How long should it take to respond to an appointment request?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
It should take between 2.5 to 600 min
Still Looking's Avatar
And how many houses have you lost???
Ah... Two! (Too Dam Many!) Mearly Sticks and Stones, but a divorce attorney can REALLY hurt you!

Is this your offer to lose a house to me? Because if you want, you can just hand over the deed and we'll have ourselves a little love shack for a few years every time I'm in town Originally Posted by SugarBeth
It would seem this is where we start negotiating?!
Still Looking's Avatar
The OP's stated issue is that his "PM's" are not getting responses. There could be several reasons for this. Not everyone is wrapped up in this board and may generally ignore it, especially the PM function Some people don't want to transact business on a "public" website using PM's. Who knows the reasons why the PM's are ignored?

I believe this was the issue at hand? OK, you don't know either!

But a clear thinking person might try a different approach and not get their panties in a bunch. How about using the contact function on an escort's website? Maybe try P411 if that is an option? Some ladies have electronic mail capabilities. Or you could pick up the phone. If none of these alternatives work then you are either dealing with slacker escort communities or someone has a PR problem. We don't want to dwell on that thought.

I said 25 PM'S. I was wrong it was 27! None of them have phone numbers. One had a web site with no phone number. I appreciate you pointing out the obvious.

Maybe the HTC (Hooker Trade Commission) will adopt response time regulations, but until that happens the proper response time is however long you accept before you say" fugetaboutit" and move on. Promptness is wonderful but patience is its own reward.

Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
We don't have a Hooker Trade Commission here in Texas, must be an East Coast exclusive! Although I did file a complaint with H.E.L.P: Hobbyists Eliminating Lousy Providers and I classified these providers as a B.I.T.C.H.: Better Exclude This Chick Here!

awl4knot's Avatar
0ops, missed the part about no phone numbers, but there is no need to get snippy.

You disguised your rant as an "etiquette" question that has no firm answer and to which you really didn't want an answer. You just wanted to B.I.T.C.H. that you were being ignored by a large number of providers. That's your problem, not the board's. Management won't scold the ladies for not responding to your PM's.

Maybe the right answer to your question, at least in Texas, is when Hell freezes over.

[QUOTE=Still Looking;1444186]When sending a PM to schedule an appointment with a provider, how long should you expect before you hear back from them?

Generally, it depends upon how busy (or not busy) a lady may be. I know, it's a horrible answer, lol. I suppose this would be a good aspect for agencies. Even if the lady is unavailable for whatever reasons, you can at least get a quick response from management about it. Here are ways you might get a better response. Not sure what you are doing but hey even if you are doing all these things maybe others will benefit.

For me it depends on how much info they send me on the pm if I have not seen them before If it is Hey lets FK or I am a member of xxxxxx board. Guys I don't care if you are the pope if you do not give me the proper info I am not going to spend all day pulling teeth to get the info from you. Just like you want us to be professional your request should be as well. I do respond as soon as I am able to. Now if I am out of town or busy it will not be immediately or it may not even be that day. It all depends I mean I may be on a family outing and will not put anyone before things like that.

So.... there are many things to consider about this subject. I do agree there are alot of ladies that are just not getting it. In my case these are things I do.

ps. Ms Julie loving the avatar babe. You are soooooooooo hawt !
Mature Companion's Avatar
There's simply no need what so ever to insult anyone nor to refer to any of us ladies as a bitch. Period!! Regardless if you don't like the feedback they gave you, to the questions you put forth.
It's rather funny that your kissing up to ladies who'll agree with you. And you insult the ones that don't.

I would think the only ones that might be insulted are the ones my comments apply to!
I took an opportunity to thoroughly review your web site! All my questions have been answered except one. Did you ever do construction inspections in Florida? Originally Posted by Still Looking

Wicked I like most of your posts but on this one I think you are alienating a few guys with it. As the ones that shell out hundreds of dollars we at least like to think we are somewhat important. To say hey it's my life and I will do what I want is like saying I will take your hundreds of dollars if it suits me. I don't doubt that you do well and are selective in your sessions but to say it the way you did in my opinion just is not good. I hope I'm wrong but being considerate of time in your return emails is all we ask Originally Posted by burkalini

I GET IT, trust me. I get it 100%. I know all to well what this hobby life entails and the importance of communication. As I am one who corresponds with those who contact me, in a rather quick and timely fashion. I have the means & respect to do so.

However, my original comments do apply to many gals. It's the reality of the *business* for them. Some will respond when they feel like it and some won't respond at all. Again, it's reality in this hobby.
For the men who do get ladies to respond back quickly or within a reasonable time frame. That's awesome. Because some men somewhere, are still twiddling their thumbs wondering why she's not replying. Days into weeks.
And it simply could be that those particular gals don't care. They'll respond when they want to and when the $ is needed. It's reality in this adult lifestyle.
Idina's Avatar
  • Idina
  • 07-06-2011, 12:41 PM
Okay, I have to chime in on this one. I'm one of those who doesn't respond right of way. It's most definitely not because I don't want to visit with the person inquiring, by all means. How could I make that call, considering I have never met them. My lack of response could be due to various reasons: 1. The inquiry didn't include screening info as clearly requested on website. 2. My 'real life' job has me overloaded. 3. The inquiry was way to crude or suggestive in nature
^good answer!
burkalini's Avatar
^good answer! Originally Posted by SugarBeth
I'm sorry but I just don't care for providers that use threads to put their schedule in. It looks like an ad rather than a comment. Just an opinion
Another thing is guys if you don't check your spam box you might want to. I know I have responded within minutes and the guy swears I never did respond to him. Come to find out it went to his spam box. Just saying....
Still Looking's Avatar
There's simply no need what so ever to insult anyone nor to refer to any of us ladies as a bitch. Period!! Regardless if you don't like the feedback they gave you, to the questions you put forth.
It's rather funny that your kissing up to ladies who'll agree with you. And you insult the ones that don't. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
So now I'm a bad guy because I'm nice to providers that agree you should treat people with respect? I have singled out no one! I wouldn't know you if you bit me on the ass! You just happen to think not responding to PM'S is acceptable behavior. I don't. But you are entitled to your opinion as am I! I'm not telling any one how to conduct themselves or run your business, most certainly not you! I am merely voicing my opinion. And if you’re insulted, I guess you’re just going to have to get over it!

Oh, I also think if you’re from San Antonio you should state San Antonio. I think it is stupid (Not Cute) saying USA! Am I calling you stupid… NO WAY! I just happen to think its “STUPID!” Your entitled to do that, but don’t expect everyone to like it!

I’ll let you get the last word in and we’ll just leave it at that! Enjoy!

For the record, if some one PM’S you, emails you, calls you wanting to do business and you don’t respond or don’t respond in a timely manner, you’re not a jerk! You’re just a shity business person. Expect the same in return. You reap what you sow!

Mature Companion's Avatar
No, what I stated was you were insulting because you didn't like the honest feedback you were given, to the questions you put forth.
You were insulting because you didn't like what you read on my website.
You were insulting period! And a kiss ass to those who's comments you liked.

Yet you state I'm entitled to my opinion (regarding the ?'s you put forth to the community) and you didn't like my opinion so you choose to insult time & again. So much for your *your entitled to your opinion*.

And you state your not telling folks how they ought to do things.
But you sure are telling me what you think I ought to do and because I choose to do things my way. You state It's stupid.

Don't put forth questions if you can't handle the replies that are given.
And stop insulting someone just because they do or say something that doesn't appease you.

I'm done where your concerned. You've proven that to me that your not a respectful man.

Your * a shitty business person. You reap what you sow* comment must be meant for those ladies whom haven't replied to you. I'm sure they appreciate you calling them that.

So now I'm a bad guy because I'm nice to providers that agree you should treat people with respect? I have singled out no one! I wouldn't know you if you bit me on the ass! You just happen to think not responding to PM'S is acceptable behavior. I don't. But you are entitled to your opinion as am I! I'm not telling any one how to conduct themselves or run your business, most certainly not you! I am merely voicing my opinion. And if you’re insulted, I guess you’re just going to have to get over it!

Oh, I also think if you’re from San Antonio you should state San Antonio. I think it is stupid (Not Cute) saying USA! Am I calling you stupid… NO WAY! I just happen to think its “STUPID!” Your entitled to do that, but don’t expect everyone to like it!

I’ll let you get the last word in and we’ll just leave it at that! Enjoy!

For the record, if some one PM’S you, emails you, calls you wanting to do business and you don’t respond or don’t respond in a timely manner, you’re not a jerk! You’re just a shity business person. Expect the same in return. You reap what you sow!
Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar
I just received a PM from a San Antonio provider who asked me to correspond via email. She claimed she doesn't us this site very often.

Another PM from a provider stated that many providers like most of us travel and do fun stuff in the summer which might account for longer than normal response times!

Another provider stated she like many providers advertises in many venues. Those providers tend to check where they get the most results more often.

A fellow hobbyist, stated if your PM'ING HOT providers they get booked up. It’s unusual to have delays in responses because they can't accommodate regardless!

Oh, and I got two more "MOVE ON'S"

Thanks for your constructive input guys.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Sometimes the best-intentions are rerouted to spamazoa, and I admit that I only check the trash every 3 or 4 days. My bad, but it just takes so long to frustratingly weed through the "Mr. Mambuta in Nigeria regarding the bank transaction" or "Viagra will make you a new man!" messages, and don't forget that I have to respond to winning $100,000 in the Siberian Husky National Lottery and just send them my name and SS#.

Seriously, some messages do get lost, phone calls garbled, so please try more than once, gentlemen. Also, if the lady has a webpage, PLEASE check her calender. I update my appointment schedule daily, but most gentlemen do not look at it before contacting me, and if I can't respond within a couple of hours, that doesn't make me rude, just occupied. (Which is why I usually ask for 24 hours notice.) Some of us find ourselves traveling to Outer Mongolia frequently and can't always access/return messages for periods of time via phone or computer, and then there's those cough-awk-blah-sick days in bed having NO fun and too miserable to drag ourselves to the screen. I usually put a notice on my voice mail and a vacation response on email if I'm going to be out-of-touch more than a couple of days, but those somehow get overlooked, too, and there isn't any way to note excused absences for pm's. And like the other ladies, a 10-words-or-less request to "call me and we'll hook up" or worse yet, "I want to f--- you, so how much?" gets NONE of my typing time. (Alas, I have received the latter from ECCIE members, especially now that we providers can no longer put our rates in ads.)

Of course, cobwebs on the keypad with no response, no explanation, or a subsequent apology isn't acceptable, but the same applies for you gentlemen, too. If I need more info or have a problem with your references, please politely cooperate and don't complain that I'm being difficult or nosy., and if I say absolutely yes, we can get together at your specified time, here's the directions, please be courteous and tell me if you've made other arrangements and not leave me hanging.