Auction for a good cause.

I thought this was a silent auction?
playingnthedark's Avatar
Well be quite ^^^^^^
Well be quite ^^^^^^ Originally Posted by playingnthedark
LMAO. I'm just saying. I thought the premise is for people to bid privately and never know what the other bid or have said bid publicly stated.

I mean let's say you bid "$600" (not sure why anyone would bid that for something you can get for $250) and she comes on here and says PID bid $600 and so someone else thinks that's all I need to beat and bids $700, well if you really want this overpriced date you now have to cough up and extra $200, but wait there is more...becauSe she is gonna publicly post your next bid to maximize the amount she gets for a normal date that you could arrange for $250 without bidding.
Homegrown512's Avatar
(not sure why anyone would bid that for something you can get for $250) Originally Posted by cruzer
Re-read the thread, it's for an overnight... Little bit more than $250
Re-read the thread, it's for an overnight... Little bit more than $250 Originally Posted by Homegrown512
Guess I didn't read thoroughly. That makes more sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Guess I should get my shit together before I question.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Guess I didn't read thoroughly. That makes more sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Guess I should get my shit together before I question. Originally Posted by cruzer
Yes, dinner, fun and over night is a great deal at the prices that are getting thrown around.

Texasjazz's Avatar
[QUOTE=Daddys Girl;1056908073]
So to make things fun I am going to make this an open bid so everyone can see what they are bidding.QUOTE]

7/10 has come and gone. Do we have a WINNER? Gonna post it or keep it secret? Know he'll have fun.
Yes. Tell us how much money the unfortunate demise of your father yielded.

Please understand that your comments regarding this thread are unwanted and unwarranted. You do not know any of the individuals involved, you have openly mocked and joked about the suicide of a family member of one of our "family members" here and you have questioned the means, methods and dare I say wicked creativity of the OP in finding ways to assist her family. To put it bluntly, our world is not your world....... and as such, your comprehension and acceptance of this world is outside the paradigm you inhabit.....

While I realize that you are indeed dealing with a crushing emotional blow, that does not give you license to come onto our site and poison every thread you can find with your vitriol. I am truly sorry that you find yourself in the predicament that you are now in. But it is YOUR predicament, caused and created by YOU and YOUR HUSBAND - yes it takes TWO to make a man stay or stray..... I have absolutely no knowledge of your marital relationship so I will refrain from ANY comments regarding such. However, you have no knowledge of ANY of US or our personal lives and situations. The reasons are many and varied - some even you would consider as being justified I'm sure. As such, please show the kindness and decency that most on here have shown you, even under your hostile onslaught against us all, and stop making acidic comments and allegations. It diminishes your credibility and the perception that you are "the victim" in your situation.

Put simply, you need to decide whether you are going to fish or cut bait with your husband...... i.e. try to make t work with him or get divorced. But I will argue that you owe it to yourself, marriage, kids (if any) and your husband to give him a few days, after you inform him of your knowledge of his activities, to explain his actions and the reasons behind such. Do not force him to try and explain it to you the moment you let him know he's been caught....he won't even be able to think strait.....just give him a chance to form his thoughts - he will not bullshit you at this point as it will be all or nothing for him as well. I would also advise you to NOT discuss any of this with family, friends, employers, church, etc.... until you have completely decided that you will be seeking a divorce. Doing so before that will ensure an acrimonious split and may prevent a reconciliation, if possible. I would also suggest marriage / sex counseling - it has truly saved thousands of marriages teetering on the brink.

Lastly, the lady who started this thread is a truly kind, sincere and compassionate individual who has suffered an inconceivable loss. To lash out at her, regardless of your perception and emotions now, is cruel and unwarranted. Please remember, she s a PERSON. Just like you. She feels loss, pain, confusion, anger and has unanswered questions....Just like you. I have often complained that the internet removes the "human element" and compassion because it is antiseptic....almost as if your words and actions are in a vacuum.... But please understand that they are not, and that you can, and are, hurting real people's feelings. I thank you for your consideration.

-Nilla (I'm in Time Out - and I didn't even get in trouble!)
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar

Please understand that your comments regarding this thread are unwanted and unwarranted. You do not know any of the individuals involved, you have openly mocked and joked about the suicide of a family member of one of our "family members" here and you have questioned the means, methods and dare I say wicked creativity of the OP in finding ways to assist her family. To put it bluntly, our world is not your world....... and as such, your comprehension and acceptance of this world is outside the paradigm you inhabit.....

While I realize that you are indeed dealing with a crushing emotional blow, that does not give you license to come onto our site and poison every thread you can find with your vitriol. I am truly sorry that you find yourself in the predicament that you are now in. But it is YOUR predicament, caused and created by YOU and YOUR HUSBAND - yes it takes TWO to make a man stay or stray..... I have absolutely no knowledge of your marital relationship so I will refrain from ANY comments regarding such. However, you have no knowledge of ANY of US or our personal lives and situations. The reasons are many and varied - some even you would consider as being justified I'm sure. As such, please show the kindness and decency that most on here have shown you, even under your hostile onslaught against us all, and stop making acidic comments and allegations. It diminishes your credibility and the perception that you are "the victim" in your situation.

Put simply, you need to decide whether you are going to fish or cut bait with your husband...... i.e. try to make t work with him or get divorced. But I will argue that you owe it to yourself, marriage, kids (if any) and your husband to give him a few days, after you inform him of your knowledge of his activities, to explain his actions and the reasons behind such. Do not force him to try and explain it to you the moment you let him know he's been caught....he won't even be able to think strait.....just give him a chance to form his thoughts - he will not bullshit you at this point as it will be all or nothing for him as well. I would also advise you to NOT discuss any of this with family, friends, employers, church, etc.... until you have completely decided that you will be seeking a divorce. Doing so before that will ensure an acrimonious split and may prevent a reconciliation, if possible. I would also suggest marriage / sex counseling - it has truly saved thousands of marriages teetering on the brink.

Lastly, the lady who started this thread is a truly kind, sincere and compassionate individual who has suffered an inconceivable loss. To lash out at her, regardless of your perception and emotions now, is cruel and unwarranted. Please remember, she s a PERSON. Just like you. She feels loss, pain, confusion, anger and has unanswered questions....Just like you. I have often complained that the internet removes the "human element" and compassion because it is antiseptic....almost as if your words and actions are in a vacuum.... But please understand that they are not, and that you can, and are, hurting real people's feelings. I thank you for your consideration.

-Nilla (I'm in Time Out - and I didn't even get in trouble!) Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX
you hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree more.
sixxbach's Avatar
Alright, back on topic. Hijack at your own peril.

Another friendly reminder from your local mod staff.

fun2come's Avatar

Please .........

-Nilla (I'm in Time Out - and I didn't even get in trouble!) Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX
you hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree more. Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck
Nilla, KBF, you may be in the wrong thread ....

This is the auction thread and we all can't wait for the follow through and up ...
Guest121917-1's Avatar
WOW...ok bare with me so I can address everything..... (Ill be discussing the off topic stuff first then the actual topic things lastly)

Cruzer you need a few spankings for jumping the gun a little....tisk tisk

Everyone who has stuck up for me while I have been living my normal life...thank you I greatly appreciate it.

FFY (Fathfulforyears)...honey I will be dealing with you privately....

Now for the topic on hand.

I cant tell you guys enough how much it meant to me. I will be continuing to help my mom out until we can get the insurance thing situated. This as been a very difficult time for myself and my family and the out pour of support and friendships from this community has really taken me by surprise.

I will not announce the winner....they will step forward once they write the review.

Again thank you all who has had a hand in helping in this. I speak for myself as well as the rest of my family when I say thank you!!
Oh "honey".

I am sure you will have an opportunity to explain.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Faithfulforyears, or who ever this banned person is, your barking up the wrong tree.

P.S. You would have done better with a handle like " the bitch" or "scorned" maybe "paybacks a bitch" Instead of the I have been so loyal approach, again the mind of a man.