Trump Is Better Off Not Running For Re-election

  • grean
  • 11-29-2018, 07:42 AM
The Senate map for 2020 isn't looking good for Republicans. Just as it didn't look good for Dems in 2018. Way more seats to defend in States that are trending blue or likely will follow the House voters.

If all projections hold true (which they should) similar to recent House Projections then Dems will win back the Senate and Trump will all but certainly face a full on impeachment.

Either way were going to put that old senile Benedict Arnold bastard in jail. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

67 senators are needed to convict and remove th e president. It's entirely possible the Democrats pick up a majority with 52 maybe a bit higher. There is NO WAY they get 67. However, let's say they did achieve that number, for giggles. Without concrete evidence of wrong doing, there aren't that many senators dems or reps, who would vote to convict him.
  • grean
  • 11-29-2018, 07:53 AM
However, if there is wrong doing proven in Mueller's report, you won't have to wait until 2020. There are plenty of Republicans who couldn't turn a blind eye and would be forced to convict.

Remember to be careful what you ask for, though. If Trump goes, we get Pense.

I feel like Trump selected him just to make sure Democrats or ANYONE thought twice before considering impeachment .
Hey these Presidential nominees aren't stupid when it comes to choosing their running mates ..... just look at Odumbo ..... to make sure that no one sent a bullet in his direction, he chose Joe Biden .....
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
67 senators are needed to convict and remove th e president. It's entirely possible the Democrats pick up a majority with 52 maybe a bit higher. There is NO WAY they get 67. However, let's say they did achieve that number, for giggles. Without concrete evidence of wrong doing, there aren't that many senators dems or reps, who would vote to convict him. Originally Posted by grean
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
67 senators are needed to convict and remove th e president. It's entirely possible the Democrats pick up a majority with 52 maybe a bit higher. There is NO WAY they get 67. However, let's say they did achieve that number, for giggles. Without concrete evidence of wrong doing, there aren't that many senators dems or reps, who would vote to convict him. Originally Posted by grean
exactly. SC's "wet dream" of an impeachment is just that, shooting a blank.

there might be 3 crazy Dem Senators and one firebrand rogue Republican crazy enough to vote to impeach on nothing more than hate mongering. you know .. what the left says Trump is ..

January 21st, 2024 ..... that's my prediction on when Trump will be impeached .....
LexusLover's Avatar
Bill Clinton? Originally Posted by R.M.
Bill Clinton isn't a "billionaire" ... he's just poor trash.
LexusLover's Avatar
January 21st, 2024 ..... that's my prediction on when Trump will be impeached ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Just remember: The "Impeachers" want Pence!

Just remember: The "Impeachers" want Pence!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
I could live with Pence.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to learn to live with Beto the Fako Mexicano.
Also agree. People are sick of this guy. I can see why he won. I can also see why hes going away Originally Posted by themystic
As much as you would like, Trump isn't going away just yet. He has a lot left to do. He's signed an Executive Order to have many Deep State Officials arrested through Military Tribunals for Treason and various other crimes committed against the sovereignty of this Country. It is what it is and hopefully it will come to fruition.

LexusLover's Avatar
I could live with Pence. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Obaminable had Biden. Trump has Pence.

But for 180 degrees difference. Nancy won't make it through the backdoor!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Senate map for 2020 isn't looking good for Republicans. Just as it didn't look good for Dems in 2018. Way more seats to defend in States that are trending blue or likely will follow the House voters.

If all projections hold true (which they should) similar to recent House Projections then Dems will win back the Senate and Trump will all but certainly face a full on impeachment.

Either way were going to put that old senile Benedict Arnold bastard in jail. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I don't know where you get your information but its the exact opposite.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Another day...another swing and a miss.
LexusLover's Avatar
Either way were going to put that old senile Benedict Arnold bastard in jail. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I don't believe there is any chance of Bill Clinton going to jail.

Hillary possibly, but not Bill.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-01-2019, 11:18 AM
Trump may go to jail when he leaves office. His criminal organization is already falling apart. I await the investigations yet to come. When your lawyer goes to jail, you can't be far behind. Don't know if any other president has had this many of his staff go to jail. Can you say corruption? No, I'm sure you blame someone else.