Who's watching the opening Ceremony? Favorite sport to watch?

TV ratings are tanking....combined numbers (NBC and affiliate networks) coming in each evening (matching day to day from the Sochi winter Olympics) are worse than before (FYI....and Sochi's numbers were down from the previous winter Olympics). Ugh....

NBC bid a hair shy of a cool Billion for the tv rights.....that said, even with flagging viewership they still claim they're gonna make money. More power to 'em.....

In the meantime....who is attending (purchased tickets) to these events? Evidently the answer is no one. Empty stands for Gold Medal events are the norm....the athletes are all saying the same thing...."...very eerie...the venues are almost ghost town-like. It's obvious no one's attending this Olympics..."
CG2014's Avatar
I think being that it's held in South Korea kept people away.

Nothing like watching the Olympics and then suddenly be the victim of a conventional, or biological, or chemical or nuclear attack.
TexTushHog's Avatar
People probably aren’t watching because the coverage sucks. The broadcasts are nothing but a chopped up glorified highlight show. The coverage never stays on any one event fir very long unless it’s the damned figure skating. Too much focus on personal trivia. To much focus on Americans who,are t competitive, and not enough on the real stars of the sports.

Hell, I understand they missed the winner of an entire alpine skiing event and the fucked up the correction. Complete idiots.

well that went well...
CG2014's Avatar
So glad the Winter Olympics are over.

The only thing worth watching was the Women's Figure Skating just to get a peek at hot women with short skirts.

NBC coverage sucks so I was streaming it live from CBC Canada but their streaming internet connection would go in and out and the quality was SD.
billw1032's Avatar
Too much focus on personal trivia. To much focus on Americans who,are t competitive, and not enough on the real stars of the sports.

Hell, I understand they missed the winner of an entire alpine skiing event and the fucked up the correction. Complete idiots.

https://screengrabber.deadspin.com/h...ron-1823104438 Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Amen! I don't care that much about the personal backstories. Maybe a little, but let's focus on the actual competition.

People probably aren’t watching because the coverage sucks. The broadcasts are nothing but a chopped up glorified highlight show. The coverage never stays on any one event fir very long unless it’s the damned figure skating. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Hey! I enjoy the figure skating. Probably because about eight winter olympics ago I saw a segment in which Scott Hamilton explained some of the basics and, especially, the differences in the various jumps. That helped me understand it more, but I still think the judging is biased. They've tried to improve it, and it's not as bad as it used to be, but still biased. I still remember 1992. Paul Wylie was absolutely robbed of the gold medal. He was a medical student who was a part-time skater and he skated the program of his life, but he got the silver losing out to the Russian Viktor Petrenko. In those days the judging was highly biased toward the Russians, and Petrenko was good but not better (IMHO). OK, end of rant. Anyway, it's better now but not perfect. It was kinda cool to see Mirai Nagasu land a triple axel, though.