What are the odds that they knew where Foley was before he was murdered.

Unfortunately, it's neither laughable or a comedy.

Obaminable is a Joke, though, but not to Foley. He can now claim ..

"I killed OBL and FOLEY." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Al Qaeda beheaded and otherwise executed a number of Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq while Bush was president.

Did Bush kill them the way Obama killed Foley?
Did you miss the point again EVA? That a TV president is so much better than Obama (and it isn't funny). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Did you miss the point Judy? I'ts a TV show.
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  • 08-21-2014, 05:21 PM
Al Qaeda beheaded and otherwise executed a number of Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq while Bush was president.

Did Bush kill them the way Obama killed Foley? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Don't ask LLiar a logical question , you'll have him looking for his own head before long!
I wold have swapped your dumb ass for him in a heartbeat. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You wold?
You wold? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did you miss the point Judy? I'ts a TV show. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
EVA! A living example of why a brain is a sad thing to waste.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I have fucking grown tired of this shit if the radical muslim's of the world want a war lets fucking give them one and destroy them once and for all, if they want to come to the us to fight let them cross the the river the cowboys are not going to do shit this year so lets have some fun
Was this the same intelligence community that said there were WMD's in Iraq.
I thought Obama would have at least fixed that problem. Originally Posted by boardman
Other than killing OBL and getting Eva's clunker off the road, name me a problem that Obama has fixed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think we need your man Rick to send in the National Guard, turdfly!
Apparently a deal couldn't be met on who to release from Gitmo.

Yssup Rider's Avatar

what is it going to be?

Negotiate with (pay) terrorists or not?
EVA! A living example of why a brain is a sad thing to waste. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Watch your TV show Judy, and pretend it is real life. Be sure and watch the Simpsons like the rest of your ilk. It is real also dipshit. Your students are fucked.
Other than killing OBL and getting Eva's clunker off the road, name me a problem that Obama has fixed. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He took a shit so you will have a pile to buzz around turd fly
LexusLover's Avatar
Al Qaeda beheaded and otherwise executed a number of Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq while Bush was president.

Did Bush kill them the way Obama killed Foley? Originally Posted by ExNYer
#1: Foley was kidnapped in Syria.
#2: Foley was in "captivity" for about a year and a half .... 18 months!!!
#3: For MONTHS this administration talked about making strikes and removal of WMD's in Syria while "playing nice" with Putin, who "took care of it" for this administration (all of which required real-time intelligence IF TRUE); AND
#4: IF TRUE there was an attempt SO ADMITTEDLY at least the U.S. had the personnel and the technology to make it happen (which was also demonstrated with the OBL killing for which this duffus took credit BTW).
#5: All wars have had atrocities within the zone involved. Not relevant.

Daniel Pearl comes to mind:

He was taken in Pakistan and killed within a month.

Jimmy Carter's failed "rescue attempt" also comes to mind.

Then the Entebbe Raid comes to mind.

You can say the same every time a U.S. citizen gets on a plane to leave this country ... and NOW WE KNOW ... it can even happen on a domestic flight.

Here's the real "point" with Syria:


As for comparison with Bush, how is that a "defense" for Obaminable.

So, if Bush "allowed" people's heads to be sawed off, it's "OK" for YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE NOW?

I rarely ask for links, but where is this list beheadings of U.S. citizens in Afghanistan and Iraq during the Bush II administration?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is a list but one name in particular I remember; Nick Berg. Now if they want to continue, Nick Berg and the others were killed in a war zone. Foley was killed in a what? Obama has not defined our situation yet. Is it a war or not? Plus, even though Obama's top general said that the border between Syria and Iraq has ceased to exist in the ISIS area Obama is still treating it like a real border (unlike the Texas/Mexico border). We should be hitting ISIS in Syria where most of their equipment (formerly ours and the USSRs) is sitting out.