PSA: Get your naughty bits checked

BigGuy13's Avatar
Well, it was cancer. Seminoma to be exact. It was encapsulated, they think they got it all, so that's good. I'll have a full scan done on the 20th to check if that was it. If they find anything, more surgery (if necessary) and full chemo will be on the calendar. If the scan is clean, I will most likely go through a mild version of chemo any way, as this will drop any chance of reoccurrence from 20% to 3%.

This is no fun, but it is much better that it was caught at this stage, rather than go on unnoticed and spread. Guys and Gals, get yourself checked. And ladies, if you are down there and feel something odd, mention it (after the session). Maybe you save a life...
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Hope all goes well on your next doctors visit. Good advise for all to heed.
Chuck10's Avatar
Still keeping you in my prayers that all goes well on your next doctor's appointment BG...
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Thanks for the update. I'm hoping they got it all, and you don't have to go through chemo.
Hitler had just one.
flinde's Avatar
Thanks for the update. Sounds like you caught it early.

My balls are scheduled for a two tongue thorough exam and massage in the morning. I'll tell the girls to check very thoroughly.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Big Guy. Hope you had a Merry Christmas sir and things are looking up.

Was at the Mega Plex recently and saw a sign for free testing posted on their door by Metro Health Mobile Clinic.

They test for all major Stds at no charge to you. Use it folks!

Every 4th Friday of the month from 4pm to 8pm. They alternate between the megaplex locations here in town. Inquire with them for details.

I think Metro Health sets up other places also. No reason to not go.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Merry Christmas to me, the scan was clear. Trying to get setup with Oncologist for the treatment, holidays getting in the way. Hopefully I can get something set up tomorrow.

Still out of the game. Not sure how long till I can try to play again. Did go see Sherry at Lucky Spa. Felt a little weird, but good too...
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
Glad the scan was clear! May you continue to receive good news BG!
Guest010619's Avatar

That's great news BigGuy.
I'm sure a lot of ladies have been rooting for you.
Ladies, do as the man says and examine us thoroughly. Our lives are in your hands.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Finally saw the Oncologist. Start Chemo next Wednesday. Should be mild and only a single dose, maybe two. Feel like crap for a couple weeks, but drop the relapse percentage down to 3%, I think it's worth it.

Couldn't go into this without setting something up first, so have an appointment scheduled with a friend for tomorrow. We'll see what she can make Jr and the twins, er, lefty do...
BigGuy13's Avatar
Duplicate post
BigGuy13's Avatar
Well, looks everything still works. Thanks Angel!
txhuggybare4u's Avatar
Hang in there bigguy.. hoping the best for you
BigGuy13's Avatar
Had my chemo yesterday. Only one treatment required and it seems like it will be mild compared to what worst cases require. From what I read from the doc and a forum I belong to, days 3 - 6 are going to feel like a major flu hit me, and then I'll slowly feel better, back to normal in about two weeks. Immune system will still be weakened for about 4 weeks, so no hobbying for me for a while...

Sounds like I am complaining, but I am really grateful. It was a great thing that it was caught so early, and this treatment sounds like it is so mild compared to what you see on TV or what others with higher stages have to go through. Get yourself checked and do it often.