Are Stretch Marks Sexy? many here I do not agree with....

A 5lb baby is not healthy, a woman caring more about how she looks then her childs health is not sexy at all IMO

Cocoa butter, yeah I tried it... two 9lb+ babies, it just didn't help much! But I also watched my diet and made sure I ate very healthy, took my prenatal pills, and I used an exercise bike everyday. I still gained 50+lbs.

I am healthy, I gave birth to two healthy babies. I'm proud of my stretch marks. Apparently they do not make me ugly, I am doing very well.
Scars tell stories, my C-section scar tells ya I had a C-section. The odd thing about it, is it's barely visible unless you take a flash light and really point it out. i once had a tatoo artist ask to see the scar (he said he was fascinated by scars and skin) and he was just amazed. He pointed and said: a person came out of that?? You should send your doctor some roses for being so respectful to your skin. Most obstetric doctors are butchers!
Abe Normal's Avatar
Being old, fat, and ugly, I can't complain about what nature might do to a woman's body.

Besides, it's not her stretch marks I'm gonna be humping !
rachet3375's Avatar
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one. ~
Chinese Proverb

WiLsOn's Avatar
Yes, ladies with stretch marks and settling breasts can be very very attractive!!!
Scars tell stories, my C-section scar tells ya I had a C-section. Originally Posted by incognito isis
I agree with that... I have scars all over from welding. I also have stretch marks from gaining and losing and gaining weight. The only ones I am self conscience about are the welding ones,but now they are fading. Lucky for me, I have no cellulite for being a big girl. I have been with some women that have that who were smaller than me and I could care less that they had it. Also been with some petite ladies that had c-sections.
Well i dont really have an opion on them. I have them and there a part of me that i would never change. I do not hide it in my photos like some try to do . I am open and honest with what my body looks like. I have had 6 children and my last was a set of twins yea i have them but it does not make me less sexy. As far as the guys i see they dont care about that because they know they are going to have a great time with me not my streach marks. They are there just as my c-section scare is there which you cant see very well unless u r just really looking for it.

I think its silly that a guy would base his decision on visiting a girl because she had streach marks , but i also think to each there own and if everybody liked the samething the world would be a boaring place.

See I have them and could care less about showing them they are part of me and i have 6 amazing little reasons why.

Being young and perfect is a heady experience. It's great to feel invincible and on top of the world and like nothing will ever hurt you or change you or affect you. That's part of being young.

We can't stay young forever. We grow and we change. Lots of people have stretch marks just from growing quickly, including men. It doesn't bother me when I see men who have stretch marks on their thighs, booties, shoulders, calves and hips. A lot of them have never even been overweight - their bodies just grew too fast for their skin to keep up with them. The same is true for women.

I had stretch marks as a kid from growth spurts. Then I got stretch marks from weight. Then I got more from having my little girl. I'm still a sexy, vibrant and beautiful woman. In fact, I believe all this experience, including the stretch marks, is part of the process of continuing to grow as a woman.

My sexuality has changed too. In fact, it's funny when I think about it, but I'm more sexy and confident about myself now, and more fully self expressed sexually, than I ever was when I was that exhuberent, invincible, and painfully naive teenager.

Maybe imperfections and life's lessons just make sex more fun. I know I'm more relaxed about it now than I ever was before.
I was a skinny underweight kid growing up. When I hit the age of 12/13 I guess I had a mini growth spirt (as most people do). My thights started to hurt and the next thing I know I had stretch marks on my thighs. So get this, at 12 or 13 and being underweight, I developed marks just from growing. You can get them in different ways not just giving birth.
elgato111's Avatar
Stretch marks are not really sexy in my mind. But if they are not too bad and the rest of the body is really smooth then I just ignore them and do the things I like to do.
Iam not trying to give you a tough time just letting you know. Besides what turns us on is in our minds, no one has a right to judge us for that. I personally can't say I find stretch marks, vericose veins or cellulite attractive on a women, others may. I must respect that and not pass judgement. For what causes me excitement, you as well as another may find repulsive. Attraction has no logic. With that said lets all just learn or be entertained by this forum. Originally Posted by acp5762
Agreed. Attraction has no logic. A good brain rules the day. But alas, the topic, no I do not find stretch marks sexy even if it my tummy. A tummy tuck would rock my world.
novacain's Avatar
Ok to the question: "Are stretch marks sexy?" No and I doubt anyone will really say they are. Both men and women have them, it's just something that happens. Here is the real question that should be asked: "Do stretch marks really make her less sexy?" I know my answer to this question but everyone has different ideas about it and are free to them.
I think its silly that a guy would base his decision on visiting a girl because she had streach marks

Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
LOL, I don't look for stretch marks as a screening criteria, but maybe TER should consider adding that to the physical appearance part.

But seriously, if a lady shows up and has them or doesn't, I still have a good time.

I would have a lot of fun with you Kaci.
... A 5lb baby is not healthy, a woman caring more about how she looks then her childs health is not sexy at all IMO ... Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
+1. Five pounds.... The thing speaks for itself.
Miss Snow is a beautiful women. I was surprised when she said she had 6 kids! I thought she was like 18.