Hobby and Friends?

Duthgar1976's Avatar
I did try HotS but it seems really really easy?

it's nice not gonna lie, and blizzard made it so it's beautiful <3

but i'm a league girl hands down, it's between DOTA and HotS

yea, i see what they mean, i guess i'm was trying to have my cake and eat it too Originally Posted by !VI!

Damn then i must suck at MOBAs casue im barely an average level player, granted been playing only a month but still. I have my good days and bad days.
corona's Avatar
YO <- RIGHT HERE. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I have a number of friends who are providers. We do things that friends do together. Some i have known for years. Some I met here, some outside of Eccie. Some might have sex with me if not for the fact I know what they do. Or not.

But, i don't give them money for nothing and they don't give me sex for free. We keep that line clear so we stay friends.
BigDBone's Avatar
Ashi is different from most guys. A lot of people are only looking for what they can get out of you so you have to keep your defenses up or you will get used up and in the end, all you have is regret.

In my time as a provider, I have had a lot of great clients. An outsider looking in would definitely say that we are friends and it is a fact that I prefer their company over anyone that I consider a "friend". Sometimes people click with each other and it is a lot of fun. However, I would never call them like I do my friends and every time we get together, they pay. It does not bother me if they don't call or they want to use me as a reference.

Maintaining your professionalism will attract the right guys and deter the wrong guys. If you are looking to fuck, maybe you should try Match.com. Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan
What are you taking about? We are talking about clients becoming friends. You still looking at clients as clients. ( I would never call them like I do my friends and every time we get together, they pay. It does not bother me if they don't call or they want to use me as a reference.)
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 08-24-2015, 11:06 PM
Hey , BDBone, . sexy Erotic Morgan ( the Fey) is my new friend here! She said something nice about me ... SO PLEASE BE SUPER NICE TO HER !

The way I took her comment is she values an established top notch client more than some of her flaky friends . ( me in this case , lol)- a client is still a client even if treated with maximum friendliness. she shows she is strong, and coolheaded and knows the basics of the money flow dynamics.

All in good humor...
hornsfan4life's Avatar
IMHO, it real depends on the people involved. I'm a hobbyist, been so for a while, and one of my best friends in the world is a provider. We have a great relationship. We respect each other, we care for each other and we genuinely like each other. I COULD get "freebies" all the time but because I respect her and value her friendship I pay. Hell, she's constantly arguing with me that I don't have to pay, but I do. Do I ever take her up on an occasional "freebie"? Sure! But because we're really friends I never want her to feel as though I'm taking advantage of her, I pay 99% of the time.

As far as me seeing other ladies.......it's awesome! She's never ever tried to interfere with anyone I wanted to see. In fact she's gone so far as to make suggestions as to whom she thought I'd have a good time with AND offered to pay for sessions!

Everyone and every situation is different, IMHO the key to making any friendship work, regardless of how or where it begins, is mutual respect and valuing the other person.

I'm a hobbyist and my bestie is a provider and it's cool! We respect each other, we value each other's friendship and we fuck!
  • DSK
  • 08-25-2015, 12:03 PM
Hey Everyone,

I've been a bit conflicted about some things lately in terms of etiquette...

I LOVE making new friends, especially ones i can sleep with... but i've been told by so many people don't mix business with pleasure or &quot;don't fuck your money&quot;. Especially since i play a whole lote of MOBA's online games etc., attending comic/anime conventions.

To me that seems odd all things considering,

So in reality

When is it ok to become real friends with Clients/Providers?
should you just avoid all together? Originally Posted by !VI!
I have fallen in love with several providers, although I never tell them I love them, they do not mention it, and we go about our business. I would consider them friends and I assume they like me, because they always take my calls and appointments, but they realize I can easily afford to pay them and know I refuse to take advantage of them.

So, I always pay. I rarely ever spend any off the clock time with them just to make sure I'm not taking advantage of their good nature. If I were closer to their age and not very happy with my family life, I would definitely try to get more deeply involved.

In that respect, if it is a guy your age and you like him, it could be trouble, or it could work out. However, he needs to be open minded and screw other women, and let you screw around, also. It would never work out with a guy who only wants you for himself.
berkleigh's Avatar
Keep your circle small.
Business separate from your personal Life.

I've met some really great people in the Hobby, Providers and Clients and I value the friendship I have maintained with them over the years.
I've broken rules but I learned from my mistakes.
It happens.

Just be safe and do what you makes you happy

IMHO, it real depends on the people involved. I'm a hobbyist, been so for a while, and one of my best friends in the world is a provider. We have a great relationship. We respect each other, we care for each other and we genuinely like each other. I COULD get "freebies" all the time but because I respect her and value her friendship I pay. Hell, she's constantly arguing with me that I don't have to pay, but I do. Do I ever take her up on an occasional "freebie"? Sure! But because we're really friends I never want her to feel as though I'm taking advantage of her, I pay 99% of the time.

As far as me seeing other ladies.......it's awesome! She's never ever tried to interfere with anyone I wanted to see. In fact she's gone so far as to make suggestions as to whom she thought I'd have a good time with AND offered to pay for sessions!

Everyone and every situation is different, IMHO the key to making any friendship work, regardless of how or where it begins, is mutual respect and valuing the other person.

I'm a hobbyist and my bestie is a provider and it's cool! We respect each other, we value each other's friendship and we fuck! Originally Posted by hornsfan4life
She is a lucky girl!

Keep your circle small.
Business separate from your personal Life.

I've met some really great people in the Hobby, Providers and Clients and I value the friendship I have maintained with them over the years.
I've broken rules but I learned from my mistakes.
It happens.

Just be safe and do what you makes you happy

Originally Posted by berkleigh
You are a great friend! Love ya!
berkleigh's Avatar

You are a great friend! Love ya! Originally Posted by Reese Foster


Call me while you're in town! Miss your pretty face!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
HOOOOOOoooolllllly FUuucccK!

Are some of these motherfuckers really talkin about falling in love?

What the fuck is going on around here?
VVFIVE's Avatar
It all boils down to the two consenting adults. If you want to have a non-business like relationship even though y'all were brought together through the hobby world, then go for it.

A well known provider, who has now moved out of DFW, and I had a mutual connection and we were naturally drawn towards each other. We had multiple business sessions and then we decided to hang out in the vanilla world. We went for HH dates, movies, Bars and Clubs, Dinner dates et all....yes we made love to each other and when I paid for the services, both of us felt unnatural.

We did have few impromptu sessions which did not involve any business transactions now and then. We bonded and were/are friends till date.

IMHO - do what you guys feel is right, as long as there is no expectations or drama involved. Then again don't go trusting on everyone based on words, but trust your instincts!!!!
Iaintliein's Avatar
Iaintliein is a great example. He is amazing. One of my favorite people. I would consider us "friends". But the job is the job is the job. Those of us that have been around will tell you to avoid personal entanglements at almost any cost, however, there will be exceptions. Just make SURE in the BEGINNING that they understand where you stand and DO NOT MOVE THE LINE.

Becareful with yourself and your loved ones. The choices you make affect everyone you know. It may be years before you see damage.... and I can't stress that enough.

BTW Do NOT get entangled with a married man. DO NOT. Even friendly drinks are a no no. Once you give an inch, you'll never get it back and more will ultimately be expected no matter what they say at the time.

But hey on a different note, you sound right up my alley. I don't want to fuck you (well ya I kinda do), but I'd sure love to hang sometime. I love Cons. Almost any one. That's another thing though, be very careful which providers you choose to associate with. You'll get seriously screwed 9 out of 10 times. I have just been very fortunate and blessed on all fronts. Take care girl. You are amazingly beautiful.... Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Kindred spirits for sure. It's been too long my friend. Look in your in box.
SelenaAce's Avatar
I've done this, always ended in disaster for me. :/
Thanks for info