Freaking Fantastic News

chitowntransplant69's Avatar
Two more human trafficked sex slaves were saved today! Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Show us proof of this information. Anyone can make baseless claims. Where did they get saved from and by whom?
Stewie griffen's Avatar
1000 more were recruited just today....
Tree - why can I find news stories about AMPs over the last 2 weeks?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah thinck that ya gotta wear a tinfoil hat ta pull in tha signal ta get thet specifick newscast.
RREB's Avatar
  • RREB
  • 07-18-2017, 05:14 PM
Two more human trafficked sex slaves were saved today!

This is awesome. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
  • HB361
  • 07-19-2017, 01:45 AM

Our country is very compassionate. Especially to non US citizens who were trafficked. There are churches that have homes for these people and will get them the services they need. Medical, dental, psychological, etc. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
If you are so passionate about it, and our country is so compassionate, why don't YOU open your home to house them? It's not a burden to you to get on a forum to troll and snitch, but sure is a burden for you to actually DO something pro-active and compassionate.