Take the blackpill

Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
OP you aren't dropping based red/black pills because this site is for P4P. Nobody cares about dating value when chick's only requires are "is he safe, is he not too big an asshole, will he pay my rate instead of trying to haggle like a cunt?" The whole point of this site is to dispense with all the dating games.
Bcity05's Avatar
While I do not agree with OP's original point I will say that persoanl Hygine and Grooming go a long way when it comes to attracting a companion/date. Not that it's the entire package though. You have to bring personality, goals, achievments, Interests and so much more into account. It's not just an option A or B game. That's not how the real world works gentlemen. Everyone is different and unique in their own way. It's all in finding that in a person and making those connections. If That's in your interests of course.
I do not think looks are the key to dating attractive women. If you have a little bit of game, keep them interested and entertained they will come. I've known handsome well financed men who couldn't get a women attractive or other wise just because he is a boor. Soo, learn the fine art of bullshit, not easy, keep yourself clean and lean and they will come.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
This discussion being on a prostitution forum seems out of place.

But I have known a lot of incels, and I do understand the mire they get dragged into. So if an incel wants to vent I get it.

I am on a bunch of different forums [combat vets, submariners, cancer patients, organic farmers, off-grid homesteaders, etc] and of all of them, this forum is likely the best wherein to have this conversation. The ladies here seem to be pretty honest. The ladies here are business people. So they are not as distracted by the cat and mouse games of dating.

I am 60. A bunch of my neighbors are single men, 10 years to 15 years older than I am. Generally, most of them are poor, and in failing health [heart surgeries, obesity and diabetes are common among these old guys]. And yet something that amazes me is that some of them are surrounded by pussy.

Any single man, 60 to 75 years old, who can still get it up [without a blue pill] is hounded by the women.

Just to be clear, these men are NOT good looking. They each own their house and a pickup truck, but otherwise they have no great wealth. They live on SS pensions or SSDI [disability] $800 to $1,000 / month.

Anyone of them who can go into the city twice a week for water-aerobics at the YMCA, will [guaranteed] have a date with a different woman each week.

Just like how some people lose interest at various ages. My wife lost all interest at 25, but there are others who have a strong appetite at 60.

There may be more game playing at 25 or 30, but when the ladies hit 50+, if they still have a libido, they are out hunting for a man. And their criteria is set pretty low. It is no longer about looks or money, but does your penis still work.

When I was 30, my father was a 60yo divorcee. I remember him telling me stories about church women competing over his affections. He was a womanizer and he physically abused women/children. But as a snowbird he could walk into any church potluck supper and get a date. As a single man he never learned to cook. He would travel from town to town, and at each town he would visit the churches and soon women would be lined up to cook him suppers every night. Once he knocked the women around a while, then he would need to travel to the next town to start all over again. They kept him fed and busy.
burkalini's Avatar
Good looking guys naturally get tons of lays. 95% of success is dictate by looks. Women pre-select the guy she want to sleep with based on her preferences. Having a incredible job: engineer, banker, ceo, or anything that pays super well cannot fix your smv (sexual market value) if you are ugly in America, you are required to make an exchange to the girl sexual services which means prostitution. Sex between a man and woman is organic not situational status.

There is no such thing as average or below ugly guys banging hot supermodels. In real life ugly pple get ugly couple it's called looksmatch.

(People who are good looking get better results with women.)

In open dating market ugly guys would get shit from women.

The only options are plastic surgery, hire a prostitute or move to 3rd world countries. Originally Posted by bbjunkies
That's horsecrap. Have you ever seen a Hollywood actress date or marry an ugly dude. It happens all the time. They already have money. They like a guy that's confident,funny,and makes them sing in the bed. if you can do that you will date hot girls all the time. This only good looking guys get laid is coming from someone who either has no game or can't get away from the mirror. On the flipside I have dated hot girls that after 15 minutes with them I want to put a muzzle on them