Encounter: Good fuck


No worries dude, you’re info is respectable and much appreciated. She’s currently in my company and I’m not seeing any issues whatsoever. She does like to talk, but I’m enjoying our conversation. As far as I’m concerned, you’d be making a mistake not seeing this sexy lady. She’ll be here till Thursday, so you’re loss till she gets back fellas lol.

Btw, she’s prancing around my place in nothing but sexy short shorts. I’m a pretty happy guy right now. J/s Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

I'm so glad she's treating you well. Enjoy her draining you proper. People probably wanna wait til Friday to see her ... you'll be still be dripping down her leg at albany airport lol.
What it's all about is sharing and watching after each other.
This forum is trash.

Half of the members here just need to stop posting altogether...
This forum is trash.

Half of the members here just need to stop posting altogether... Originally Posted by ignoramus
From someone has posted 5 times in 3 years. I guess your expectations are high for everyone else.
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