Cash in my pocket and lust in my heart

Cendell M's Avatar
Again cry me a river yes it should have went in the men’s locker room if you didn’t want the real handed to you. I swear y’all sound like some crying little boys. And I’m no defending bad behavior I don’t have but a handle full of good friends here and they all give have stellar reputation like myself so in the trash with that statement. Ok I’ll continue to laugh as y’all whine. And good for you you’ve been doing this since 19 years old you should be a pro by now but nooo still complaining. Pyramider has been on this board since 2009 ole boy been here 2017 who’s the newbie lol do the math oh I guess your to lazy for math too.

And a phone number not the only way to research a provider sounds like they’re just lazy dudes here my opinion I’m entitled to it. Lol have a bright sunny day champs
DNinja69's Avatar
Lazy is the slur now hmm? Taking those shortcuts to thinking that since my account here was created in 2017 that timeline somehow indicates age, experience, or knowledge.

You are entitled to your opinion. Whether it is accurate or not that would be for anyone reading to decide for themselves. Interesting you have no comment on the reality that funding a business gives customers a pretty substantial say in how that business operates. Fact is review sites for this hobby are no longer relied on to near the level they were 20+ years ago. If girls income were more tied to customer review the same way Joe's Liquors or Barb's Salon are it would be a much different reality than what we see today.

Nothing wrong with progress the tech options all of us have to use in our business provides us a greater audience and more ways to reach out and connect with potential customers. I wonder how long Barb's would stay in business if when you called for an appointment they said 'Book Now! Or I block your number!" hmm? Maybe Joe would get rich telling customers 'Tequila only today. Better tip 25% or next time no liquor for you!" that would go over well no? Would Hunan Garden do big business if they refused to serve customers who had left good reviews for a competitor?

But those things don't happen right? I made that up. Certainly not from my personal experience I am way too lazy to have had much of that. Lmao.

I had an experience a good while ago now that I find quite relevant to this thread so let me share it for anyone who might find it interesting.

Saw a provider well reviewed and known to be a fun time. It was our first encounter so a few texts, quick call, light screening got an appt for later that day. I text an hour or so before am told 'can we push back half an hour' sure no problem. She was about 30 minutes from me so half an hour from new appt time I text 'see you in 30' and hear nothing for about 20 minutes then 'running late can we meet in an hour' so I stop off for a drink and wait to hear back. Nearly 3 hours after the original meet up time I get a text 'can you be there in 20 minutes?' I was close so sure let's do it. Finally meet her she isn't ready asks if I can hang for a bit while she gets herself together. Ends up being a good session I don't always do reviews especially if there isn't much to add to others comments or a need to give someone a shoutout to boost business. During her screening she asked for a reference or two and told me quite plainly if I ever needed one from here it was all good. About a month later I hit her up but she was out of town. Another provider got back to me wanted a reference. I gave her my most recent as a contact again who was out of town anyway thought it was all good. Little while later I have heard nothing back so I text 'did my reference check out' and was told the provider I was looking to see got a NO response on me. She knew what was up and saw me anyway. Great session. Afterward I text Ms NO and asked if she had gotten a reference request she denied it but after I asked why the NO she said 'because you could have waited a few days and seen me instead' that was the last time I reached out to her for anything.

So due diligence my ass.
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
From her Tryst -
NO REVIEWS! NO REVIEWS! NO REVIEWS! Oh, and NO REVIEWS in case I forgot to mention it.
Hilarious. The person that says reviews mean something, doesn't want reviews. Not on TER, EM or PD. So no reviews. I guess she means it.

Also from Tryst
I assure you, you will not be scammed by me I have a stellar reputation and would never Do anything to jeopardize that!
But you're not allowed to verify that with reviews. Then how would I know?

Way to insult possible customers here on ECCIE. No wonder no reviews since 2019.

Usually a woman's definition of 'real' matches more 'delusion' than real.

Way to contradict yourself. (That means your words don't match your actions or even your own arguments).
Cendell M's Avatar
You fool I have over a hundred reviews here don’t even try it my reviews speak for there self, I stopped getting reviews when the new Fosta/Sesta law came into play. But I’m glad you had time to look me up! I have a stellar reputation so don’t even try and say that review bullshit. And I have reviews on Private Delights as well! Cry baby! I. Not worried about review board cry babies I get plenty business. It’s funny you’re try to disregard me in some way because you know I’m right!

I’m just telling it like it is and y’all can’t handle that. Just do work and you’ll quite getting screwed over but no y’all want to be lazy, that’s a you problem not mine!

A lot of women stopped reviews after the law in 2018 look it up if your not to lazy to do so, but most have plenty old reviews I have over a 100 all yes reviews not 1 No do your work please!

^^^thanks for the free advertisement! Thumbs up!

I have reviews on TER under Cendell M and on EM under Kara Nicole lol see laziness and PD under Kara Nicole
Cendell M's Avatar
Lazy is the slur now hmm? Taking those shortcuts to thinking that since my account here was created in 2017 that timeline somehow indicates age, experience, or knowledge.

You are entitled to your opinion. Whether it is accurate or not that would be for anyone reading to decide for themselves. Interesting you have no comment on the reality that funding a business gives customers a pretty substantial say in how that business operates. Fact is review sites for this hobby are no longer relied on to near the level they were 20+ years ago. If girls income were more tied to customer review the same way Joe's Liquors or Barb's Salon are it would be a much different reality than what we see today.

Nothing wrong with progress the tech options all of us have to use in our business provides us a greater audience and more ways to reach out and connect with potential customers. I wonder how long Barb's would stay in business if when you called for an appointment they said 'Book Now! Or I block your number!" hmm? Maybe Joe would get rich telling customers 'Tequila only today. Better tip 25% or next time no liquor for you!" that would go over well no? Would Hunan Garden do big business if they refused to serve customers who had left good reviews for a competitor?

But those things don't happen right? I made that up. Certainly not from my personal experience I am way too lazy to have had much of that. Lmao.

I had an experience a good while ago now that I find quite relevant to this thread so let me share it for anyone who might find it interesting.

Saw a provider well reviewed and known to be a fun time. It was our first encounter so a few texts, quick call, light screening got an appt for later that day. I text an hour or so before am told 'can we push back half an hour' sure no problem. She was about 30 minutes from me so half an hour from new appt time I text 'see you in 30' and hear nothing for about 20 minutes then 'running late can we meet in an hour' so I stop off for a drink and wait to hear back. Nearly 3 hours after the original meet up time I get a text 'can you be there in 20 minutes?' I was close so sure let's do it. Finally meet her she isn't ready asks if I can hang for a bit while she gets herself together. Ends up being a good session I don't always do reviews especially if there isn't much to add to others comments or a need to give someone a shoutout to boost business. During her screening she asked for a reference or two and told me quite plainly if I ever needed one from here it was all good. About a month later I hit her up but she was out of town. Another provider got back to me wanted a reference. I gave her my most recent as a contact again who was out of town anyway thought it was all good. Little while later I have heard nothing back so I text 'did my reference check out' and was told the provider I was looking to see got a NO response on me. She knew what was up and saw me anyway. Great session. Afterward I text Ms NO and asked if she had gotten a reference request she denied it but after I asked why the NO she said 'because you could have waited a few days and seen me instead' that was the last time I reached out to her for anything.

So due diligence my ass. Originally Posted by DNinja69
You sound real hurt right now, look I’m Not saying shit don’t happen what I’m trying to get out to you guys is if you Putin a little more work your most likely to not get screwed over. Shit does happen absolutely with good or bad provider but the % of good providers out ways the bad there no 90% bad verses 10% good maybe if your shopping on listcrawler sure there’s more bad providers but not a girl with her good reputation is screwing guy over!

I may be a little harsh in telling you guys this but I’d NEVER purposely screw anyone over or do bad business. Take it or leave it!
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
Irony: Providers stopped reviews because it was breaking the law.

Please someone, make it make sense.

Says, No reviews, but has reviews and I'm supposed to base my judgement on those old reviews.

Reviews older than 2 or 3 years mean nothing today. (Except yours of course).

Says, Do your research, no recent reviews, but no research alternative to reviews.

3 reviews on TER, 2022 and 2 in 2017. Only 8 on EM active a year ago, last EM review 2022, Different user names, different email on different platforms, no phone,

After doing my own research, a few redflags just based on dates of reviews, lack of recent reviews, conflicting info on different sites. Wants real phone number from me, but offers no phone. I have a burner because I don't need providers randomly calling. Quote: I won't do that, then proceeds to burn up my phone with texts for money.

Plus a deposit? Yea, not worth the squeeze.

Trust me, send $100 before I talk to you. I won't scam you, but I have no proof I won't scam you.

But if I get scammed it's my fault for not doing the research.

A woman's last argument - It's true because I said so.

My head hurts after dealing with women's "logic". I'll get a "massage" later.
Cendell M's Avatar
You give your own self a headache! YES I have old reviews you can get rid of them

Name change because ppl could not say Cendell right pronouncing it like sendell

I don’t put my phone number out there but if you look hard enough it’s on one of my sites ( I like to screen before giving my number)

You’re just an asshole and bitter because you’ve been burned your problem not mine. You’re picking the scammers

You damn right I’m no scammer so you trying to justify your bullshit don’t put it on me NAME THOSE SCAMMERS you’re allowed to do so, so quit crying. I’m glad you did some research on me now you know how to do it utilize it. Or get a massage you won’t be missed!

biomed1's Avatar
Of the Basics of Participation in the Forums . . .
The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site
Irony: Providers stopped reviews because it was breaking the law. Originally Posted by pertpvyztrzv

It's "game, set, match" when posters rebut with name calling.
pyramider's Avatar
Bullshit. I mean the word fucktard makes it true right? Due diligence. For hookers? Get over yourself newbie.

But I do appreciate that the only real argument here is 'make better choices' which is not bad advice, but only proves the point. If the percentage of flakes and generally bad at doing business providers was anywhere near what some in this thread would like us to believe the need for so much 'diligence' would not be so great. Would it? Originally Posted by DNinja69

I was not a newbie when I joined icky, neither were my 6-10 other handles. Sheep are meant to be sheared, keep getting scammed its entirely YOUR choice.
Cendell M's Avatar
fuckwaffle...thats cute.

One thing I can tell from your posts is that you have forgotten or are just in a position to ignore the fact that you are a service provider. The customer base funds the industry, and the providers (in most business models) are able to profit by making good effort and working to actually earn their fee. You may be at a level where the customer does not have much say and that is good business. For you.

I don't give a fuck who is lined up where for what but I do want value for my expense. Just had a girl I have been talking to tell me she signed up 5 guys this month for her sext club. No actual interaction. A few sexy messages. A hot pic every day. And of course the invitation to her next tier which includes a 2-3 minute sexy video once a week with a little JOI thrown in for a good time. She offered me the first level for $100 a month and $250 for level 2 when I asked about real time interaction she was pretty clear that so long as her car note, mortgage, and party fund were being paid by guys not asking for more her menu does not include anything else. Most likely she does some meet ups but is very selective I get it. I appreciate her style but those guys paying her bills for sexts are the fuckwaffles.

You can feel about it any way you want. The realities men are speaking on here exist whether you can see them or not. Let me know when you start funding the hobby and I will give your opinion more value. Originally Posted by DNinja69
You’re acting like I’m the one that screwed you over, I was just giving my opinion not all providers do that you just have to do work to find the good ones. You’re taking it out on me because I speak my mind it’s not my fault.

A fuckwaffle is a term of endearment but if it hurt your feelings I apologize

Anyway hope things get better for you!
Cendell M's Avatar
Of the Basics of Participation in the Forums . . . Originally Posted by biomed1
winn dixie's Avatar
I'd like to know who the op contacted and how. Two sides to every story.
The attacks on Cendell end now.
She has more cred than most providers on any board. Be civil.
Cendell M's Avatar
Aw aren’t you the cutest little thing I wish I could squeeze your butt cheeks

I’ve said their allowed to post the names, no word yet!
Cendell M's Avatar

It's "game, set, match" when posters rebut with name calling. Originally Posted by saustin
You guys crack me up, yes when reviews can be held against you in a court of law that did it for me.

You’re late to the party tiny, which means you’re now in last place