Mueller Has Trump Tax Returns

Guest123018-4's Avatar
themistake needs to shit in one hand and wish in the other.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Things are Heating up for Donald The Red. It will be interesting to hear all you Anti Americans who support Trump, defend him.


Lex Liar- " Who cares"

Hot Rod " My Dad Lipstick is a moron"

IB- " Mistake you would be wrong, Mistake". Mueller has Hillary No More and Odumbas tax return"

Bambino- " Hes not required to release his tax return"

Carry on Traitors Originally Posted by themystic
When your most significant accomplishment in life is the discovery of masturbation, maybe you should be sitting down and listening more than shooting off your mouth about what is Fed up with the world. You would learn more doing that than being a sock puppet of the left.--
impressive and tricky

but im not falling for it

now time upon time posters, especially the college professor, type "your " when meaning "you're"

and i'm not one to call out anyone for a typo, even if the error of using "your for you're" is more than a typo

but now comes you, trickily reversing what could be, while not a verbal malapropism, a typing malapropism

I think its an internet first

so I saw your word and thought now how can anyone use you're when meaning your and it be an honest mistake?
no its not possible I thought, I mean most short hands or mistakes are borne of using a shorter word that takes less effort to type etc.....

in typing "you're" instead of the correct "YOUR GOP woman (sic)" you have to not only type an extra e but find the apostrophe and insert that symbol as well

so I thought, now what deviousness is afoot?

no, surely its that you have buried that solecism within your post to draw out and expose little minds given to punctilious fastidiousness

ingenious booby-trap I say, to say nothing of the landmine of using woman for women unless, of course, can it be possible that you really are that dumb? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Perhaps you're new to this particular forum...not sure.

Nevertheless, word to the wise, sir....the employment of verbiage containing multiple syllables (let alone attempting to communicate via proper sentence structure in tandem with appropriate punctuation, etc) is way too confusing for some of our less esteemed members....especially when you use consecutive words as such. Having to read such a post prolly ruined the rest of mystic's day......can't have that.

LexusLover's Avatar
.... what I wrote prompting him to call me an idiot..... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You mean something "prompts" him to call people "idiots"?

I don't have a clue of his "revealed story" ... so I'm not one of the "we" .... and I really don't want to know the rumors.

Luke Warm was enough ... now there is Mistake!

Making American Great Again .... one Mistake at a time!

Things are Heating up for Donald The Red. It will be interesting to hear all you Anti Americans who support Trump, defend him.


Lex Liar- " Who cares"

Hot Rod " My Dad Lipstick is a moron"

IB- " Mistake you would be wrong, Mistake". Mueller has Hillary No More and Odumbas tax return"

Bambino- " Hes not required to release his tax return"

Carry on Traitors Originally Posted by themystic
Trump supporters aren't anti American they're anti Liberal.

LexusLover's Avatar
Trump supporters aren't anti American they're anti Liberal.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
When the CaliMexicans turn on Feinstein ...

.. they aren't "Liberals" .... they are NUTS~!

And Jerry Lewis Brown is leading the charge!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Mistake suffers from the

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2018, 09:45 AM
Trump supporters aren't anti American they're anti Liberal.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Are then Liberal supporters anti-stupid?
LexusLover's Avatar
Are then Liberal supporters anti-stupid? Originally Posted by WTF
No, just stupid.

They try to define "stupid" as anyone who disagrees with them.

Like Feinstein's experiencing they cannabalize there own when their own does not agree with them on all issues. They did it in the marches last year in support of women. Women who didn't hate Trump weren't included. That's STUPID! You know what else is STUPID?

Trying to change the subject of the thread once it has been demonstrated that the headline of the thread is FAKE! Like "Trump-Russian Collusion to Affect the 2016 Elections" is FAKE!

It's also STUPID to claim it.

Then they start dancing about Texas turning "Democrat" this year!

STUPID! The dancing even looked STUPID.
Lol Lexus Liar. Trump is the common sense president? You are a first class douche bag

If Putin tells Trump to pardon Flynn, he will be pardoned. Originally Posted by themystic
Are then Liberal supporters anti-stupid?
Originally Posted by WTF
Liberals are just fucked up people that live an illusion that the Government really gives a shit and the Mainstream Media delivers accurate information. Which is basically stupid. So no Liberals aren't anti stupid they are stupid.

themystic's Avatar
Perhaps you're new to this particular forum...not sure.

Nevertheless, word to the wise, sir....the employment of verbiage containing multiple syllables (let alone attempting to communicate via proper sentence structure in tandem with appropriate punctuation, etc) is way too confusing for some of our less esteemed members....especially when you use consecutive words as such. Having to read such a post prolly ruined the rest of mystic's day......can't have that.

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
You are right CB. The Trump supporters here are so smart. Most of them hold degrees from the University of Moscow. Carry on Commrade
lustylad's Avatar
The Trump supporters here are so smart. Most of them hold degrees from the University of Moscow. Originally Posted by themystic
There is no University of Moscow, you knucklehead. There is a Moscow State University. You aren't qualified to mop the floors there. You're the only person ever to flunk out of East Bumfuck Community College.
lustylad's Avatar
Your an idiot. Originally Posted by themystic
FTFY, doofus.

Now it's time to play the vocabulary game, missed dick!

Try to use the following words correctly in a sentence:



