Dallas Rain banned???

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well this is difficult to say, but:

I would like to thank Scorpio for taking the time, a few times, to clarify various issues wherein some of the board stuff has modified last several weeks. Still, shame that DallasRain is the one being discussed. I do note that South of the Red River, folks were getting vacations frequently recently on same stuff.
I’ve been texting with her this afternoon.

She said I could share her hobby twitter! @dallasrain3
Sad day indeed. Believe it or not I like Dallas alot. She's actually pmed me several times being real sweet and she'd tell me to be nice. And I would, even if just for a little while.

Posting her offense is unprofessional and could come back to hurt her even if unintentional.
damn.scarlet's Avatar
Poor Dee...

This is the lamest thing I've heard since a certain "calcified-matter digger"* accused me and Amber Foxxz for outing him which never happened but bc he's a lowballin cheap scuzbucket ncns slobbyist he gets to do so on a review along with a few others even though they (all of them) gave me glowing reviews in the past year(woof-woof hound)* & even (that "idiot" over there)* (wtf)?...and i have no way to defend myself bc we cant comment on slander being made about us...and u guys think everything these butt hurt time waster guys write in reviews is true but I am sure im not alone when I say its quite the contrary. Especially when they are butt hurt babies and haggle u and want everything under the sun for very little and don't get their way...... or they say something about my weight when they weigh 500 pounds, Captain "Butters alter ego" and are so out of breath when they get to your door u think the you are having a heartattack and are mad u wont date them (i politely declined) ....or even better u see on twitter where they are a outspoken very dedicated republican and mouthy about it and also are commenting on trannys pages about different acts they want to do with them.....so gross right "pacaderm"-man200 who also is a huge 450 to 500 pound 🐽🐽piggie both who havent probably seen their little friend 8==)--- in 20 years.... Ironic.....? Very Amusing? Yes.🖕

No one thought to question that and the original said (calcified-matter digger)* slobbyist continues to call and try to set up fake appointments under burner numbers with us which is harassment.

I digress, this board is definitely not kind to its ladies. Maybe some should remember if it werent for us .....this would be a huge sausage fest [("pacaderm")man200* that might be right up your alley....].....bc I know we know we need quality guys (which most of you are except the few that ruin it for the rest of the class) here to make it work.

Dee doesnt need this site anyways ....especially if they are so quick to kick her off like that. Things happen.. a little research and we can all be found out its pretty easy these days. 🤷♀️

*names have been chgd slightly to not out these ridiculous hypocritical morons. Want to know who they are and who to avoid ....pm me ladies and... gentlemen if u would like.
AmberFoxxz's Avatar
xomissmiab's Avatar

I digress, this board is definitely not kind to its ladies. Maybe some should remember if it werent for us .....this would be a huge sausage fest [("pacaderm")man200* that might be right up your alley....].....bc I know we know we need quality guys (which most of you are except the few that ruin it for the rest of the class) here to make it work.

Dee doesnt need this site anyways ....especially if they are so quick to kick her off like that. Things happen.. a little research and we can all be found out its pretty easy these days. 🤷♀️

*names have been chgd slightly to not out these ridiculous hypocritical morons. Want to know who they are and who to avoid ....pm me ladies and... gentlemen if u would like. Originally Posted by damn.scarlet

I’m not here to hurt feelings or talk shit about any of these men but it would probably save their egos a lot of hurt if they decided to humble themselves or at least put up more realistic pics of what they actually look like (I know it’ll never happen) HAHAHAHAHAHA but its not like a client would get turned away for their looks right ?! 😏

Of course there are plenty of Wonderful Gentlemen on here who are Kind & Professional ON & OFF these boards and I adore you All 💋...

And yes, eccie is great in many many ways but maybe they are still working behind the scenes to make things a little friendlier for us 🤷🏽♀️ Lol who knows.... thankfully there are plenty of Provider Friendly forums for us Lovely Ladies to utilize
I have a freaking lady crush on Mia 😲(.)(.)💦🌮
yourdesire's Avatar
Who decided her ban length? I know myself and a few others who received a one month ban for unintentional outing. Her ban time seems a little long.

Anyways, I miss her already! Nobody else knows how to make members feel welcome and like they belong more than Dallas. I hope she comes back! Originally Posted by Gemma34
She has sure helped me & made me feel at home here. she said pass the word she's a survivor & will be fine
xomissmiab's Avatar
I have a freaking lady crush on Mia 😲(.)(.)💦🌮 Originally Posted by Gemma34
Lol don’t play Gemma! 👅 it goes down in the dm..
Never mind...
I'm lmao over here, thus shits toooooo funny, by the way I have the pm of a threat made, I'm saving it just saying
Lmao wow, that's all I can say, this shits too funny, don't worry most guys here know the truth, it's been private messaged to anyone who asks
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 08-26-2018, 06:54 AM
... post deleted, never mind
This thread is completely off topic and will return to the original subject IMMEDIATELY or thread hijack infractions will be assessed for posts with even a simple statement that is off topic.

A warning to Scarlet, Amber and Bonedigger: I highly recommend y'all take your differences off this board and resolve the probelms between the three of you. Don't bring those problems, insults, rudeness, etc., back here again.

Please DO NOT disregard my instructions!


#27 - Often times in online communities, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And back to topic,
As previously mentioned, Dallas plans to graciously wait out her time out, and plans to return.

In the meantime, her contact data:


She will be in KC later this week