The Newtown 911 tapes were released...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you have a "super hero" costume ? Or just jump into a phone booth before you engage all these bad guys? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I like to think that I'm not as cowardly as you. No costume needed.
LMFAO right ...
So you make my point. The police have finally started changing their tactics. When does a school shooting stop? When someone with a gun shows up and engages the shooter. The quicker that person shows up, the quicker the shooting stops and the more lives are saved. So what is quicker than having someone already there? Common sense!

As for people shooting first and asking questions later....most of the time when someone gets shot it is in someone's home and not on the street. So your attack on concealed carry is misdirected. I can also point out the increasing number of POLICE shootings where they go after the wrong target.

If you've been trained in fire fighting or self defense you go towards the danger. You pussies can run but you can't hide. If a gunman comes for you in your office that desk isn't going to do you any good at all. The best defense is a good offense. I have already confronted two armed individuals in my life and two other aggressive, unarmed, individuals including a group of six (I know, FuckZups ideal fantasy). No one dead, no one shot. Each situation was calmed by the controlled presence of a firearm and the demonstrated will to use it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn


Did you advance on those threats and whack them with your mop handle to "calm the situation?" Fucking dunce.
Here ya go dunce boy. I could find dozens of illustrations but since this one is from the NRA and addressed towards women, I thought it most appropriate for you.

Maintaining distance from a threat is a basic tenet in firearms self-defense. The fact that you are unaware of that illustrates that you've had no serious training in the area. I guess the janitor's salary doesn't allow.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I have already confronted two armed individuals in my life and two other aggressive, unarmed, individuals including a group of six (I know, FuckZups ideal fantasy). No one dead, no one shot. Each situation was calmed by the controlled presence of a firearm and the demonstrated will to use it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Interesting. Between my wife and I, we have visited over half the countries in the world, every state in the U.S. including most major cities, and have never needed a gun for protection.

Yet JD, who probably has the most firepower in his home than anyone else on this forum, or close to it, has had 4 instances where he found it necessary to at least show his firearm. Coincidence? I doubt it.
Don't smoke in the boy's room or JD will broom you and break up the threat,
JD, still no answer for who are these so called "Elites". I expected better from you. You seem to always have answers. So far you have not changed my mind that your a DUMB ASS. Seem like it should be a simple question for the original poster to answer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's a dumbass to be sure, but he's also a notorious coward.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

I have been busy with finals. Next week everything changes but it looks like the state attorney general, a first select woman, and a city attorney didn't want the tapes released. I think they deserve the title of elites. They said it was necessary to protect the witnesses....from what I don't know since the gunman is dead.

As for my experiences....if I wanted to make something up I could portray myself single handedly holding off a biker gang but the truth is more instructive. If I ran away from the trouble then in one case I would leave a young woman to get beaten worse on the streets of Chalmet, LA instead of running off her attacker. I also stopped a car jacking while in New own. Its good to have a .45 handy when you need it. As you can tell I don't sleep much at night. One night I went for a walk near my apartment in New London, CT. Only a block away I was approached by six young men (punks for short) who moved in a semi circle around me. I slipped a pistol from my pocket and jacked a round in the chamber (I had a CCW in both CT, LA, VA, FL, and now KS). They looked at each other, turned, and got back into their car. I could give you a couple more examples but it might compromise my identity and there are some untrustworthy bastards around here.
Zim would be appalled you didn't shoot anyone. I could hear ZZ Top playing Nationwide.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

As for my experiences....if I wanted to make something up I could portray myself single handedly holding off a biker gang but the truth is more instructive. If I ran away from the trouble then in one case I would leave a young woman to get beaten worse on the streets of Chalmet, LA instead of running off her attacker. I also stopped a car jacking while in New own. Its good to have a .45 handy when you need it. As you can tell I don't sleep much at night. One night I went for a walk near my apartment in New London, CT. Only a block away I was approached by six young men (punks for short) who moved in a semi circle around me. I slipped a pistol from my pocket and jacked a round in the chamber (I had a CCW in both CT, LA, VA, FL, and now KS). They looked at each other, turned, and got back into their car. I could give you a couple more examples but it might compromise my identity and there are some untrustworthy bastards around here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you have had at least 4 instances in which you have felt that having a gun in your possession was to your advantage and by showing it kept a crime from happening.

Wondering if anyone else has at as many as 1 such instance in which carrying a handgun stopped a crime. Not me. And I' too have been in CT, LA, VA, and FL.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 12-12-2013, 07:05 PM
So you have had at least 4 instances in which you have felt that having a gun in your possession was to your advantage and by showing it kept a crime from happening.

Wondering if anyone else has at as many as 1 such instance in which carrying a handgun stopped a crime. Not me. And I' too have been in CT, LA, VA, and FL. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes, I have one.

Driving with my family one evening, going to the grocery store. Guy in the right lane started to move over into me (left lane) because the car in front of him did the standard: Brake hard and late, signal the turn while turning the wheel to begin the turn.

I braked sharpish, tooted the horn. We both came to a stop.

As the car in front of him was gone, I started forward again, and he nearly sideswiped me as he again moved into my lane. (Again, typically, no signal.)

This earned him another toot of the horn. And in both cases, I'm talking about a beep, not a sustained blast. He indicated that he thought I was El Numero Uno.

I decided that behind him was the safest place to be. I was in no hurry, so he quickly got several cars ahead. I saw him get into a turn lane shortly thereafter, and I went past, thinking that was the last I'd see of him. He had some more choice hand signals for me, which I did NOT return, and neither did I look at him.

As we arrived at our destination, a grocery store, I parked near the far end of the lot, because I don't like dealing with door dings, traffic, and impatient assholes close to the store. Guess who pulls up crossways in front of me?

It's No-signal-almost-ran-into-me-twice guy. Young, maybe early 20s. He's wearing the backward hat, gold chains, baggy sports pants, and jersey and jacket. As he gets out of his vehicle, he makes the "putting a piece in my back waistband" move, quite flamboyantly. He starts around the car, cursing and threatening myself and my family. And yes, the words, "Pop a cap in yo ass" did come out of his mouth.

I retrieved my CC pistol and held it out of sight below the window.

When he actually approached my window, I raised it and told him to keep his hands where I could see them. After he managed to get his eyes back into socket and pick his jaw up off the ground, he backed up, got into his POS, and drove away in a cloud of exhaust, which, sadly, kept me from getting his license plate number.

I would have backed up and driven away from him, but there was enough traffic in the lot that it was not possible to re-start the vehicle and do so once I noticed him in the first place, and once I did notice him I wasn't going to take my eyes off him and his potential weapon to watch the traffic. The whole episode, from him stopping in front of me, to him driving away again, probably lasted 20 seconds.

I don't know if he had a weapon or not. But I certainly did, and nobody got hurt, except maybe his badass ego.

I'm just glad he didn't wait until I'd exited the vehicle, and had my head back inside, unbuckling kids. Talk about a vulnerable position.
Was anyone able to count the number of Gun shots heard on the 911 tapes?
Thanks for finally answering the "elites" question. It hardly sounds like the conspiracy that your OP makes it to be. So my first post about having compassion for the families is correct. And so you know I have guns, but think there should be some restrictions. We need to find a way to keep them out of the hands of people with mental problems and the mentally deficient (a lot of these on this forum). But how you do that I don't know.
Wow, it is like you are a secret agent or a super hero or something Professor! I am impressed!