And the winner of a free hour session with me is........

Nope. She's a bitch.

I don't just say things like that for the Hell of it. I have been around five times as long as you, Savannah, and folks know I don't say things for the fuck of it.

She has great tits though we all need a redeeming quality.
Best wishes to you. Originally Posted by Dannie

I'm sorry you feel like you had to pass judgment on me and call me a bitch and a cunt... I don't even know who you are because I haven't even spoken to you before, but best of luck to you as well. I'm sure you'll find your redeeming quality one day, because it sure isn't your tits or your horrible attitude.
Guest032613's Avatar
Nope. She's a bitch.

I don't just say things like that for the Hell of it. I have been around five times as long as you, Savannah, and folks know I don't say things for the fuck of it.

She has great tits though

And we all need a redeeming quality.

Best wishes to you. Originally Posted by Dannie
You say she is a bitch and that you have several PM's to prove it. Don't you think that would have been better PMing her to discuss this instead of publicly calling her a Cunt on her thread. It really makes you seem like more of a bitch than her, don't you think. Real classy, real fucking classy.
So, what you're saying is, that apparently a bunch of girls dislike you, and you have absolutely no idea why? You posted pics in chat and people just started making up lies? Cool story. You're playing the victim.
Okay, one last thing from me before this thread is closed in the morning, which I requested because this thing is getting ridiculous and out of hand.. This thread is about congratulating the winner of my contest, not a cesspool for your drama.

I'm not sure why you and Ze feel like you need to tell me so many many many providers dislike me all the time and feel the need to remind me of what a bitch I am.... Whatever issues you had with me in chat were 5-6 months ago, and I don't PM, text, call, or communicate with any of you whatsoever. Not even to ask for a reference, because I know it will go unanswered like it has in the past. (Ring a bell anyone?)

So what is your deal???? What am I doing to you now that's bothering you so much??? I don't gossip about you, I don't talk to any of the providers who don't like me in chat, I don't comment on your threads, and I don't randomly bring up stuff from 6+ months ago. I don't have a problem with you, Jamieyoung, nor do I have a problem with Ze or Dannie or any of your girlfriends, but I show you the respect you deserve and I keep my distance. What doesn't surprise me is the same girls who try to pick on me and start stuff with me do this all the time on other posts..

Why focus so much energy on me and why I'm such a cunt? Why not focus on your business or at least getting to the ROOT of what your problem is with me!! FOR THE LAST TIME.. I have no issues with you girls although I've seen with my own eyes the things providers will say and do to try to damage my reputation.. One well-known provider I won't name told everyone in chat I had herpes and to never come see me because a picture of me blowing a kiss had a shadow on my lip.. Yet another girl (from the same circle.. what a surprise!) said I'm obviously a pimped out provider because I spam chat with my pics. (By the way, I thought that's what chat was for?? To make conversation and network.. The only ones who seem to have a problem is some of the providers, and I'm clueless as to why because many other girls post pics in chat, so why not pick on them too??) Ze takes stabs at me when she gets the chance, and her loyal bandwagon always follows suit. I can go on and on, but it's so not worth it, because you know this isn't all about ME being a bitch. I'm never a bitch unless it's absolutely called for and unless someone starts shit with me over and over again. I'm not a doormat or someone who's gonna continue to take your crap by a long shot, but I know that arguing with you is pointless. You girls SERIOUSLY have underlying problems with me and I've tried to be civil. I'll continue to respect you, be civil towards you, and keep my distance because I seriously have so many other important things I need to get done and this is just a total waste of time.

Good night everyone.. Sorry this thread has turned into another drama-fest on ECCIE but you can thank Ze, Dannie and Jamieyoung for that. And Jariou- Congrats again on your free session.. It was just as awesome for me as it was for you. Can't wait til next time
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-03-2012, 02:37 AM
LMFAO... ONE night of being away from the computer cause I needed to reload the damn thing and this is what I come back to? First class entertainment. *smiles*

My comment above, in reality was in no REAL way trying to start drama with this chick. I was merely saying, in a round about way, that there have been plenty of "contests" done on this board over the years. Also, that a lot of women like myself, tend to just "do" a "contest" without the need to there ever really being a contest. Savvy? We tend to treat those that see us better without having to make a whole marketing scheme to go along with it. Ever hear of telling someone after a session they were just entered in a chance to win? Hell, we might even throw in a lunch time or go out to the movie OTC just for the lulz.

Lookey here...

(MAJOR EDIT - Just ain't worth it...)

If ya hadn't noticed, I am kinda out of the area, and none of these heifers interfere with my business. I am actually in a r e a l l y r e l a x e d mood. I haven't been bothering to post on here much lately. (really just trying to tone down my whole personality on the boards) I am too busy living life.

Now, I am sorry that people like to dissect every word I write and take it the wrong way. I am sorry that this even became an issue. And I am most sorry that a bunch of women have the same assessment of sweet.treat69... cause we all know I put those opinions in their mind. *sigh*

Whats even funnier, is that whole "accusation of the lip shit" I was fucking defending her ass behind the scenes.
nookiebandit's Avatar
Guest042715's Avatar
What contest????
Randall Creed's Avatar
Funny. As I reread the thread from the beginning, seems all (most, that weren't WK'ing for the obvious 'haters') guys liked it, thought the idea was good, etc, etc, yet the ladies are like, "you're broadcasting", "it's been done before", blah, blah, blah. Wow. Really? I don't remember many contests like this. I think Reese Foster did something similar a couple years ago. Tia Travels had another. Other than that I don't remember any. Then again, no one tells me anything around here. Maybe I'm not cool to know all the good stuff that goes on.

Either way, like she said, this was to announce the winner of HER contest. To come in here and rip it or her in any way, that's just bullshit. Even if you feel some kind of way about a person, why come broadcast it and try to form a 'help me hate her/him' group. That's shit KIDS do on a 3rd grade playground. To see it on an adult board.....LMAO.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-03-2012, 07:05 AM
I would use the pot/kettle reference, but I would be afraid you would take that racially.

Seriously dude, go get laid...
So did his pm box not work?

Oh I forgot who the winner was, the thread got really interesting.

Thanks for the giggles eccie family.
Take the high road on this one ST69; Dannie and ZE look the worse in this thread IMO.

Smart marketing will always piss the compeition off.
[quote=Whirlaway;2126582]Take the high road on this one ST69; Dannie and ZE look the worse in this thread IMO.

Smart marketing will always piss the competition off.[/quote]

Charlie Sheen is forever emblazed in our memories with his quote, "Winning."

Jariou is Winning (Lucky Duck....HE gets One on the House!) And if he goes on to write a glowing, positive review based on that (FREE) session......?

Anyway.....and btw, 1600+ Views and climbing on this thread. Not to be a numbers freak or anything but what did Whirlaway say about Smart Marketing? Maybe Charlie and Jariou aren't the only ones in the W column.
Randall Creed's Avatar

I'm going to go and get laid on ~Ze's~ behalf. I'll have to do it tomorrow, though. I'm kinda busy today. Any particular preferences you want me to go for? Special requests?

While I'm banging her I'll be thinking, "~Ze~ would want me to hit it this way."

You're gonna pitch in on the fee? Since this is your suggestion, I think you should go half on it, or at least promise me a freebie with you sometime.
I just wanted to apologize publicly to SweetTreat; I did some posting while intoxicated and went way too far. So, my sincerest apologies for the name calling. It was out of line.

Boltfan's Avatar
I'm sure you'll find your redeeming quality one day, because it sure isn't your tits or your horrible attitude. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
Obviously you haven't seen her tits!

Mmmm, Savannah and Dannie in a tittie cage match.

Hot damn!