Buyers Beware: TER is a fraudulent dishonest review board!

darkroot50's Avatar
TER was the first review board i ever posted a review on. I posted a fair number since then and I've had some rejected. If I get one rejected I've contacted the mods and they usually tell me why. I can edit the review or just chalk it up to not having the info they want there (e.g. not using eccie showcases as a website).

I'd never heard about eccie until a couple of years ago when Dallas turned me on to this forum. I mostly lurk and submit an occasional reviews but I truly enjoy the forum banter. The only reason i still use TER is because it is national while eccie tends to focus on Texas. Sure i can find info on eccie for my area but it's harder for those of us not in the southwest.

Any time I read a review, on whatever site, I try to determine if it is real, if it is fair and if it is consistent with the reviewers past reviews. If it's not I ignore it. So far I've been pretty lucky following that method, but not always. You have to take the good with the bad and move on. That's not to say the the OP should be satisfied with rude behavior from either a fraudulent poster or the TER staff.
ForumPoster's Avatar
I'm not a VIP member there, I couldn't read the entire review, I just read the general details section. Originally Posted by Pocahontas The Butterfly
I have reviews on several boards, but majority of mine are on TER, so I am somewhat familiar with their system.

Once you get even one review, you are given what I call "Provider VIP" status. It enables you to read your own reviews in their entirety, use their PM system.

It does not allow you to read your doubles reviews or reviews of other ladies without full VIP. You can't search white list or see who else the gent has reviewed without full VIP either.

Several of my clients in the past and present have told me that they gave me high ratings but that TER won't post any rating higher than a 7 for girls that only offer FULL SERVICE. Now if you are a GFE or PSE girl of course a client can give you a 10. I do have some 8, 9, and 10 ratings but only when I did offer GFE to that particular client. Originally Posted by Pocahontas The Butterfly
To get a 10 / 10 rating lady has to be GFE (i.e. offer BBBJ), be EITHER fully bi or offer Greek. I've had several reviews with performance score of 10 submitted and then lowered by TER to 9. Then it is up to reviewer to "fight it out" with the powers that be. Is it wrong? Yeah. Is it the way it is with them? Yeah.

Why should GFE companions who offer these types of bareback services day in and day out be rewarded by being listed on this TOP 100 list? Why penalize the providers that are cautiously protecting themselves as well as other have the lower scores and not be listed? My friend tells me that she has read the entire list and the providers that do the most graphic, horrendous fetishes during these sessions such as (SCAT feeding, golden showers in mouth, CIM, etc. etc.) usually are in the top ten on this list. Does anyone else on this forum see anything wrong with this situation? I've spoken with several other providers in the business who have had the same problems in the past that I'm now facing with TER what about you? Originally Posted by Pocahontas The Butterfly

Top 100 lists in each city are based on average of your appearance and performance scores. You have to have minimum of 20 reviews to qualify. What you are willing to do for those ratings is up to you.

If you work in this industry, reviews are necessary evil and discussion boards are marketing venues in addition to being places of social interaction. There are boards/review sites which are geared more towards providers, then there are some that are more client friendly, but each and single one of them is in business of PROFIT making. TER has never made it a secret that it is more client oriented. It is also pretty open about being in business of making money for its owners.

Something we should never forget.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-06-2012, 03:20 PM
I got booted off TER and my 10 pages of great reviews removed for disagreeing with a mod on the provider section. That's pretty fucked up for an escort to get banned Originally Posted by alluringava
Sadly you are not the first.

I know numerous ladies who have been banned from there because they had disagreements with a mod. I admit in a number of cases the lady was wrong, but it was nowhere close to the kind of thing that should have banned someone.

Even worse were cases where a lady was trashed and banned because she refused to provide free samples to a mod. This was under old ownership, and I have no personal knowledge that it has happened in the past 6 mos, but I do know some of the guilty mods are still very active there.

A number of mods have been elbowed to the sidelines, but not all the sleazy ones are gone.
  • Paven
  • 05-06-2012, 03:48 PM
I thought the rating system was for looks! Like in the 80's lol.

I am not FS and if a guy sees me and I ROcK his world and he wants to give me a 9/10 in a review on there he cannot? Wow I've never heard of such a thing! What a strange way to rate and why do they need a rating system anyways? Every session is unique unto itself!

I only received my first reviews on TER last summer and I thought one was hella fishy. The guy said I played Warrants Cherry Pie during a session, and I can guarantee you that NEVER happened! LOL
Sadly you are not the first.

I know numerous ladies who have been banned from there because they had disagreements with a mod. I admit in a number of cases the lady was wrong, but it was nowhere close to the kind of thing that should have banned someone.

Even worse were cases where a lady was trashed and banned because she refused to provide free samples to a mod. This was under old ownership, and I have no personal knowledge that it has happened in the past 6 mos, but I do know some of the guilty mods are still very active there.

A number of mods have been elbowed to the sidelines, but not all the sleazy ones are gone. Originally Posted by Old-T

Well one thing is for sure. You never want to mention David Elms' name on that board LOL. A lot of the mods are still sympathetic towards his ass.
professoreccie's Avatar

It looks like you got the problem fixed since the review has been deleted so I am happy for you. As far as using TER they are the most restrictive review board to post on from my experience. Due to the fact I travel a lot for work I post reviews on 6 different websites and TER is by far the most restrictive as far as how their rating system works and what they will let you post.If you read any of my reviews you will see that I am a NON GFE hobbyist (never turn down a BBBJ though ) so it would be hard for me to give a provider higher than a 7 according to their scale so I have argued with them on several occasions about the scores I have given providers and usually they allow me to give the scores I want once I argue my case and state my reason for the scores I give. Out of the 40+ reviews I have written on their site I have only had 1 that they did not accept after we went back and forth about it. If given a choice I prefer ECCIE’s website over TER’s, probably because ECCIE introduced me to the hobby (very newbie friendly) and the forums can be fun to read when I have time to kill on the road. I myself usually expect to see 1 or 2 bad reviews because sometimes a hobbyist just doesn’t click with a provider or the provider could be having a bad day and this leads to a poor review. If a provider has nothing but outstanding reviews I also become suspicious and start researching the people that are reviewing her to see how they have reviewed other providers or if they have even posted any other reviews. When you do that you start to see patterns and recognize what could be fake reviews. I have seen plenty of providers that had 1 or 2 bad reviews and had a lot of fun with them on the other hand I have seen some providers that had nothing but outstanding reviews and had a mediocre time with them because as we all know YMMV is rule number 1 in the hobby. Like everyone else said reviews are a necessary evil that when used properly can be very helpful and more importantly keep you out of trouble.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Sadly you are not the first.

I know numerous ladies who have been banned from there because they had disagreements with a mod. I admit in a number of cases the lady was wrong, but it was nowhere close to the kind of thing that should have banned someone.

Even worse were cases where a lady was trashed and banned because she refused to provide free samples to a mod. This was under old ownership, and I have no personal knowledge that it has happened in the past 6 mos, but I do know some of the guilty mods are still very active there.

A number of mods have been elbowed to the sidelines, but not all the sleazy ones are gone. Originally Posted by Old-T
New owner, old owner....whatever; nothings changed over there. Big reason why I have been gone from there for a long time. Way too much knowledge here.

Well one thing is for sure. You never want to mention David Elms' name on that board LOL. A lot of the mods are still sympathetic towards his ass. Originally Posted by alluringava
Bingo! And DE still has his hands deep in the site, make no mistake. Even from his current residence, right down the road from me.
JMHO- most of the reputable guys in which one would want to see... can recognize BS.. and would probably had come to the same conclusion you did. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Most hobbyists can recognize the disgruntled from a stack of excellent reviews.

I hate TER too. I totally feel you. They skew the scoring system and will refuse to let a client score you with 9s or 10s if you don't do bareback shit. Originally Posted by SugarBeth
As noted by others in this thread, this is not true. The scoring is, rightly or wrongly, based on a consistently applied set of rules regarding available activities, as noted by Chica.

Every board has its own style. Understanding that style is important to effectively use the board as a tool. TER is national and applies a standard across its entire site. That is something I find useful. I know that any score of 7 or better on activities is excellent and I know the basis for maximizing scores so I have no problems with this. If a lady's score is a 7, then she is one I will look to see if the activities are aligned to my own interests. If so, and there are many consistent reviews (I ignore the obviously faked or "sour grapes" reviews), then I see what other reviews her reviewers have posted. If it all seems consistent, then I may try to see her.

Fake reviews on TER? Sure. There are fake reviews here on ECCIE. There are fake reviews on Naughty Reviews. There are fake reviews on BigDoggie. There were fake reviews on Escorts.

Every playground has its own rules. Understand and respect those rules or bitch and moan. The former offers a potentially useful tool while the latter provides no benefit at all.

Just as ladies should use a variety of screening tools when deciding whether to accept a date, guys should do their research also. By refusing to incorporate TER, probably the biggest single national site in the hobby, one is effectively choosing to poke out one eye before going on a scouting mission. In such a case, depth perception suffers.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-07-2012, 07:57 AM
Well one thing is for sure. You never want to mention David Elms' name on that board LOL. A lot of the mods are still sympathetic towards his ass. Originally Posted by alluringava
Definately true. Several are still around who were his hatchet men and his procurers when he was there. Several ladies who were trashed & banned for not flying to LA on their dime to perform for him--sometimes on him, sometimes letting his wife/GF have her way with the lady--still can't get back even though DE is supposedly out of the picture. Unfortunately, depending upon where the lady works a TER ban can seriously affect her business.

I haven't sent them a penny in a long, long time and I never will.
Never got a fake review, I must be doing something wrong
I never got a bad review or fake review, maybe I'm doing something wrong as well lol.

I am a member on there, but stay stuck to Eccie. I need to get over there and find me some new clients. Maybe soon!
To the original poster.

Over react much princess?
So you're saying that TER is dishonest and fraudulent because they won't take down someone else's words about you that you don't like.

So TER is just not supporting your version of the truth and you're mad that you didn't get your way.

ALL the boards have these faults. They have the dishonest great reviews, and the dishonest bad reviews and sometimes they're hard to tell apart.


Just Maybe.

You shouldn't get into fights with people while engaged in business. You know? No "keeping it real" when your business is on the line.

But that's just crazy.
pyramider's Avatar
Nice of you to finally respond to a thread that has no activity in two days.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 05-10-2012, 07:58 AM
You can probably get your membership and all your reviews back now as the keys to the candy store have been removed from all the volunteer mods hands now. TER is self policed with "report this post" button now. No more mods playing favorites. Many people who have been banned in the past (from this kind of BS) are back on there now.

There's good and bad on all review boards. Nothing is perfect and never will be.

I got booted off TER and my 10 pages of great reviews removed for disagreeing with a mod on the provider section. That's pretty fucked up for an escort to get banned Originally Posted by alluringava
I like the appearance and service separate rating scales. Rather than a yes no