I do have a question for the gals regarding use of makeup. In my experience with women (mostly non-providers), I have found that many prefer no makeup because they really dont know how to use makeup effectively. They then claim in a defensive way that the "natural" look is best for them when in fact, that is rarely the case. As I said, every woman can look "better" or "more interesting" or "whatever effect she desires" with some expertly applied makeup. Gals, do you feel that the "natural" look, while it has its place" is often used by women because they are not adept at the use of makeup? I see some of the gals here admit their expertise and training in using makeup and therefore enjoy using it.
Originally Posted by whitechocolate
This is a great question. I wear minimal make up now (eyeshadow, eye liner, blush, some stuff under my eyes) but only because when I started providing my agency took me to go get make up lol. I only ever wore black eyeliner and red lipstick even when I stripping.
Part of that is because I was raised by a hyper-feminist and was always taught that make up was bad. And to be honest, was made to feel a little bad when I expressed a desire for the trappings of traditional femininity.
It is DEFINITELY a skill. Even now, I do my eyes exactly like the girl at the MAC store did them because I have no idea how to change it up without looking silly. When I left the store after my makeover I was even a little embarrassed because I was terrified that I looked like a fraud.
It sounds silly, but make up is serious business lol. And the make up that you wear or don't wear will create a huge impression on people. For years, people assumed I was a hippie because I didn't wear any lol.