Girl on Girl

I'm not in dallas, and I have a whole external hardrive full of pics...but perhaps other girls would be interested. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I am just putting together a sultry playlist of music perfect for a girl/girl shoot. It's really going to set the mood!

Lovin it.

The best girl, on girl, on girl photo ever!
Oh wait, isn't that a man in there too?
arthur_s's Avatar

The best girl, on girl, on girl photo ever!
Oh wait, isn't that a man in there too?
Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I agree this is the best I seen here.
This is way hotter than staged pics.
me tats for sure
pjpenner's Avatar
.... Most women are bisexual, just as most men are either completely heterosexual or completely homosexual.... Originally Posted by AngelOK
(Underscoring by current poster.)

Please provide credible, scientific documentation for our review, consideration and discussion. Thank you!
Originally Posted by AngelOK
.... Most women are bisexual, just as most men are either completely heterosexual or completely homosexual....

I'll have to disagree with you on that one...I have known and playyed with several bi sexual men in the hobby life and in my personal life.
  • jwood
  • 10-08-2010, 09:09 AM
Tiffany, you sound like a trysexual to me. You will try anything.
jamiejo's Avatar
would that be considered DATO?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Good one Wood, now i know what to call myself lol
Hot Pics Tiff!!
well dang dallas too bad we couldnt get any of our own from the triple threat with april we did last year lol!
well dang dallas too bad we couldnt get any of our own from the triple threat with april we did last year lol! Originally Posted by elegantbelinda
OMG those would have been really hot!! Shame on you!!!
burkalini's Avatar
That dude is in one great situation
Originally Posted by AngelOK
.... Most women are bisexual, just as most men are either completely heterosexual or completely homosexual....

I'll have to disagree with you on that one...I have known and playyed with several bi sexual men in the hobby life and in my personal life. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
True bisexuality isn't defined by who you'll bang when you're horny, it's defined by who you can get in relationships with. A true bisexual can have extended relationships with both.
One of my favorite playmates is a bi sexual man, he has every fetish on the face of the earth, he is a real riot each time I am with him because I get to hear all of his lastest tried but failed attempts with playing with his fetishes.

He has had realationships with men and women....currently he is married to a woman who is straight and narrow and does not share in any of his fetishes, but they are best friends and she allows him his playmates.

It's not as common to find a real bi sexual man, bi sexual girls outnumber them, true, but they are out there.

I think the reason why there are so few is because it is not socially acceptable....whereas bi sexual women are not only acceptable by the majority, but encouraged.
(Underscoring by current poster.)

Please provide credible, scientific documentation for our review, consideration and discussion. Thank you! Originally Posted by pjpenner
Judging by your responses to me on this and another thread, you seem to be laboring under the delusion that rare exceptions disprove general rules. However, I'm not here to argue with you or anyone else. If you want to pay my hourly rate I'll argue with you all you like, but I'm not going to waste my time satisfying your argumentation fetish for free.