Overnight luvrboy

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Believing these women actually care for a Man paying them to get laid makes you a smart guy? Get in touch with reality and understand what things really are pop's.

You're not romancing a potential prospect girlfriend over here, you're a trick paying for pussy. Originally Posted by BLM69

I paid for the physical intimacy and the illusion, and it never went any deeper than that, nor was I ever fooled to see it any further than that. However I was never such a fucking prick I called the ladies whores, there is no need for that. It's like hating the very thing you need and are paying for. Actually the psychology of the hobby doesn't require the brain power of a rocket scientist, it's very simple but some people are too stupid to recognize this. Maybe we can pick this up and finish this discussion on OH2, sorry that won't work as you're perma-banned over there. It takes a total fool to get banned, but getting perna-banned takes the idiocy to a whole another level.
First of all, you only know about me what I allow you to know. Secondly, I wasn't talking to you, something about people using multiple handles is just sickening to me like you're playing games with the membership here. Lastly, I've known for months your a pure 100% narcissist, however your speaking using the term "makes no sense to most of us" just verifies your narcissistic tendencies. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Let me stop before I get pointed. You are living off memories. I'm actively living it. Geez, realize when something is over and let it go. We are not the same Sir as far as Current relevance to this board. Please, why are you still here except to call people names and act as the resident Grinch
I say this lightly because it seems the rules here differ for different posters but someone like you Sir who self proclaimed hasn't hobbied in years isn't worth our time, those of us who actively hobby. We talked once I believe via dm and you shared your reason for not hobbying, honestly I was compassionate with your response but that compassion is deteriorating with your constant attacks on members and your propensity to name calling when in all actuality Sir you are the one who isn't relevant and you are the one who seems like what you call others for still being here, not hobbying. Makes no sense to most of us. Originally Posted by Pitroom
You don't like me or my posts scroll on. Originally Posted by Pitroom
So narcissistic that you can’t even play by your own rules.
By paying it makes me a trick, by charging for pussy makes them a whore. You can sugar coated however you like, I don't like pretending or into illusions. Originally Posted by BLM69
Like I implied, “whore” probably fits for the pussy you pay for. Mine are prostitutes by definition. That much I will concede.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-10-2023, 01:16 PM
I paid for the physical intimacy and the illusion, and it never went any deeper than that, nor was I ever fooled to see it any further than that. However I was never such a fucking prick I called the ladies whores, there is no need for that. It's like hating the very thing you need and are paying for. Actually the psychology of the hobby doesn't require the brain power of a rocket scientist, it's very simple but some people are too stupid to recognize this. Maybe we can pick this up and finish this discussion on OH2, sorry that won't work as you're perma-banned over there. It takes a total fool to get banned, but getting perna-banned takes the idiocy to a whole another level. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Getting banned for good at OH2 takes as little as a fat whore sending CK a message with lies, I'll never be a pussy simp and kiss ass in order to participate anywhere. That's the difference between me and you
I paid for the physical intimacy and the illusion, and it never went any deeper than that, nor was I ever fooled to see it any further than that. However I was never such a fucking prick I called the ladies whores, there is no need for that. It's like hating the very thing you need and are paying for. Actually the psychology of the hobby doesn't require the brain power of a rocket scientist, it's very simple but some people are too stupid to recognize this. Maybe we can pick this up and finish this discussion on OH2, sorry that won't work as you're perma-banned over there. It takes a total fool to get banned, but getting perna-banned takes the idiocy to a whole another level. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
So now UC, if I'm reading this correctly it's okay for Dear John to spew names at whoever, but other folks can't. You are my favorite, but c'mon Sir
NordicJag's Avatar
I say this lightly because it seems the rules here differ for different posters but someone like you Sir who self proclaimed hasn't hobbied in years isn't worth our time, those of us who actively hobby. We talked once I believe via dm and you shared your reason for not hobbying, honestly I was compassionate with your response but that compassion is deteriorating with your constant attacks on members and your propensity to name calling when in all actuality Sir you are the one who isn't relevant and you are the one who seems like what you call others for still being here, not hobbying. Makes no sense to most of us. Originally Posted by Pitroom
Pit, at universities there are professors who have retired and no longer teach any classes. They maintain an office. They are called a Professor Emeritus. They are sought out by students and other faculty members for advice and insights because of their experience. Just because they no longer teach does not mean that they don't have wisdom and knowledge.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-10-2023, 04:41 PM
So now UC, if I'm reading this correctly it's okay for Dear John to spew names at whoever, but other folks can't. You are my favorite, but c'mon Sir Originally Posted by Pitroom
These guys snitch and do the same things, they're trying to impress hookers. Maybe one will fall in love and they'll feel some free pussy for once
Pit, at universities there are professors who have retired and no longer teach any classes. They maintain an office. They are called a Professor Emeritus. They are sought out by students and other faculty members for advice and insights because of their experience. Just because they no longer teach does not mean that they don't have wisdom and knowledge. Originally Posted by NordicJag
This is a reach at best Sir. I respected Dear John until he came for me and started calling people dumb and idiots. I understand about professors and also partners in law firms, but this shit is different. The rules change quickly and the women change. If you are not consistent boots on the ground respectfully you can't tell me shit about getting pussy in 2023 based off Escape and Wildflowers. Those days are gone and it's a whole different animal now. If you are a professor emeritus at least don't come on here disparaging those keeping it alive by calling them dumb and idiotic, you come across as the old grandpa everyone just wants to just take a nap, especially when you are not adding any Intel of value just old stories I already know.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
For clarity Pit, some words are rude and crude, and some are not.
I'm literally going to get fucked up on that note UC. Sir I have a great life, I literally buy alot of pussy. Drink. Have fun. It's literally gutwrenching to wake up in the morning hungover to a warning from you, when I see dear John say stupid and idiot. I would rather you say hey this dude is my friend or owns the damn site so I understand the rules. I don't want to get pointed for defending myself against these no pussy buying trolls. I don't say anything to these dudes until they come for me.
Guys there will never be an Escape. There will never be a Wildflowers. Aspd parties are gone. They will never return. I encourage everyone to have their turn, but also know when their turn is up and pass the mantle on to someone else. Two things I promise myself, I'm not hobbying past 70 and if God blessed me to get married again and I'm 48, my hobbying stops. I think a few people her just don't know when to just let this shit go...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Guys there will never be an Escape. There will never be a Wildflowers. Aspd parties are gone. They will never return. I encourage everyone to have their turn, but also know when their turn is up and pass the mantle on to someone else. Two things I promise myself, I'm not hobbying past 70 and if God blessed me to get married again and I'm 48, my hobbying stops. I think a few people her just don't know when to just let this shit go... Originally Posted by Pitroom

It's so cool that I live rent free in this guys head. It's amazing how much you know since you've been here just a little more than a year. Either that or you need to be perma-banned for multi usernames. At least I've used the same user name since 1999 or several different hobby boards, than again, I'm not gutless with anything to hide.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I'm not hobbying past 70 and if God blessed me to get married again and I'm 48, my hobbying stops. I think a few people her just don't know when to just let this shit go... Originally Posted by Pitroom

OK, I'm going to play nice and attempt to use my professor emeritus status to share some wisdom with you. Whether you want to accept this wisdom is up to you.

I partied hard from 1999 to around 2008, Costa Rica, Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Tijuana, orgies, multies, etc. The biggest fear is how do I get out of this lifestyle. I mean if I wanted some gal with F cups, if I wanted some spinner, if I wanted white, black, hispanic, asian, it was all there. Before the hobby I was a very shy person, but during my time in the hobby, I got out of this shell and started having fun. Instead of going into a corner during a party, I was in the middle of the party. I mean life was great and I lived it to the fullest, but I knew one day I had to end it. I started trying to scale back, but I got right back in. The only way to get out was to stop cold turkey.

You need to ask yourself this, if you were to get remarried, would you be able to settle down with one person, or after a few months, get right back into the hobby. Being deep in this hobby is about as addicting as anything you could imagine.
Michael8219's Avatar
The last couple sentences very true DJ. And remember:

"The castle gates will always open for gold-laden donkeys."
—Russian proverb