Senator Josh Hawley Calls Nashville Shooting a Religious Hate Crime. (video)

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I want to hear from their Doctor(s) that was/were most likely prescribing a cock-tail of who knows what for who knows how long. What was in that milkshake, baking their noodle? What about any Psychologist(s) advising them? Let's call them all onto the carpet, under a bright light, use a rubber hose on them if need be, so we can see what was going on under the hood so we can maybe answer the age old question - Who killed Cock Robin?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Exactly who is calling to suppress a "manifesto" if there even is one? Originally Posted by reddog1951

the Nashville police say so. they labeled it a "manifesto" now why would they refer to a document in that way if it wasn't? who wants it suppressed? the DOJ/FBI who are involved in the investigation. the DOJ doesn't want a radical (white) mentally unstable trans thing saying nasty things about a christian school.

the FBI is beside itself because the Nashville police found the document, read it, and labeled it a manifesto because it is. and said so to the press.

now the FBI can only pressure the Nashville police not to release it. if the FBI had found it they would have destroyed it to hide the motive(s) because you can't call a "woke" trans thing a "white supremacist"
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
MSNBC Host’s Predictable Spin Move on the Nashville School Shooting

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell must know he’s full of it because this is the most tone-deaf pivot in recent memory. Granted, it is MSNBC, so being heinously shameless when it comes to defending the Democratic Party and attacking Republicans isn’t all that entirely out of the ordinary, either. As we’ve noted, it’s a network whose sole purpose is to keep liberal blood pressures low and their moral superiority complex intact. If ‘soma’ were a news network, it would be MSNBC. The recent school shooting in Nashville has the Left panicking because a transgender committed it. Audrey Hale, who identified using male pronouns, killed six people, including three children, in a planned attack on Covenant, a private Christian school, on March 27. Police killed Hale.

The Left’s pivot has been to ignore the suspect’s background, whereas there would have been a media frenzy if the shooter had been white. And the attack on the GOP is that they’re willing to arm mass shooters to the teeth and don’t care about the body count. O’Donnell’s outburst occurred during the April 5 broadcast of his show (via Newsbusters):

"…he [O’Donnell] doubled down and outrageously claimed Republicans are dedicated to ensuring "America's mass murderers are the very best-equipped mass murderers in the world." O'Donnell is no stranger to this kind of incendiary rhetoric. In fact, he's made almost identical claims last year after the tragic Robb Elementary School shooting. Prior to that, O'Donnell sneered how "Republican politicians do not care how large the body count gets."

After mocking South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham for being outraged at the political prosecution of Donald Trump by the George Soros-backed prosecutor Alvin Bragg, O'Donnell claimed that Graham shows emotion for Trump but not for children being killed. He then took it a step further and painted the entire Republican Party as being unmoved by children dying: "Professional Republicans absolutely do not cry for dead American children when they are murdered by AR-15s," O'Donnell falsely claimed without any evidence at all.

He then tripled down on his vile smears by outrageously claiming what Senator Lindsey Graham has "in common with every other elected Republican in Washington is the absolute determination to make sure that every mass murderer who walks into an American school will be able to legally purchase an AR-15 to bring into that school with them."
Ending his evil rant, O'Donnell claimed once again that "elected Republicans are dedicated to making sure that America's mass murderers are the very best-equipped mass murderers in the world."

Elon Musk slapped the ‘state-affiliated media’ marker on National Public Radio’s Twitter account, which sent the Left into a tailspin. There is nothing inaccurate about the labeling. I think MSNBC should get the same treatment because, for all the whining about fake news, O’Donnell cooked a fresh batch of it. Republicans do cry for the dead; we don’t think constitutional rights should be crushed to satisfy the authoritarian bloodlust that courses through the veins of progressives. Not every tragedy requires federal action; in some cases—it’s unconstitutional. O’Donnell’s ‘GOP wants to arm mass shooters without care of the death toll’ is facially untrue and oozes desperation from a political movement that hasn’t been able to move the needle an iota when it comes to the Second Amendment.

Second, the Left doesn’t care about the rising death toll from the fentanyl crisis that’s born from the ongoing troubles at the border, which Democrats won’t secure because they want hordes of illegals in America to change the composition of the electorate. And they will accept dead Americans as collateral damage to accomplish that goal. A permanent political majority is worth the bodies in the minds of Democrats. That’s why they don’t care about all these illegals raping, killing, and engaging in human and drug trafficking along the border. They want the vote. So, Larry, simmer down, take a Paxil, and be mindful of chucking rocks in your glass house.

You’ve got nothing here, and because the shooter was transgender, all your friends have run away from the school shooting for obvious political reasons: reporting on it is transphobic; that’s how sick you all have become when it comes to these issues.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Biden Jokes in Response to Christians Being Slaughtered

Speaking to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Tuesday afternoon, President Joe Biden was asked about Republican Senator Josh Hawley's demands the Department of Justice open a hate crime investigation into the slaughter of six Christians at Covenant Church in Nashville Monday.

Biden responded with a joke.

During an event at the White House in the immediate aftermath of the massacre, Biden responded in bizarre fashion with comments about ice cream.

On Tuesday afternoon, Hawley wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkis asking for a full investigation and ample resources to get to the bottom of the attack. Local police have a manifesto from the killer, who was trans, but have not released it.


BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid