Not another BBFS thread... This one is different.

Sleepy363's Avatar
Lol, regardless STILL Asleep, would you want to have to live like that... day to day on medications to live? All I'm saying and then I'm done with responding to this thread, to do BB in your real life either casually or just in dating One on One without a significant other that you are EXTREMELY devoted to and loyal to... is stupid. And to do it while just playing around on here... is just out of this world ridiculously insane.

Russian roulette is not my favorite game to play while sitting around singing christmas carols during family events.

I'm done.
Amber Rain Originally Posted by Amber Rain
Of course not... no one would want to live life like that, but I was just correcting your false statement about him being sick as hell.
Some people like to ride motorcycles on the highway. Scares the shit out of me, but meanwhile I'll haul ass down one in a sportscar. And ten I know people who won't even get on the road. To each their own. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Hey Bizz, I like riding my Harley 80mph naked down I-35 with hot naked girl, her legs wrapped around my back hoppin' up and down on Junior. I make sure I hit ALL the bumps...but without a condom? Nahh...that wouldn't be SAFE, ha!

One day, ladies and germs, the appmt. will go like this:
The man arrives at the incall, hugs the Provider. He says,
"Baby, I feel like BB today! You?"
"Of course, love it!"
They both whip out their std kits and five minutes later, they're either set to go or...surprise!!

When this technology is available, I'm all in.
Randall Creed's Avatar

Would that test account for who you or she banged two days ago?

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I am just interested to learn that all mothers are tested regularly for HIV.

Would that test account for who you or she banged two days ago?

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Yes it would, instant verification. Gonna be tough for a scientist to figure this one out but hell, remember when we thought it would be cool to actually see the person you're talking to on your phone?
We need more Steve Jobs' out here.
Yes it would, instant verification. Gonna be tough for a scientist to figure this one out but hell, remember when we thought it would be cool to actually see the person you're talking to on your phone?
We need more Steve Jobs' out here. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Hey, Steve Jobs barebacked with the excuse that he was sterile, until a paternity test said otherwise.
Very risky ima leave that one
Lets look at something eles that i dont think has been brought up yet here.
The Incubation period for some of these STDs . There are things out there that dont pick up for a week or MORE after you are infected. So say you test Monday but the Wednesday before you have BB with a provider that Monday Test may not pick that up and still offer a false result when it should infact be postive. You can still transmit these STDs before they show in testing.

If you choose to wait for symtoms , well you may be shit out of luck becuase many time you never get them and if you do here is a little intell on how long it could take :

Chlamydia: Although many people never have any symptoms, when symptoms do appear it is usually one to three weeks after exposure to the bacteria. Even asymptomatic patients with chlamydia can have complications, however, so it is important to be regularly screened by your physician.

Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is frequently asymptomatic. When symptoms do appear they may show up as early as two days after exposure, or take as long as one month.

Syphilis: The chancre characteristic of the first stage of syphilis appears, on average, twenty one days after infection, but may appear any time between 10 to 90 days after exposure to the bacterium.

Chancroid: Symptoms of chancroid may appear any time from one day to several weeks after infection. Most people find that lesions appear within five to seven days.
Trichomoniasis: Although most men never have symptoms of trichomoniasis, in women symptoms usually appear between 5 to 28 days after exposure.

Scabies: If you have never had scabies before, it may take one to two months for symptoms to appear. However, if you have previously been infected, symptoms may show up after only a couple of days.

Genital Warts: Most people who are going to have symptomatic genital warts will experience their first outbreak within 3 months of initial infection.

Genital Herpes: Although most people never know they're infected, if symptoms are going to occur they usually show up within two weeks of exposure to the virus. Some people will also experience a fever and full-body viral symptoms around that time

HIV: In the majority of the infected population, HIV remains asymptomatic for years - although some infected people will get a fever and flu like symptoms around two weeks after exposure. However, as most people do not experience or recognize these symptoms, the only way to know if you have HIV is to be tested. It is important to know, however, that it may take up to six months after exposure to the HIV virus before you will test positive on an HIV antibody test, although most infected people will test positive within 3 months. A negative test, therefore, isn't a reliable indicator of your infection status if you were only exposed last week. Tests that look directly for HIV RNA, the virus' genetic material, can detect an infection earlier, but are harder to find.

Hepatitis B: Symptoms of hepatitis B usually show up between 4 to 6 weeks after infection. However, hepatitis B is completely preventable by vaccination.

Molloscum Contagiosum: Scientists are uncertain of the incubation period of molluscum contagiosum. Current estimates range from 2 weeks to 6 months.

HPV --Most people with HPV will never have any symptoms. Others will have one or more outbreaks of genital warts, experience pre-cancerous cervical changes, or even develop one or more HPV-related cancers. Because so many people who are infected will never have problems associated with the virus, doctors do not generally screen for HPV.

There is NO way that i would want to even think about taking any chances at all. There is just NO way to tell at all.

If thats what those ladies choose todo and feel is safe for themselves then thats them. I for one have a family and they deserve to have me around ! I will not be selfish to my family or my children.

Great post! Factual and very informative. This conversation definitely needs to be based on facts and not hysteria. Thanks!
Thanks BIZZ !

I was trying to use as many facts as possiable and not my personal feelings on the issue. I think this is something we all need to be aware of !
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have a practical question about showing the test results. In planned parenthood, you have to go to their office to get the results of a HIV test. The other they will mail you something if there is a problem or you can call in. They do not hand you a piece of paper. Maybe you have to ask for it?

Also, people lie about testing. I've seen it here with people who have written in on other similar topics. Also, I had clients tell me that they are tested once a year with regular exams. When I ask if he was sure of that, he said that he just had blood work.

Well, that's not being tested for STD's. That's not regular yearly testing like a CBC, SMAC, whatever.

When I've been tested lately, one time was when I was in the hospital this summer but what I had, which was a severe bacterial infection, it was important to test for everything but they didn't give me a sheet of paper for ANY of my blood work.

At kink kollege, where I had an HIV swab last month, they let you know in 20 minutes. They don't hand you anything. On the STD blood work that you have, they give you a set of numbers and you call in for your results in two weeks.

So who gets a piece of paper stating that you're negative? Am I'm just asking a dumb question, here? Maybe certain tests through different sources offer it.

Cheers to you, KACI. Very good info!!!

Some will want to still argue their idiotic views.

And some, I'm sure their gullible minds are boggled with the realness of how shit works with testing.

Some will be laughing at how stupid they have been to think that it's so much easier just to strap it up than to have to worry about the above listed incubation periods.

Some are just sitting back saying to themselves, "Oh my god! Do I need to be tested NOW?"

Some are sitting back thinking, "God what if it comes back positive? How will the wife take it? Will she leave me with nothing? How stupid was I to do it BB with someone other than my WIFE?

Thumbs up to Kaci! Very to the point. Well written. Well pointed out. Love good points that have to make some stop and think that even technology isn't fool proof.

I'll sit back with popcorn now and watch the ones that think they can outwit the statistics that you have brought up.


Thank you girl for that helpful and meaningful post. Very informative.
I totally agree with you on all points. Point blank if you're not married, don't play naked. Strap up. If you are married and still play.... STRAP up. If you are choose to play around on your wife... respect her life enough (if you dont respect your own) to strap it up ... and not KILL innocent people in your path of self destruction.

NOW I'm done... Again... just to good to pass up congratulating KACI on a great post.

  • T-Can
  • 11-08-2011, 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Amber Rain
All I'm saying and then I'm done with responding to this thread,

Amber, liars don't make friends
Hush cando... lmao.. mmmwuahhh... making me respond again.. ughhh.. hate you.. naaaa just joking.. love ya babe.. have a great day.. see you in chat so i can cuss you out... lmao...

play safe.
Elisabeth , I know at my personal OB/GYNS office I can request a copy of the test results but they are not usuale offered on paper.

I know that the planned parenthood group used to go to the local clubs here in Arlington and give FREE HIV test they came back a week later with a printout for each lady who had been tested and they also gave you a certificate for a $25 FULL STD screening and yealy exam.
It was an awsome thing while it lasted but due to funding they had to stop the program.

Also i am not 100% sure on this but i also think that any time you go into the ER and have blood work done or have Surgery that you are tested for HIV as the normal group of testing.