Debt Collectors hitting up patients in Hospitals (violation of HIPPA)

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 05:45 PM
Let's see the proof, for a change. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

watch the first doc on the Frontline link I gave you yesterday


then stfu.

Ok wait.. where is all this Obamacare and IRS stuff coming from? The article isn't about any of that. The article is about Debt collectors and certain hospitals violating or potentially violating HIPPA Laws and illegally telling people in emergency rooms and right before or after a major illness/surgery that they won't be treated if they don't pay up on past medical bills.

Sigh.. everyone has just gone right off the train tracks on this thread..
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-26-2012, 07:47 PM
Let's see the proof, for a change. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How about proving what you claim to be fact, rather than making a stupid claim and telling us to prove you wrong.

T2D had his chance and he didn't even bother to try.

Your turn.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
watch the first doc on the Frontline link I gave you yesterday


then stfu.

Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, OK then! Sheesh!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Ok wait.. where is all this Obamacare and IRS stuff coming from? The article isn't about any of that. The article is about Debt collectors and certain hospitals violating or potentially violating HIPPA Laws and illegally telling people in emergency rooms and right before or after a major illness/surgery that they won't be treated if they don't pay up on past medical bills.

Sigh.. everyone has just gone right off the train tracks on this thread.. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
yes, back to the subject, sort of

I had to file bankruptcy 6.75 years and I was getting 60 phone calls a day from the credit card companys. My stupid attorney never told me all I had to do is fax a cease and desist order telling them all communication will now be in writing

google debt collection
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-27-2012, 04:21 AM
I had to file bankruptcy 6.75 years and I was getting 60 phone calls a day from the credit card companys. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Are you commenting on the credit card companies, or are you just letting us know you're not real big on personal responsibility?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-27-2012, 12:36 PM
Ok wait.. where is all this Obamacare and IRS stuff coming from? The article isn't about any of that. The article is about Debt collectors and certain hospitals violating or potentially violating HIPPA Laws and illegally telling people in emergency rooms and right before or after a major illness/surgery that they won't be treated if they don't pay up on past medical bills.

Sigh.. everyone has just gone right off the train tracks on this thread.. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1

like I said, it comes from right wing talking points ... interjected anytime, any place, regardless of subject. Look at the broken record responses on almost every thread ... apparently its all the sheepeople have

Gotyour6's Avatar
So I wont be able to walk into any hospital and just say bill it to the man?

After all, Obama care is coming out of his pocket right?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I would say that in general, bill collectors are about the lowest form of life that there is.

. . . However, sometimes fairly decent people are driven into the industry out of desperation in hard economic times so you can't paint them all with the same brush.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Are you commenting on the credit card companies, or are you just letting us know you're not real big on personal responsibility? Originally Posted by Doove
shit happens when you stick your neck out, have you ever done that or do you work for the government?
Are you commenting on the credit card companies, or are you just letting us know you're not real big on personal responsibility? Originally Posted by Doove
Douchee you just showed your true self. Now crawl back under the rock where you came from.
waverunner234's Avatar
I just saw my doctors office charged my health insurance company a total of $90.00 for a flue shot.

I don't have to pay anything because the insurance company covers it BUT:


So they can easily charge insurance companies a million or 20 million times $90, and no one will find out the truth?
waverunner234's Avatar
I really hope that "Obama Care" will go in full swing in the next few years.

I'm sure they will find out what the things are that can be done better, or cheaper and go from there.
It is a shame for a country like the USA
that people who have the best health care in the world are making decisions for people who have no healthcare at all.
waverunner234's Avatar
And I think that anyone who says

"Healthcare for all is impossible because it is too expensive"


Everyone should have the same access to healthcare because health is the one thing we cannot control (up to a certain degree) in our life.
You can live the most perfect and healthy life and still get cancer.
Yes you can also have a child that is born with a health problem that no one wants but you have to deal with.
Come on people get real
Denying anyone to the same healthcare as our prime citizens have
(like Senators and Congressmen and Judges) is a CRIME

Thank you for listening
waverunner234's Avatar
But the fact that Dick Dick, sorry Cheney got a new heart doesn't really sounds good for all the people who know that he was too old to even qualify for a new heart but I guess he bought his way up on the list?