out of respect for a lady's privacy.
  • Laker
  • 08-25-2010, 07:19 AM
I'm making this assumption based on what we observed when one of the local providers had to go UTR for a long time and no one wrote reviews although she still was able to see men.

Originally Posted by NormalBob

Bob, I think I can read your mind on this one.

She was UTR for a abit, we had some discussion at the time of why, both in public view and in private, and we who saw her were more than happy to honor her request.

I started out writing very short and non-descritive reviews. A couple of mentors on the old aspd site gave me some pointers and my reviews got up to BCD standards. Then some board buddies had me read reviews written by A4K and Monk, and together with trying to pattern using their guides and those by a couple of our local writers, I formed my own writing preference and became pretty descriptive in the ROS.

Now just returning after taking the summer mostly off, I haven't decided as of yet which way to go in the ROS, but plan to ask the ladies I play with in person for their opinions. I definately will honor them if they don't want any review, and will write as before as an honest attempt to describe my experiences in an attempt to give my POV and let those who care to read, vizualize their individual feelings of the mood, general activities and flow of the meeting. And I too in the past have asked the ladies if they would care to read what I wrote in the ROS (only of their own and no others) to make sure i did not misrepresent them. Some have and others have not.

And for myself, writing the ROS is a way of reliving the experience with new found and dear "old" lady friends that I was fortunate to have share a portion of their lives with. The writings were/are not as any form of an ego trip but as a way of extending the feelings and memories of the time spent.
elghund's Avatar

...go away overnight and look what I found....a Hot TOPIC!!!!!

What a variety of opinions, and still the question remains, and the answer seems to be that there IS no answer.

I still feel that some things need to be left unsaid in the ROS.......as Summerwaves (I think) said, when the session's over, it's over.....and I still feel the unspoken undercurrent that the ladies are NOT in favor of the "blow by blow" descriptions we have all read.

Getting a feel for the chemistry that a provider can have with a hobbyist in session, that I can get......but, still it seems that in either case, a poorly written ROS (by intent or not.....) can affect a providers business, or her comfort level in session....and also, a hobbyist's ability to see another provider.

I wrote my first review a couple months ago, and I was uncomfortable about it. I tried not to embellish, and tried to stay to the plain truth as I saw it....but as I re-read my own review, I saw a little negative "edge" to it that, quite honestly, I didn't see at the TIME I wrote it. Now, I feel a little bad, because the person I wrote about was a very friendly lady....and I hoped that no one saw her in any other way.

I guess that might be what Jack said he looks for....the feeling of the session more that the actions. So, maybe I was uncomfortable with reading my OWN feelings!!!

Geez....any therapists out there? They would have a field day with THIS post!!!!!

I'm gonna be thinking REAL long about how to phrase my next review. If I even do one again.

Elg - I hope you do another review. I just re-read your original review and I thought it gave the reader a very good idea of your experience. I don't think it came off as negative, I think it was honest. Anyone reading the full review would be able to make a determination if that was the service he was looking for. I actually believe that it this type of review that shows the value of ROS. It wasn't negative as much as it seemed to be accurate reflection of your experience. Take care & play safe.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
In many ways I miss the days of word of mouth. And all that was realy said if asked or asking he/she is safe, yes/no your type, etc. No detail at all. Its safer here. But see her in a bar, ask a buddy or provider you know about her. Have a drink with her to talk. If all went well off you go. If not back to looking. As you got to know others in it the more doors that got open.
In many ways I miss the days of word of mouth. And all that was realy said if asked or asking he/she is safe, yes/no your type, etc. No detail at all. Its safer here. But see her in a bar, ask a buddy or provider you know about her. Have a drink with her to talk. If all went well off you go. If not back to looking. As you got to know others in it the more doors that got open. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Quite honestly, this scenario seems much more fun, productive and easy going, and it's too bad there isn't an upscale place in Rochester to get together and meet people of like mind. I've often wondered why people here have not done this (or perhaps they have and I am not in the know).