Providers and capitalism

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Sorry to burst your bubble RT, but look at "green" light bulbs and where they are being manufactured by those same 12 yo kids. They are a greased Left palm deal. Namely J. Immult an adviser to the current potus. Off shoring is not a partisan idea, it's most definatley bi-partisan.

Sorry tsrv4me - those lil' nighty's are now being made by a 12 yr old Asian girl in an underdeveloped country for about 2 bucks.

Packing, shipping, and distributing costs after greasing the right Right-winger - maybe 10 cents per item (gratuitous estimate). Good ol' free enterprise mixed with a lil' laisse' faire hands-off, out-sourcing.

Our job market didn't "go to hell", as one politician said. They just went overseas. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
LovingKayla's Avatar
Easy there guys. Every one has a tin hat of some kind ( mine is latex.) There are things on both sides that are correct and things that are incorrect. The lines don't have to be so black and white. My very best friend is on the opposite side of the aisle from me, but we agree on a good percentage of the core issues. For example: I have always been a extremely hard core pro life person. Now I didn't go picket planned parenthood but I believed abortion was wrong and it should be illegal. I still believe abortion is wrong and the government should NOT be involved with it what-so-ever, much less paying for it. However, I am now pro-life pro-choice.

I believe in people being free. Me telling someone that they can't do something with their body is wrong. It doesn't matter that I believe abortion is out right murder of our children, it has no bearing on what YOU CHOOSE... and the very foundation of my beliefs in this country is freedom. I would be a traitor to my own cause if I compromised my beliefs in order to save them. Abortion is wrong, but it's not for me to say what someone else's moral compass is. It took me a long time, and the loss of at least one friend, to come to that conclusion. (And yes I know based on that argument I can't tell a murderer what to do either. The baby inside a woman is on the mother's conscience. It doesn't hurt anyone in society.)

That example was meant to show there are pieces from each side that correct. If we could actually get together and really talk and debate like free Americans, there's no telling what we could accomplish. I encourage you on each side to try and listen LISTEN to the argument FIRST.

I can see both sides here on the free market. I think if the absolute facts were laid out, we'd agree more than you think.
@ SoftPlaceToLand - You're such a doll. Great discussion. Would love to try on one (or a couple) of your hats.

@ DFW5Traveler
- I'm sure you mean right-winger Jeff "Immelt". Immelt fessed up to being a lifelong Republican (sorry to burst your bubble). Just because he knows how to saddle-up with President Obama doesn't make him a liberal. However it does demonstrate the presidents attempt at true bipartisanship and occasional lack good of judgment.


Jeff Immelt has been CEO of GE since September 2007, and his corruption has been well documented. His company knowingly sold goods to Iran against federal law following 9-11. GE reportedly made $18 billion in 2009 (and that's just what was reported). Now THIS GUY would qualify as one of them, as in the "they" some of you spoke of earlier. He's definitely in the club. If you read my earlier posts you'd recall me also mentioning utility/energy companies. This would be one.

Those of you bringing up the salaries of athletes and entertainers, have your eyes wide shut (too much TMZ and ET). While they're telling you that the Micheal's are the richest guys in the world (Jackson, Jordan, Tyson, Vick, Douglas), you write your checks out to the likes of the corrupt Immelts of the world who exploit us daily and earn ten times over the salaries of those who you have been conditioned to recognize as "wealthiest" or "richest" or the "theys" of this economy.

While you're busy hating, loving, or envying millionaire entertainers, Jay-Z, Vick, or Steinbrenner, oil prices are being raised and your trustworthy congress-person just agreed to pass another bill allowing your billionaire's, trillion dollar drug company to bar you from purchasing that same cancer/diabetes/autoimmune disease fighting/curing drug for $5 a bottle in Canada, Cuba, or Mexico. Instead, you're FREE to purchase it for a 500% increase from our ethical American companies - GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer, or from whoever is currently padding down our congress and politicians (while in turn, these companies outsource the production and manufacturing of those drugs outside our borders - possibly in Canada, Cuba, or Mexico). This is Capitalism the American way.

And just so you guys know - I have a few extra tin hats.

Hey Traveler I was wondering - does the blue pill have an after-taste?
Wow, what a gem of a topic!

Mr. Iainliein pretty much said it all when he said that anti-capitalism is a trend that never took off. And the way we do business is controlled by our government. That's why President Obama scared me during his campaign with his "widening the middle class" bit. In a capitalist system, we are all given equal (well MOSTLY equal) liberties to get the education, or to seek the knowledge, and/or hone the skills necessary to create our own outcomes in life. We also have a choice NOT to as well. If you don't like school, or seeking knowledge in general, your choices of providing for yourself are severely limited. Yes, the ditch-digger thinks his boss doesn't pay him enough. But what is he going to do about it? Work at McDonalds? The person who coined the phrase 'the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer' obviously didn't use every option available to him to succeed.

The US as a whole is capitalist. But as providers, are we capitalizing on our 'goods'? Yes. And hopefully our government will soon see it as such.
"That's why President Obama scared me during his campaign with his "widening the middle class" bit. In a capitalist system, we are all given equal (well MOSTLY equal) liberties to get the education, or to seek the knowledge, and/or hone the skills necessary to create our own outcomes in life. "

- you do understand the president's intent to "widening the middle class" is due to the middle class shrinking into an ever increasing working class (some call lower class), right? If Obama does not succeed in widening this middle-class, which class do you think you would eventually fall into? The one with the Rockefellers? Think again. I'm not telling you not to dream big - but I am saying - STOP DREAMING!!

The bigger the working class, the more people Walmart (and the labor industries) can employ - and that equals larger PROFITS for who? . . . Not us sweetheart.

In other words, his intent is to give more families more financial opportunities that are not available anymore due to a Capitalistic system that eliminates job markets, higher wages for the working boy or gal (that would be you), while it victimizes those who have to succumb to trades or professions that are illegal and possibly seen as unethical by many (that would be you too).

Don't you know that when your president seeks to widen the middle class, it means to create more $70,000 - $150,000 paying jobs for many posting here on this website - maybe even you?

The sad irony is - although there are many women here who love being humped by us big, greasy, hairy, bad-breathed strangers day in and day out - there are also many that are only here as a result of the dregs of Capitalism.

- the most worthless part or parts of something.
Lancs4440's Avatar
Wait a minute, I've been told for all the years I've lived here in Texas that this is nirvana, utopia, etc? we are at the bottom of all the rankings?!? Hahaha
"That's why President Obama scared me during his campaign with his "widening the middle class" bit. In a capitalist system, we are all given equal (well MOSTLY equal) liberties to get the education, or to seek the knowledge, and/or hone the skills necessary to create our own outcomes in life. "

- you do understand the president's intent to "widening the middle class" is due to the middle class shrinking into an ever increasing working class (some call lower class), right? If Obama does not succeed in widening this middle-class, which class do you think you would eventually fall into? The one with the Rockefellers? Think again. I'm not telling you not to dream big - but I am saying - STOP DREAMING!!

The bigger the working class, the more people Walmart (and the labor industries) can employ - and that equals larger PROFITS for who? . . . Not us sweetheart.

In other words, his intent is to give more families more financial opportunities that are not available anymore due to a Capitalistic system that eliminates job markets, higher wages for the working boy or gal (that would be you), while it victimizes those who have to succumb to trades or professions that are illegal and possibly seen as unethical by many (that would be you too).

Don't you know that when your president seeks to widen the middle class, it means to create more $70,000 - $150,000 paying jobs for many posting here on this website - maybe even you?

The sad irony is - although there are many women here who love being humped by us big, greasy, hairy, bad-breathed strangers day in and day out - there are also many that are only here as a result of the dregs of Capitalism.

- the most worthless part or parts of something. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
I understand exactly what you mean. I am a supporter of President Obama, and creating more higher paying jobs. I'm just saying when he said it, it sounded kind of Marxist. So the question now lies in how will a person with no education and/OR no marketable skills obtain them? I understand that since the economy went bust there are a lot of degreed people out of work. But that is where skill comes in. It doesn't take an education to make it, but it takes a thirst for knowledge.

My 19-year-old godbaby VOLUNTEERED at a man's body shop in 2008 when he admitted he couldn't pay him just to learn a trade. In turn, he has helped turned the man's business around and is currently a payed employee. My sister doesn't like school and sat on her ass while everyone around her is now graduating from college. Now that she can't get a job to save her life (not even at fast food restaurants. Restaurant jobs have switched from being teenager jobs to being less-educated adult jobs), she has just enrolled in community college. He can't widen the middle class with lazy people. It's when people rely on the capitalism of others that they feel the way you do. (i.e. Detroit and the automotive companies. No disrespect. My dad worked in the same factory for 20 years doing the same thing. Now he looks at me, and in 5 years I've been promoted twice.) People don't understand that the industry jobs and call centers and Walmart are not meant to be careers. Just stepping stones as you continue to grow...

Sad irony is, I'm already in that tax bracket- WITHOUT the hobby. I have a great education (and I know what dregs means), and marketable skills in several areas. In 2008 when my company downsized, I was blessed and cursed to be on the right side of the table. If I lose my job for some odd reason, the one good thing about it is I live in Texas. We STILL have jobs. Yes, darling Lancs4440, welcome to Nirvana. I help people find them all the time. It may not be what I want, but I will have what I need. And it won't be a Walmart CSM position. Meeting you guys, and humping some of the sweet, CONSIDERATE, hard-working, tasty-breathed, hairy (that's not a negative), and affectionate men on MY time (I do too much to do ANYTHING day in and day out) is a bonus for me. I like affecting another's life, teaching and learning, and being prompted to change my thought pattern as well.

I seem to attract intelligent, witty, considerate men (who make sure their breath is fresh) from all backgrounds, some with whom I've disagreed, but appreciated an opinion from a different perspective. I am proof that if you work hard, learn what you can, when you can and from WHO you can, you can change your life and what's expected of it. And that's REELTALK (hehe. I couldn't resist)

All the best to you, darling!

Oh, and Post Script: If you are in the hobby to reciprocate a bad feeling you have for your government, to bring a lady the pain that you feel, to make us feel ugly and used like you feel, I think you're in the wrong hobby.
Oh well . . . I tried.

BTW Tiff - sometimes the truth leaves a bad feeling, not people. Making you or anyone else feel ugly, used, or bad in any way - was definitely not my intent. Although you shared your thoughts and opinions - I shared documented facts about Capitalism and it's flaws.

Allow me if I may, to applaud and commend your father for working in a factory in this country for 20 years (as you should). He didn't rely on someone else's capitalism (as you said), no - capitalism relied on him. Much respect!

When you can say you worked 20 years on your job - holla back at me.

You seem to be of the opinion that people exploit Capitalism. I respectfully disagree. I'm of the opinion that Capitalism exploits and uses people.

And if all you got from my honest, insightful, at times witty and informative posts was the impression that I'm intentionally attempting to create something to cause you to feel bad or uncomfortable, as opposed to trying to open your eyes with a word of truth that could possibly help you - then my sincere and deepest apologies sweetheart.

Your blue pill is on me.
Boltfan's Avatar
Reeltalk, do you know a guy named TTH? I think you wear the same hat size.
You too Boltfan? (Note to Boltfan: Never publicly disclose that you personally know another guys "hat size" - I'm just sayin'.)

Blue stocks are rising fast.
No blue pills necessary here, darling. I'm pumped and ready to go 'round these parts! LOL

I love that you are an intelligent, and apparently caring man. You obviously have a soft spot for those who feel they have no choice in the outcomes of the hands they've been dealt. Being a Poli Sci graduate and having political aspirations at one time (aah, childhood dreams), I understand that government has always been a business. And the people involved aren't necessarily priming it to benefit all parties involved. I definitely agree that the documented definition of capitalism has strayed, but that was the purpose. The definition was to be so broad it can't be narrowed down to an exact science. But to consider the alternative, government controlled everything, lack of freedom to live your dream, having ideas that would make you rich (and don't say you don't want to be either!) and your income being capped. I'll take Capitalism for $300 Alex....

My only problem is you saying you're trying to screw girls like the government is screwing you.

The primary reason some us are on this sight is to escape from the reality of being bent over by a government that's allowing corporate fat cats to screw us at will . . . or maybe it's just to try to mimic the same fuck we're receiving, but on a much smaller scale. The hobby as a true free market? Maybe. The hobby as Capitalism - American style? I don't think any of us could survive it.
We should not be anyone's scapegoat for bad feelings. We are here to make you feel BETTER. I figured actually getting what you paid for in any situation is good. But if you feel like companions should be considered amongst the dregs of capitalism, and being persecuted for being providers is a better ideal than legalizing it where the money can do some good (in the hands of our trusted and elected government officials no less), then I do feel like you should find another outlet for your desires. This leads to disdain for women as a whole, giving a woman money that you feel she doesn't deserve. Bringing a vindictive mindset into an encounter with someone not at fault for your feelings is not fair.

"Providers and our current system of Capitalism go together like premium unleaded and SUV's, and and truth is - we're all being pimped, but it's not by who you think. The good 'ol gubment would do good to legalize this hobby - because I'm sure many provider's would tell you - it's still a fuckin' pain in the rear to try to get rich off our cheap asses. "
There are all sorts of reasons for getting in the hobby for women, most financially motivated. But getting rich is not the ideal. The way you lump all providers together is a shame. We're not all out to get you. I hope you find some happiness in yourself so that you can see the good in others. It's never too late....
Boltfan's Avatar
You too Boltfan? (Note to Boltfan: Never publicly disclose that you know another guys "hat size". I'm just sayin')

Blue stocks are rising. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
Me too what? Did you determine my stance on everything from what color shoes I like to my stance on global warming by my hat comment?

You also share another trait with TTH, omnipotence.
My only problem is you saying you're trying to screw girls like the government is screwing you. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Ok Tiff - now I'm falling in love with you. I seriously had to bust out laughing on this one. I was not being literal, nor speaking of myself. It seems you misconstrued or misunderstood a couple of things I stated. My fault for not being clearer.

@Boltfan - Uh, yeah . . . I picture you wearing a pair of lime green Jimmy Choo's, or periwinkle Manolos (YOU opened that door my friend).
mmcqtx's Avatar
Reeltalk, I am curious which northeastern state was the site of your birth and upbringing. There is no way you are a Texan. You see, in Texas we believe in the individual. We do not need the government to to hold our hand, to pick us up when we fall, or to keep us from hurting ourself. We are a right to work, right to bear arms, "don't care how they do it back east", haven for the modern entrepreneur, old oil money, wave the American flag and to hell with those commie bastards state of individuals. You are a socialist at best and yes, that is a dirty word. You are why there is a state income tax "back east" and economic failure in California. You won't find many to agree with you here bacause most who post here are Texans. Please take a moment to read the Constitution, the document that is our basis of law. The document those you support in Congress pretty much ignore so that they can perpetuate their power and control the weak-minded.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I think Everyone lost sight of the original Thread here ........if you paid attention ...I mentioned that the conversation took place many years ago .in the 70s actually ...Yes now things are made off shore .....At the time I made the comments to the class .......I had just toured a Lingerie Mfg. company .....From where the fabric was unloaded at the dock ,to unpacking .to unrolling 256 layers of the same fabric on a VERY long table ...patterns attached to said fabric ....and two workers cutting those patterns out with pattern cutting machines ,like large meat slicers ....then pieces being seperated by ,sleeve .bodice,back,ETC ....taken to different areas where local ladies sewed two pieces together and dropped into large tub....tub then moved to another location where other pieces were sewn together was a very time consuming ...but deliberate job and the inspections for perfection took place at each step of the process .....when pieces were all put together then wrapped in tissue and packed into specified boxes ..for shipping ...That is what I was talking about ... This was happening in this country not an offshore sweat shop ......I dont know about the sweat shops ,never been in one but obviously several of you her know much more than any of the rest of us about the sweat shops this from experience or hearsay ??? But the question was do you believe in capitalism or something such as Free enterprise I believe ......but reeltalk seems to know more than everyone else about sweat shops and foreign made mdse......much more than I or boltfan .I am sure .....