Whore - own it or disown it?

Little Monster's Avatar
Today's word can be traced all the way back to the prehistoric Indo-European root ka- 'like, desire.'

Interestingly, this word seems to have split into several different meanings.

For the first, the word evolved into a younger Indo-European root karo which in turn led to Latin carus 'dear' and Old Irish cara 'friend.' From this we get English caress, charity, and cherish, all of which have (or can be have) very wholesome and endearing definitions.

The second path created another later Indo-European root, kamo, which eventually became Sanskrit kamah 'love' that we are all familiar with from the Kamasutra.

Finally, at least for this discussion, the third route is the one in which today's word developed.

From prehistoric Indo-European ka came proto-Germanic khoraz/horaz, the feminine form of which was khoron/horon. Eventually this became Middle Dutch hoere, Old High German huora, Old Norse hora, Gothic hors, and Old English hore.

As a side note, except for the Old English word which meant 'whore, prostitute, harlot,' the other cognates had the definition of an adulteress. Old English hore was in use prior to 1100 C.E. and continued on into Middle English.

It was not until 1535 that there is record of the spelling changing to whore, and as of yet there is not much evidence as to why the change occurred.

Today, it's just plain degrading in any social setting except for the small (during sex acts) window Kendal and other described.

My free speech opinion, it's doesn't apply today to this industry and is degrading in almost every context and case.

I also would think less of the individual who uses the word than who they are referring to.

I also think less of the people who attack the individual, who may use the word, based on perceived weight or some physical trait to degrade him/her also. Originally Posted by Jack$lit
With all due sincerity,thanks for the TIL post about the origins of the word "whore".

"...is degrading in almost every context and case.

I also would think less of the individual who uses the word than who they are referring to."

Whispers calls women on this board every permutation of "fat old whores".
He is admittedly obese and his bullying tripe will be called out.
Think what you will.
He's a mean spirited hypocrite.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-27-2017, 10:17 PM
Regardless of their origins we all have opinions as to what words like Whore, Slut, etc. mean to us. And while we may consider someone to be one of those it generally follows that the word(s) are being used in a demeaning fashion.

Fine. But does it reflect your general attitude towards someone you might not have met or someone you had a bad experience with?

If I see those words in a review then I take it as just another expletive to vent frustration over service (or possibly safety).

Since this is a "public" board I tend to be "civil" in my comments, even in PMs and the ML. It costs me nothing. I'm no WK and have no desire to be one. Because a Provider doesn't meet my personal qualifications it doesn't serve any purpose to throw out demeaning words at her or her reputation.

But that's just me.
Parsifal's Avatar
Interesting conversation...I don't consider the providers I see as whores, but as purveyors of a service that I'm willing to partake in, and in some cases pay handsomely for.

When an Uber hottie is talking dirty to me BCD while we're in the throes, she may call herself a whore and I probably will be really turned on by it..I make no apologies, as I'm a little bent BCD and LOVE dirty talk.

Back to the matter at hand: in my mind, someone who goes against their own principles for money (be they rooted in religion, morality or whatever) is a whore. There doesn't have to be any sexual activity involved and it's not gender specific; you could sell out to a larger company, give away closely held information for a fee, etc., trade in an old relationship for a new one for the promise of cash..the list is endless.

At some point or another, we've all been whores - we betrayed ourselves in some way for station, status or coin.

The key is to wrap your mind around the motivations you have for doing what you do. If it fits within the confines of your principles / morality, then you're not a whore.

As long as you're being honest with yourself in your assessment, having sex for money in and of itself doesn't make you a whore - betraying yourself for money does.
russellevans's Avatar
If you don't want to be called a whore then stop selling your snatch for money.. Same goes for tricks if you don't like the title stop paying whores to suck your dick..

It is what it is & if you're that sensitive the internet isn't the place to be.. Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl
This is what a bad bitch looks like fellas. Keepin it real.

Personally, this trick loves whores!! I don't fuck with delusional chicks that think they are some courtesan or whatever bullshit term.
Whispers's Avatar
..... What turns me on is a real honest gentlemen. Originally Posted by SweetArielRae

Whore- a prostitute.
1.(of a woman) work as a prostitute.


1.a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. synonyms: call girl, whore Originally Posted by JadeRose
Obviously you can't deal with true honesty....

You are a whore. All women here engaging in prostitution are whores by definition.

When I am spending my money on a whore I prefer her to be in touch with the reality of her choices.

It is the one's that can't accept what they are that struggle with and tend to lack stability in their emotions and are prone to drama and varying performances.....

This is a business and you chose to be a whore. Accept it and be the best damn whore you can. Those that have tend to do quite well....

Those of you that struggle with the choice you made and the labels that come with it are never at peace with what you are doing.....
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers calls women on this board every permutation of "fat old whores".
He is admittedly obese and his bullying tripe will be called out.
Think what you will.
He's a mean spirited hypocrite. Originally Posted by Observing
I knew one of you old whores would get around to me sooner or later.....

The only whores I refer to as "old" or "fat" are exactly that..... Old or fat....

The difference between whores like you and guys like me is that I know and accept that I am old and fat and none of what you and others think are "attacks or degrading comments" meant to get a reaction from me bother me in any manner...

That's what your problem is. You hear the word whore and immediately need to log in as someone else to be exactly what you say is bother some to you. THAT is hypocrisy...
Whispers's Avatar
Now there's only one poster in Austin coed that loves to throw that word around. Sure other's have used it on here, but I think we all know which one goes out of his way to use it. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I don't "go out of my way" to use it..... Calling a prostitute here a whore is no different to me than calling the canine sitting at my feet a dog.....

People that are out of touch with what they are doing or who they are doing it with can choose to glamorize it in some manner if they like....

It doesn't change it though...
justaphase's Avatar
I completely agree with you Parsifal. Spot on.

I feel sorry for those who keep referring to the working ladies on here as "whores". They have probably been emotionally hurt by someone before and use the term to continuously remind themselves of the ladies' station so that they won't get hurt again. I think it's a defense mechanism.
I knew one of you old whores would get around to me sooner or later.....

The only whores I refer to as "old" or "fat" are exactly that..... Old or fat....

The difference between whores like you and guys like me is that I know and accept that I am old and fat and none of what you and others think are "attacks or degrading comments" meant to get a reaction from me bother me in any manner...

That's what your problem is. You hear the word whore and immediately need to log in as someone else to be exactly what you say is bother some to you. THAT is hypocrisy... Originally Posted by Whispers
ck1942's Avatar
"Sexual Therapist"


"Sensual Therapist"

but I have been around for decades, so wtf do I know?

FirePhoenix's Avatar
I use the word "provider," because that's exactly what I have been my whole life, providing services for people who either needed or wanted them. In the medical field, people needed the skills I had. As a maid, I provided services and skills to those who wanted them. So, as a provider, I cover both: need and want.

In my personal experience throughout life, the people who choose to use the "w" word have extreme, unresolved issues with their mothers. Now, this may not be true for all, but people I have met use that word as an excuse to justify and vent anger and resentment from their jaded upbringing by their mothers. They hide behind definitions as an excuse to use such terminology, while knowing the effect it has on others, but without an awareness of the harm it is doing to them.

It also has been in my personal experience that those using that word tend to view it as a source of pride. Why would you view it pridefully if you truly have skills, self-confidence, love of sex ,and comprehend the definition? Would they still be so proud to call themselves that? Again, in my personal opinion, the "pride" they put into the use of the word often has deep-seeded cracks in their self-esteem, and somehow, in spite of their upbringing or as a result of it, the word became "glamorized."

It's how the woman identifies and defines the word and themselves.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
For me, it's a little like the N-word.
THEY can use it all they want.
But too often there's an element of meanness,or at least superiority, when guys say "whore".
There ARE exceptions,though.
Like in a kinky dom/sub or PSE session.
I need to know for certain that the lady's cool with it before I use it.
And I have.And will,no doubt.
I knew one of you old whores would get around to me sooner or later..... Originally Posted by Whispers
No. You HOPED it would. Why? Because you're an attention whore.

at·ten·tion whore


a person who behaves in a provocative, outrageous, or reprehensible manner in order to attract attention.

Miss Valentina's Avatar
I don't really care what y'all call me/us. "Whore" "Skank" "Tossin' Coins in the Hippo's Yawn"...

All l ask, out of professional courtesy is please do not jizz on my plants.

Thanks guys.