How "Low" is "Low Volume"

budman33's Avatar
I'm gonna want to know a lot more about someone and where the money is going before I spend any on her...

I doubt many would disagree with that.

Unless of course there is a problematic need for all the cash being generated.... Originally Posted by Whispers

How do you broach the subject of asking a lady what she spends her money on before you'll see her? Even as a regular I am not sure I would consider it any of my business and I would think she would likewise tell me so at best or not see me at worst. That's kind of a 'regular client ' question, IMO.. and even then...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
How do you broach the subject of asking a lady what she spends her money on before you'll see her? Even as a regular I am not sure I would consider it any of my business and I would think she would likewise tell me so at best or not see me at worst. That's kind of a 'regular client ' question, IMO.. and even then... Originally Posted by budman33

Indeed. Bit of a rude inquiry. Do I get to ask a guy where he spends his money? How much he spends on the wife as opposed to providers? Where does most of ANY person's earning go? Food, clothing, shelter, utilities, transportation, health care, and in my case, chihuahua vet bills.

Now, if you actually think a provider's money is going up her nose or into her arm, or just to an abusive pimp, then you may have cause for alarm, but that's just a few bad peanuts out of the whole gooey candy bar.
My first was "low volume."

I saw her at an Austin notel. She didn't let me in until a good half hour after the appointment was supposed to start. So I marked time all that time trying to look busy.

She had booked a room that had a door in the hallway on the front of the room, and a patio door.

I went in through the hallway door, and 25 minutes later was ushered out the patio door.

And I'm sure there was no one there just before me, or just after me...NOT.

I figured later (much later, this was my first, remember) that she scheduled her time with 15 minutes separating each appt., and she scheduled about one an hour.

Now this is low volume?
Whispers's Avatar
How do you broach the subject of asking a lady what she spends her money on before you'll see her? Originally Posted by budman33
Indeed. Bit of a rude inquiry. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Any experienced hobbyist has ways of researching a girl he develops an interest in.... Reading what you can about a girl... looking at who sees her and which other girls he sees right before or after her will sometimes point to a others she associates with..... I look at the circle of people I can identify around her and compare it to people I know and look for someone in common I have a relationship with already and simply ask them... "Hey... What can you tell me about SoNSo"?..... If a gal has reviews I ignore what is written and often go to the source for the story that is not always told.... Some guys doll up their review for the public and in a PM will tell you quite a few things that never get posted.... It is not all that hard if you network with others and build relationships within the community to learn things....

Some of you are natural gossips...... I can sit at a lunch table and make a simple comment like...." Hey.. That gal BroomHilda is sure taking the town by storm.. I think more people are standing in line outside her incall than were at WalMart on Black Friday"..... "and be met immediately with ...."Oh Yeah? Well let me tell you about little miss broom up her ass"..... which will be followed by a 30 minute recap of all the gossip in play about her....

Do I get to ask a guy where he spends his money? How much he spends on the wife as opposed to providers? Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
nope..... you don't get to ask....... But if you became aware that he was on a fixed income with a sick kid at home would you see him? Does your conscience ever kick in? That's what I am asking but in regards to guys spending money on ladies with serious issues....

Where does most of ANY person's earning go? Food, clothing, shelter, utilities, transportation, health care, and in my case, chihuahua vet bills.[/COLOR]. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels;2029091[COLOR=DarkGreen
Actually.... MOST people's expenses for those things are a bit less then MOST of their income.... A provider working 3 days a week and limitingherself to 2 clients per day should be making around $6000 a month... I pay for everything you list for the current gal in my life as well as the last long term mistress I kept and it was less than $2400 a month at the worst..... Then again... She had cats instead of a RatDog...

Now, if you actually think a provider's money is going up her nose or into her arm, or just to an abusive pimp, then you may have cause for alarm, but that's just a few bad peanuts out of the whole gooey candy bar. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I wasn't painting it as the norm.....
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ah, yes, I do have a conscience, and I have turned gentlemen away when I realized that they could not afford a Fancy hobby. And yes, there are ways to find out many things without actually querying the lady, which is why I always say we providers should be watchful of what we post, as it represents us far more than any ad. (I was being facetious about asking the guys about their money. Of course I don't and won't. That's personal.)

Darn, I wish I was making $6,000 a month every month, but this business is often feast or famine, as other ladies will attest to, so some of everything I make goes into savings for the lean times, and for Uncle Sam's cut. My 6 geriatric Ratdogs cost a lot, especially since I have a mortgage on their doghouse in the deep, dark, spooky woods as well as my apartment to keep up, oh, and I forgot to mention health insurance (me, not them), which is outrageous if you're not on a group plan, car payments, and then there's childcare for some ladies (no, not for them, their kids, although some providers ARE childish) and subsequent child upkeep, costs for long-term health conditions that require treatment (STD's NOT included), blah, blah, blah. If you could keep up all that and a wife and mistress on less than $2400 a month, I salute you! That's amazing; you must have been pinching pennies until they begged you to kill them. Your gals must not have been the typical high maintenance women.

I realize that you weren't painting the norm to be providers with problems, but that it was justification for wanting to know where a gal's money goes. You do need to know what affects YOUR safety. But what you think, what you hear, and what you know are all different things, and my point is that you can't factor in everything a provider's money might be paying for without knowing her precise circumstances, and she may be too private or prideful to share them, so how can you judge her for that? If I ever have problems paying the bills, nobody will ever know that, because that is personal.
budman33's Avatar
Any experienced hobbyist has ways of researching a girl he develops an interest in.... Reading what you can about a girl... looking at who sees her and which other girls he sees right before or after her will sometimes point to a others she associates with..... I look at the circle of people I can identify around her and compare it to people I know and look for someone in common I have a relationship with already and simply ask them... Originally Posted by Whispers
Every Hobbyist has his own taste in women and his own colored opinion upon the afterglow of coitus. And his own expectations that either were met or not met. I guess this is where I will agree to disagree. I don't feel the need or desire to research and analyze to extreme. I do that enough in my regular job. why? some people click, some people don't... its just human nature.
LOL....Interesting topic. Low volume helps a lady focus more on her favorites and is less stressful. Back to back.....omg! That would draw attention to neighbors....
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Low volume = me/month
I voted 2-3 per week, max
Thats typically the max I see, and I consider myself low volume.
When I travel, I expect that within my 2days...
Typically nothing more, bc I like to enjoy the city, and not be couped up in a hotel room on my back/knees the entire time
HunterGrace's Avatar
I love making love and at one point I was high volume. High volume to me meant 12 sessions a week, sometimes divided into a "work four, take three days off" schedule." Now I'm low volume. Or by the examples given, REALLY low volume. Less than three a week or less than ten a month is my average. Do I make more or less money now? It depends on the week. Do I make the equivalent. That's been my experience. But, then again, it's all about perception. Some gals need more C@$^ to get sated. I just use the same suitors over and over and for longer periods of time. Yes, I said "use." Thank god supply and demand dictate that I get tributed or I would be one broke little girl.
Guys who looking for low volume providers will focus on those with only 1 or 2 good reviews. Reviews are only good up to a point. When a bunch of reviews appear, especially long drawn out explicit stuff, it will discourage those looking for what they think is a low volume or maybe UTR girl.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Guys who looking for low volume providers will focus on those with only 1 or 2 good reviews. Reviews are only good up to a point. When a bunch of reviews appear, especially long drawn out explicit stuff, it will discourage those looking for what they think is a low volume or maybe UTR girl. Originally Posted by Seeker

That's one reason many providers I know have a "no review policy." Kind of embarrassing to have every little detail of the tail, plus a few "enhancements," broadcast to the world. Reviews are necessary for the whole consumer reports aspect of the hobby, but it doesn't accurately reflect how many gentlemen a lady has or has not seen, and since they are perceptual, just a couple of good reviews don't represent much of a base to judge consistency.

The true definition of low volume provider: wife. (Also the more expensive/less filling option.)
Whispers's Avatar
The true definition of low volume provider: wife. (Also the more expensive/less filling option.) Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Definitely more expensive and less filling......

But low volume?

Maybe a lot closer to NO volume......

I know a lot of married guys that would be HAPPY and MONOGAMOUS if they were getting it from the wife 2-3 times a week...... which seems to be where this definition is heading.....
nuglet's Avatar

" Kind of embarrassing to have every little detail of the tail, ....
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I like it.. I assume a Freudian slip? or did you mean TALE? Just pickin' on you Luv.
To me, no more than 1 a day and only 2-3 per week.