Austin is kind of lame

nuglet's Avatar
It’s always amusing when FP uses one of her mandles to defend herself. Originally Posted by zerodark13
You obviously don't know me.. no biggie, but don't make yourself look stupid.
Smpslt7's Avatar
Lame is in the eye of the beholder. I love Austin!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-13-2017, 03:49 PM
A product's value is determined by what consumers are willing or not willing to pay for it. A buyer's value is determined by his willingness or unwillingness to be manipulated by the seller.
.. Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
I agree completely with this part of your comment. But not necessarily with your conclusion.

This continues to be as close to a free market business as I know of. I also spend the majority of my year traveling--up to 240 days a year or so. I have an extensive set of guy and ladies I write back and forth with with e-mails, and many have little to no board presence here or elsewhere. It isn't hard to detect the different mood of some cities.

Whether it is what Austin residents want to hear or not, the reputation of Austin clients has gone down hill significantly over the years. You see it as knowledgeable, wise customers. A lot of the ladies see it as not a profitable place to visit because it doesn't pay the bills after expenses.

So if a guy is happy with the options you have, then I suppose you are correct--those that don't come are just pricing themselves too high. But if--as the OP said--a guy is not happy with the options, then the conclusion is Austin guys are cheap bargain hunters who complain too much. As usual, truth is probably more complex than either of those extremes.

But yes, a general belief among many ladies is Austin is not worth the trouble. And many of them seem to do reasonably well in other cities that do see them as worth their asking price.
I agree completely with this part of your comment. But not necessarily with your conclusion.

This continues to be as close to a free market business as I know of. I also spend the majority of my year traveling--up to 240 days a year or so. I have an extensive set of guy and ladies I write back and forth with with e-mails, and many have little to no board presence here or elsewhere. It isn't hard to detect the different mood of some cities.

Whether it is what Austin residents want to hear or not, the reputation of Austin clients has gone down hill significantly over the years. You see it as knowledgeable, wise customers. A lot of the ladies see it as not a profitable place to visit because it doesn't pay the bills after expenses.

So if a guy is happy with the options you have, then I suppose you are correct--those that don't come are just pricing themselves too high. But if--as the OP said--a guy is not happy with the options, then the conclusion is Austin guys are cheap bargain hunters who complain too much. As usual, truth is probably more complex than either of those extremes.

But yes, a general belief among many ladies is Austin is not worth the trouble. And many of them seem to do reasonably well in other cities that do see them as worth their asking price.
Originally Posted by Old-T

I fully respect that but I believe either the seller is training the buyer or it's the other way around.
$300/hr was unheard of with only a few exceptions a very short time ago. Now buyers are paying $100 more for the exact same pussy that's grown a year older and more used.
Even the undesirable providers are demanding $300/hr WTF?

The quality of the actual pussy itself didn't improve one bit over time however providers realized that if guys are stupid enough to pay $100 more for no reason then it's time to set a new low bar.
As a result we have these $500/hr providers who were asking $300 a year ago and it won't slow down because guys are extremely trainable when it comes to a piece of ass.

I have noticed a few smart drama free mongers recently who show providers lots of board respect but also know their own worth. These guys are steadily writing $100/Hhr or $200'Hr reviews of young fit beautiful ladies.
Perhaps these particular ladies are smart enough to realize where the real money to be made is.


I have noticed a few smart drama free mongers recently who show providers lots of board respect but also know their own worth. These guys are steadily writing $100/Hhr or $200'Hr reviews of young fit beautiful ladies.
Perhaps these particular ladies are smart enough to realize where the real money to be made is.

.. Originally Posted by Lightesttouch

If you're referring to me it's quite basic actually. I'm here to get laid. When those I'm interested in initiate by PMing me a special offer I jump on it.
Next I try to book multiple sessions and book quite often.

I respect what ever a lady's normal rates is. I really don't care if it's $300 or $500 or $800.
I only focus on what I need to pay in order to book often but I Never finagle or negotiate a lady down because to me that would be insulting.

If she's really interested in me as a client she'll initiate with a special offer I am comfortable with. If not I'll respect and admire her all the same but I'll simply book the next offer instead.

No mess no fuss and no pissed off ladies is exactly how I like it.

OK back to provider showcases I go. Have a great weekend everyone.
I hope you guys get all the poonie you can afford and all you ladies get swamped with offers at $500/hr.


You obviously don't know me.. no biggie, but don't make yourself look stupid. Originally Posted by nuglet
You certainly do seem like an expert on stupid.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well zerodark does seem to be an appropriate name for yourself as you seem to be in the dark about a few facts and zero other information to base your opinion on. Would you like to explain what happened on that day? Would you like to explain my apologies? Furthermore would you like to explain why I haven't posted any type of ad or even a post since that day?

You know,shit happens. I at least can admit to when I might have made a mistake. I can also do one thing that most can't or won't do and is to apologise for that mistake. Many know me and understand that there are some issues going and I am unable to respond. Basically, I'm really hard to get a hold of because 90% of the time there is NO WAY to get a hold of me. I value my clients privacy as well as my own. That's part of the business. Trust me I haven't enjoyed going hungry due the shit show that has been going on.

So, ZERODARK please why don't you explain the what happened in the first part of that day. Let me tell you that the second part of that day was a 100% more fucked up.

*Side note* what is the deal with people thinking that I have a "mandle". In NO way have I EVER wanted to even pretend to be a man. Thanks,but truly I enjoy being a woman. Second, I don't want to know what goes on in the men's locker room. That type of"chest beating" shenanigans just isn't of interest to me. If there is something I would like to know, I simply ask. The person I am asking has to make the choice of wether or not to tell me, and if does or doesn't cross the info lines. In fact, most will tell you that I'm a real stickler on that subject and some have to really talk a lot to convince me to hear what they want to say. So, again, I LOVE MY T&A THAT GOES WITH BEING A WOMAN. Men, I enjoy how different you are from me in most everyway.(not in all things through,hit the bull's-eye please, if you have ever been in my bathroom )
Is there a doctor in the building?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
You know, I love my hobby playing,and I REALLY miss it, but I honestly didn't miss the court jesters. I find it interesting that one court jester says he started being on here because of friend whose life didn't go so well due to trolls. Why has the jester become the very thing that hurt this person's friend so deeply? That is one type of reverse psychology I would need to see a doctor for sure, yuk!
I honestly worry about you. I hope you find the help you need for you and your family's sake.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Now that's interesting, please tell me why you impart that kind of advice?

You see from my view point, I have been explaining what the situation has been like. Been honest about my fuck up, I haven't been saying I'm a victim, haven't been bringing what's been going on to the boards, stated how I feel about"mandles", and have simply asked why would a person be such a thing when its not all that funny to others. So all that seems like an adult to me. What seems childish to me is, the old fall back line "hope you seek some help" and nothing else to back it up with.
Because of the madness you are showing here. I think a lot of what has been happening to you is all in your mind.

It wasn't really advise just a statement, an honest statement.

Good luck
FirePhoenix's Avatar
So, I just got back around to looking at the gossip section of eccie Austin, and looky here same old response that actually doesn't make any sense to the topic at hand or what I wrote in my response. How about putting a response that actually makes sense,has to deal with the subject content,and shows that you read and comprehend what was talked about. Sorry,but generic overused replies are so worn out. Also why are you here? If you don't hobby then you are a NOT contributing factor to the community. In most community's that if a person is "dead weight" and is annyoing or hurting REAL people of the contributing community then the "dead weight" person either gets locked out or exiled from that community. So far I see, you are both as, an annoying and a hurtful person to this community and you are nothing more than "dead weight" here. Just because we have the freedom to post where we want to here doesn't mean that a person should. It also means that the community has to police themselves more so such vagrants can't make such a newunce to REAL contributing members of the community.
I would need to see a doctor for sure, yuk! Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
After your reaction in the STD thread, one would certainly wonder?
Got those results yet?

Why did you delete your receipt pic?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Even knowing that it's completely off the subject of the thread I will respond to another vagrant personality to the community.

I am happy to report that I have been to the "kind clinic". I have to redo my portal login hopefully the right person will respond to my ISO, and I am now on that preventive AIDS/HIV medicine. Hip,hip, hooray for me!!! See people, I am the person that can back up what I put on the keyboard. KR & RR are fine examples of talk,harass, and all around troll bullies that in reality CAN'T back up thier nasty lieing bullshit they post.

Mic drop!