Cheap Hoes

Once a deal is made, you should stand by it no matter if you are the hobbiest or the provider. The cheaper rate or the higher paying client will always be there. With that said, I do believe in negotiating rates. Not to knock anyone here but life isn't fair, there are beautiful people, ugly people, fat people, skinny people, etc. Pricing is in accordance on the provider side so why not on the hobbiest side? If a guy puts in the effort to look good and be in shape, why should he pay the same price as the guy who doesn't really care about his appearance? Some providers see it this way and some don't and thats fine, my green goes to the ones who negotiate. It's like at a strip club, I only pay 10/dance. Now there are going to be girls I will never get a dance from because they will not do $10 dances on principle and I won't give them $20 on the same fact, but what does strick me funny is I get plenty of really really good dances for $10 from beautiful girls while the other girls are sitting, not making any money while I'm give $60-$100 to the $10/dance girl. yes she did twice as many dances but she still made the money while the other girl was sitting. Case in point one time at p10, I had this beautiful girl come over and ask to sit with me, I told her that was fine but probably not going to get any dances so it is up to her if she sitll wanted to sit. She did for a while and then asked if I wanted a dance, I told her I would but I want two really good dances for $10, she said no and left. She walked around for a while and came back, she said I haven't made any money and I need a favor. I said favors can cost but what did you have in mind, she said since if is dead and not making any money, she wanted to leave but need $25 dollars to tip out, I said I would give her $30 for 3 dances. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, why would I do that when I can get $20/dance? I was dumb founded, shook my head and said good luck! 20 minutes later I gave someone $60 for 6 dances. Bottom line, to each his/her own and whatever works for you. Don't bash someone who pays $200 for a FBSM but also don't bash someone who is looking to negotiate. Although, someone paying $200 for a FBSM sure does make it more difficult for me to negotiate but "life isn't fare, learn to overcome" Originally Posted by Austx
I have overcome doesn't mean you can't state the fact.
In response to this thread it must be another person. As far as I know iam the only one but who knows. I never made that call simply bc I do not see aa providers sorry just not my thing. As for price I dont really go for the lowest but comon who doesnt want a deal.And as we all know there are a shit load of providers that are not even worth 50 but ask for 200 .. That is why we have reviews to weed these weak ass providers out.
not me I dont c aa providers
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Ok ok. It may have been mean to call her a cheap hoe. Originally Posted by SweetsGood
I think it is of No Class to call another lady a "cheap hoe". Especially when your rates are on the lower end.

I have offered many specials but i can't seem to adjust to the 100for the hr. True my service is great always but there is only a certain amount of activities i feel should be offered for less donations. Times are hard and i understand that. Originally Posted by SweetsGood
I cannot adjust to a 21yr such as yourself that claims to have great service offering specials or 30min dates. Much less the need to try and convince a client to see you.

The fact that you tried to convince the client to see you seems to be a desperate act in itself.... Majority of 21 yr old hot girls with great service have plenty of business.

If you see my ad about friends you will see I'm new here... just really trying to get in the swing of things around here. Originally Posted by SweetsGood
You joined a year ago (Dec 27th, 2011).... most girls get the swing of things in a few months.

. He gave me a little hard time with activities. Saying he normally got this for that type of thing. I agreed on them and gave him a special!! Originally Posted by SweetsGood
You also might want to consider that discussing rates and activities prior to meeting could of scared the client. It is illegal to exchange sexual activities for money.

Posting that you discuss activities & rates in a public board just made you a target for LE.

You obviously have a lot to learn about this hobby.
I would suggest you try to make some friends with the ladies that do know what they are doing instead of starting insulting threads.
Now true my comment was insulting. My apologies to the lady if she is even on eccie. And true i am trying to get into the swing of things. My networking skills have never been great. I am learning and have great friends who have done this for years helping. So thanks for the constructive criticism. Hope you have a great night.
It varies in diff areas. Im a great and beautiful general
Yes you are brooke!
Parsifal's Avatar
Not to fan the fire, Sweets, but have you or any of your fellow providers ever cancelled or NCNS a client with a standing appointment because another hobbyist was willing to pay more for the same time, service, etc?

Even if you yourself hasn't, I'm sure you are aware that it happens out there...

It's happened to me, on more than one occasion, which is why I routinely check availability of plan B, C and even D if plan A doesn't work out.

Hell, I texted a visiting provider yesterday morning about setting an appt. later that day and she responded immediatley to me with "what time and for how long"...I replied I had a tight schedule and would like a 30 minute appt. And then...and she NEVER responded again.

Nothing. Nada. Crickets...

You and I know very well she was looking for an hour appt or longer and felt that my session wasn't worth setting, which is her choice. At least she didn't set the appt. with me and then later NCNS!!

It happens all the time, on both sides. It's part of the hobby, and we ALL have to take out lumps..that being said, for me the juice is still worth the squeeze!!
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Abraham Lincoln
In going with ArisRose here - why else would he call you to tell you he found somebody much less expensive? Good for you not to engage in simple horse trading. In other words, just because he told you he found someone with rock bottom rates does not mean that he actually did. You shouldn't lower your price based on unsubstantiated information from an interested adverse party like that. It's not any different from any other negotiation in that regard.

I would also agree with Austx - it's ALL negotiable. But before you come down in price, you should have new information that would justify that negotiating position (eg, you met the guy and he is attractive to you or you otherwise find him to be enjoyable OR he is a frequent visitor). Otherwise, you will build a reputation of being haggled down based on whining, puffing, anything else the potential client is willing to say,

In the long run, if you find your phone is not ringing enough, you may need to up the marketing game OR lower your prices a bit. But that should be a decision based on your needs and trade offs, NOT because some potential client had a particular opinion about your competition and pricing.
Passion2015's Avatar
Hmmm, well we all know that this market is over priced in my book and no matter what your buying your always looking for the best bang for your buck unless of course you have enough green back to blow any day or any time.
As far as the comments of how a guy looks or performs I'm not sure that works half as well as the number of green backs a guy will spend.
Now with a few of us, there is a budget we have to justify with our green backs so we negotiate and the provider either agrees or disagrees and we move on.

Now for all the negotiating, it's a part of life in the real world and just because someone is negotiating doesn't leave room for anyone to bash or insult the individual involved. Call them cheap, don't see them, and move on no big deal.
Just remember the business your in, it has it's highs and it's lows just like anything you buy.
Just think, That's why businesses have sales to pick up the volume they lost from the high prices they charged and not enough people bought at that price so they need a sale!!!!
Not everything is better just because the price is high!! Just saying
Passion2015's Avatar
Guest092815's Avatar
This thread is misnamed. It should be about "Being Nickel and Dimed....on not getting b.y" was a sociology book, nonfiction title. delete the . in b.y above.