Income inequality, blue states versus red states. WTF - I'm talking Gini Coefficients here!!!

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  • WTF
  • 01-13-2023, 09:09 AM
Waco Kid, this was your reply to WTF who said conservatives are as bad as progressives at running up debt.

Well, Biden’s Progressive Lite. Sanders, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee started out with a 6.5 trillion Build Back Better Bill. And he and AOC and other progressives viewed that as a small down payment on a huge Green New Deal, to pay not only for a carbonless economy but also for social goals. Cost estimates for that ranged up to 93 trillion.

And how would we pay for that? We wouldn’t have. Because money grows on trees. Using the principles of modern monetary theory we just borrow the money. Yeah we tax the wealthy too, obstensibly to control inflation, but in reality because Progressives want to steal everything they can from people who have more than they do. You can see this in Sanders and Warrens tax plans that they were running on in 2020. Their respective proposed wealth taxes would have kicked in at about 3 or 4 times their net wealth. I guess each wanted to leave a margin of safety in case they added to their wealth.

And yes, in WTF’s mind, debt run up by a Republican is evil incarnate, while debt run up by Democrats is all hunky dory. And since Progressives are Democrats you won’t hear a peep out of him. Considering how doing away with fossil fuels is part of their master plan, I just don’t understand why WTF thinks the way he does. He’s heavily invested in oil and gas midstream. I love that guy, in a Christian sense, and just wish he’d get over his Stockholm Syndrome Originally Posted by Tiny
Have you been hanging out with Waco at the old IBM mainframe discussing stock portfolios?

When are you going to learn the difference between fantasy and reality?

Yes those progressives want what you posted....but that is fantasy, just as Trump eliminating the national debt. If you believe the Bernie, Trump talking points then there is not much I can do for you.

I've highlighted your biggest misnomer. We used to pay down debt after a national disaster such as wars. Reagan stopped all that.
  • Tiny
  • 01-13-2023, 11:10 AM
Have you been hanging out with Waco at the old IBM mainframe discussing stock portfolios? Originally Posted by WTF
Let's see who has the last laugh when our stock portfolios constructed with that old IBM mainframe best Renaissance Technologies performance.

I've highlighted your biggest misnomer. We used to pay down debt after a national disaster such as wars. Reagan stopped all that. Originally Posted by WTF
As you've already admitted, we've had deficits during every presidential term of our adult lives. Except for Clinton's second term when a Republican Congress came together with the White House and balanced the budget.

Why put all the blame on Reagan when the budget bills originated in Tip O'Neill's House of Representatives? Let's call a spade a spade. Democrats are the bigger spendthrifts. That's why there's some substance behind your theory that the best combination to hold down deficits is a Republican House and Democratic President, instead of the other way around. If it's not commandeered by the White House, like with Biden and Pelosi, the House should have more control over the budget than the Senate or the President.
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  • WTF
  • 01-13-2023, 11:44 AM

As you've already admitted, we've had deficits during every presidential term of our adult lives. Except for Clinton's second term when a Republican Congress came together with the White House and balanced the budget.

Why put all the blame on Reagan when the budget bills originated in Tip O'Neill's House of Representatives? Let's call a spade a spade. Democrats are the bigger spendthrifts. That's why there's some substance behind your theory that the best combination to hold down deficits is a Republican House and Democratic President, instead of the other way around. If it's not commandeered by the White House, like with Biden and Pelosi, the House should have more control over the budget than the Senate or the President. Originally Posted by Tiny
Clinton ran deficits, especially if you peel back the surplus in SS.

I blame Reagan because he spawned a bunch of lame brain supply side'ers who believe if you cut taxes, you'll increase tax revenues!

And Republicans getting tight fisted only when there is a Democrat in office is not a theory, it is a fact!

What you fail to understand is that Republicans are not fiscally conservative. What they want to do is pay for all their wants not through federal taxes but by the slight of hand of a combined discretionary and non-discretionary budgets and then ....instead of paying old folks what was cry about cutting their benefits.

Reagan figured out how to do that....and you're're one of the ones who scream about SS and Medicare not being solvent.