No wonder there's no local talent...

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
This thread wasn't even a drama thread until someone turned it that way. Originally Posted by ChloeCox
I've been around this board since eccie first opened up. This thread is by far the most drama filled I've seen here. I see no good purpose of letting it continue. I'm shutting this one down and requesting this discussion not to be started up again on a new thread.

Actually HID, you may have not noticed but I was already moderating the thread and decided that it would remain open. Miss Chloe has one previous threads that was closed and that is already one too many.

It is customary throughout the board that we stand behind what we post and Miss Chloe, the membership and moderators need to stand behind what we post. Members disagreeing on opinions are hardly what anyone would call a drama-filled thread. Do not worry as I will keep an eye on this one and take appropriate action when needed. The thread is open again.

I'm still curious as to what the screening is. I know safety is priority but I'd never give out work info. That's crazy
Actually HID, you may have not noticed but I was already moderating the thread and decided that it would remain open. Miss Chloe has one previous threads that was closed and that is already one too many.

It is customary throughout the board that we stand behind what we post and Miss Chloe, the membership and moderators need to stand behind what we post. Members disagreeing on opinions are hardly what anyone would call a drama-filled thread. Do not worry as I will keep an eye on this one and take appropriate action when needed. The thread is open again.

Mat Originally Posted by Matador
Good call Matador. Thanks!
I must say I am impressed. There is just not enough activity around here to justify closing threads over a little drama. There are other ways to get the discussion back on topic.
Your post would only offend a newbie that doesn't understand the screening process, a cop, or a provider that doesn't screen.

Sorry to have offended you Josie. I thought you were a provider, not a hobbyist. You speak as if I know you. Why would anything I say upset you so greatly? Nobody was talking about you sweetie. Really unsure why you're being so crude towards me when nothing was directed towards you. It's really interesting to me when I see providers bash other providers. I wonder if its the provider or the pimp behind the handle, especially when the ladies dont know really kno eachother. My screening process keeps me out of jail so its fine if some people don't like it. If I was a hobbyist I'd be concerned if I wasn't screened. Originally Posted by ChloeCox
Your post would only offend a newbie that doesn't understand the screening process, a cop, or a provider that doesn't screen. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
No violin needed here babe. Enjoy your 15 minute specials, lmao!!!!!
Stupid is as stupid does.
I'm still lost as to how I'm the bad guy here, lol. But I'm not concerned with it, just don't understand it. Heidilynnla, you're so very right. Hit the nail on the head girl! The people who take offense to the original thread are of question. Hobbyists are allowed the opportunity to rate providers negatively and i state a few things without names and people start wigging out. lol. BTW Mobeezy, you're way off base. My argument was if a gentleman doesn't have references or independent provider written reviews then the only other way to verify they are not le is call them at work. You may not like that idea but about 70% of my clientele have verified themselves that way. I can see your side and the risk involved. However, there's several risks in this industry without calling a gents work, ya know. For the record, I do not know any providers on this board in a personal way, only for reference checks. But it does make me feel special that im admired by a certain individual thinks we chat regularly and she knows me. Lmao.
And yes matador, I do stand by everything I say. Why? Because its truth. Can't argue the truth. The truth never changes.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
This thread is becoming personal. EVERYONE needs to get their act together.

dearhunter's Avatar
If you thinck this is drama, you need to come hang out with me in Houston.......frustation taken out in a general forum of the board usually doesn't travel down the path the OP envisioned.....ijs
And yes matador, I do stand by everything I say. Why? Because its truth. Can't argue the truth. The truth never changes. Originally Posted by ChloeCox
Actually, you can. Everyone has their own version of the truth.
And yes matador, I do stand by everything I say. Why? Because its truth. Can't argue the truth. The truth never changes. Originally Posted by ChloeCox
And that really is all we ask of everyone, and the reason why hit and run posting is a bad idea. If a member is going to vent their frustrations here, it is only appropriate that if anyone disagrees or takes exception to the post, they should have every opportunity to reply and add their thoughts. As far as what the truth is, well that will be up to every reader to form his/her own opinion. I can post without hesitation that there will be some readers who will agree with you as well as some readers who will disagree with you. That is just the nature of having a diverse community.

I'm still lost as to how I'm the bad guy here, lol. But I'm not concerned with it, just don't understand it. Heidilynnla, you're so very right. Hit the nail on the head girl! The people who take offense to the original thread are of question. Hobbyists are allowed the opportunity to rate providers negatively and i state a few things without names and people start wigging out. lol. Originally Posted by ChloeCox
Bad guy? The only thread recently where there was a bad guy is this one, if you care to read Get your poppcorn ready! Now there are many alerts posted about bad guys and girls, but most alerts don't have the necessary details to make them useful information to the readers.

Chloe this is where your frustration clouds your judgment to a degree. This is a review board, so of course guys will be allowed to rate providers. That is why it is a review board. What value would this forum have for guys if they couldn't find out ratings and information about providers? I can't speak for anyone else but me, and my answer is the site would be of no value to me. For you to bring that up because you are frustrated just shows that you are not seeing the reality of what this forum is. How did I submit your request to grant you Verified status? By relying on the reviews of well established guys, that is how I did it, and that is mostly how most ladies get verified. As long as this site exists, there is very little chance of that going away, so it is difficult to see how bringing that up helps you at all to make your point.

Oh, and guys get grilled plenty of times when they post negative reviews about girls. Every city usually has a cavalry of white knights who make sure the writer of the negative review is discredited. I am personally neutral to the white knights because there are a few bad apples who post BS to reviews and sometimes they need to get called out. The majority of instances though, the guy posting a negative comment just had a bad experience. So you are far from being the only person who encounters disagreement from other members because you post something negative.