Is Google Spying On Us??

trey32's Avatar
When the internet first started there were a dozen or so search engines. Wow, we are down to one collection center. I would really like to know how much personal data google has on us
  • Jilge
  • 05-12-2024, 10:51 AM
More than we could even fathom....for sure!
Google spies to market stuff. Otherwise they don't care what you do. It's all about the money
trey32's Avatar
You are right, but you just never know how someone in google comes up with a way to monetize data on us, and data we might prefer they don't use
Ripmany's Avatar
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
Google doesn't care about your hobby or fetish unless they can show you an ad about it you might click on.

There are other search engines out there besides google, since no one cares what google knows, we still use google.

My major concern is not what google (or any company) knows, it's what my wife's attorney will find out if they request my info from Google.

I do use a different search engine that says they are non-tracking and private. I have private encrypted anonymous email, vpn, adblocker to block google-adsense, etc...

Google's search engine is nothing compared to your phone. Which I've also tried to make as private as possible (or at least private from attorney's and PI's).
Yes, big brother is everywhere. I am not a born conspiracy theorist, but why do we have to have a gmail account to work an android phone?
Wouldn't that be a monopoly? Microsoft Windows did go through something similar back in the day when everyone realized that without windows their computer would not work alone.

I suppose we need to find some smart programmers for our needs.
What would they be?
but they really don't care if you use aliases and false addresses etc.
yea the apps spying on you is true inside. Ever noticed that orange circular icon on your iPhone when your on a call? Well that's one of the apps listening into you which you've enabled at some point when downloading, start shit for sure. Anyone know how to remove that ?