So should there by any sacred "off" days?

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
REALLY liked the summer solstice reference. Full moon tomorrow. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
summer solstice no hobbying...that is the drum circle night of the year where me and my djembe get our drum on.djembe.jpeg
Birthdays of someone important. Dont do anything on those days. Other than that it does not matter to me.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Holidays are not a big deal to me but I understand that other people may feel differently. I actually met up with a provider on Memorial Day last year. Not exactly a sacred holiday but a holiday anyway. I had a bad night before and started texting the provider. Her schedule was free and she helped get me out of my bad mood.
Bobster36's Avatar
Well, no offense to all but I humbly and respectfully disagree. I believe that Aunt Flo's visit should be a day off and that's exactly what the OP was asking about.

From original post: "Is there any day that people like us, the collective "we", should just take off because it's the morally and socially correct thing for us to do? Start snickering now. This topic may get worse."

Morally? Yes, bleeding is a moral reason to cease commercial vaginal sex.

I'm really interested to hear from a provider who believes that a man bleeding from his penis is morally acceptable to conceal it, not tell his partner (commercial or otherwise) AND proceed with sexual activities.

I'll bet it's crickets from the ladies now......
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Well, no offense to all but I humbly and respectfully disagree. I believe that Aunt Flo's visit should be a day off and that's exactly what the OP was asking about.

From original post: "Is there any day that people like us, the collective "we", should just take off because it's the morally and socially correct thing for us to do? Start snickering now. This topic may get worse."

Morally? Yes, bleeding is a moral reason to cease commercial vaginal sex.

I'm really interested to hear from a provider who believes that a man bleeding from his penis is morally acceptable to conceal it, not tell his partner (commercial or otherwise) AND proceed with sexual activities.

I'll bet it's crickets from the ladies now...... Originally Posted by Bobster36
you're an idiot bob. as far as your statement 'that's exactly what the OP was asking about'...then why did the OP reply that i was 'spot on'? yeah...answer that woman hater.

get over it . maybe re-read the original post. but i doubt it would do any good. you still hate women. and you will go to your grave without admitting the OP was not talking about the period thing.

Bobster36's Avatar
I refer to a single unnamed provider that worked while menstrating without telling me as a "dingbat" and I'm an idiot that hates women? Jeez dude, take a moment to read the posting guidelines, specifically 1, 3 and 4.
Are discussions a contest? Do we get to vote people off the island?

You fuckers sure do take this shit personal.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I have tried to have a scheduled day that I would take off, but it seemed those were the days my phone would ring. So now I take off or limit availability mostly only for family/RW reasons.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Mother's Day
Father's Day
Christmas Eve
Papacorn's Avatar
Whatever day is important to the lady - Xmas, Easter, Arbor Day......I take my days off 80% of the time, why should the ladies as well?

And I personally don't think that "no I am not available" is a bad thing.....actually concerned a bit if a lady were ready to see me "right now" every time?? Now requests are the luck of the draw, and I assume the answer is no....but sometimes is happily yes!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think a lot of ladies wonder about this. There are a lot of provider ads for: "Hey its my Birthday!" so it would seem that most ladies don't mind working even on their own special holiday, let alone a nationally recognized one.

It really boils down to personal preference and opportunity. Not everyone is in the same situation all the time, every year. Maybe a mom can't be with her kids that day due to time and travel constraints so providing is how she copes with it to avoid being depressed about not seeing her children (not saying that is your case, EW, just a likely scenario that popped up in my head. Edit: and apparently EL's too lol). Or maybe it's Christmas or Thanksgiving and people can't get to their family for some reason.

My first Christmas providing, the weather was too bad for me to travel up north and I was stuck in my place alone all day. The view was great and I really do enjoy solitude and being alone, but at the time I would have liked some company. However, posting that I was available just didn't seem right (which is stupid looking back). I guess I figured everyone had made their plans already and I didn't want anyone coming over just bc they felt sorry for me.

I'm having to take A LOT of days off recently and it SUCKS!!! Yesterday was blessing - all of it - not knocking Mother's Day at all. Wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

BUT! LOL I can honestly say part of me would have rather been fucking my brains out! Haha! So You go girl!!! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I think you do need to have days off no matter what. Everyone needs a little freedom to indulge themselves, and although it is great customer service to be available at all times in theory, in reality it wears people down. The poor Asian girls who sleep at the AMP's and live there 24 hours a day take 2-3 week vacations away from Dallas to recover from fucking guys 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for a month straight.
If you are available 5 days a week and occasionally on weekends, that should be enough.
I figure a girl can pay her bills with 7 customers a week at 300 a pop, including 2000 a month expenses for the incall. She should vacation about 3-4 times per year with a well paying client, preferably an old one who pays for the whole vacation and maybe one session every other day.
Probably, you should take another two weeks just for yourself.