Conspiracy theories by the dozen

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Originally Posted by VitaMan
And then there's this revelation which came out yesterday:

Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis says she made 10 false statements about 2020 election, is censured in Colorado
Jenna Ellis, one of former President Donald Trump’s lawyers, was censured Wednesday by the Colorado Bar Association after acknowledging saying 10 misrepresentations about the 2020 election.

Among the false statements:

Ellis told Fox Business that “ballots were manipulated"
On Newsmax's "Spicer & Co." she said, “we know the election was stolen”
On Fox News she claimed 500,000 votes in Arizona “were cast illegally.”
... And yet - seeing-as she's allowed to voice her-own opinion,
I gotta ask - did they take her law license away??

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
It says she was censured.
.... So then I'll surely take THAT as a "NO"...

Case closed.

#### Salty