Burger King to become Canadian company

Thanks Obamy... NO REALLY THANKS! Obamy... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You can really thank Clinton for all the companies in America leaving, thanks to NAFT. But we can thank Obama too, cause he's not any better actually alot worse.
You need to address blame where it really is. The lawmakers fucking around for years, and nor addressing the tax structure. Canada has so we will see more companies moving their offices there to avoid taxes. However Burger King is giving away phones to their customers .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess this should have been titled "Thank you Obama, may I have another: Burger King".

This is about taxes and not patriotism. A company has no real nationality unless they make it that way. (example: The American Flag Company of KCMO) This is about dollars and cents. The US government charges a 35% corporate tax on companies like Burger King and then they also charge Burger King taxes on money that never comes to the US from other countries. Who won't want to take advantage of something like this. If Mom and Pop eatery could figure out how to purchase a small place in the Yukon, put little Joey in charge, and then move their "headquarters" to the Great White North, they would. This is just the beginning until our government, particularily the democratic side, gets it's head of it's collective ass and fixes the problem.

Reality check, this has existed long before Obama came along but Barry brings with him hatred of business that is shared by many of his underlings. That is the difference.
BigLouie's Avatar
Congress is a bunch of crooks. Read up on this

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and another senior House Republican profited off the kind of corporate inversion deal that the Obama administration wants Congress to halt.
Both Boehner and Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), the Republican committee chairman who oversees tax policy, reporting selling stock in Covidien Plc within nine days of an announcement that Medtronic Inc. was planning a takeover of the company. The stock price of Covidien jumped after the announcement of the deal, under which the new merged company would be based in Ireland and avoid paying U.S. corporate taxes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You've missed the point completely. They should lower all the corporate tax rates to about 15% at least and this inversion thing will stop on it's own. This is what they do in Congress. Establish a high standard and then they will carve out some kind of exemption in return for donations. If we take away the weapon of high rates then that leaves congress disarmed.
do you mean this guy? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
He was talking about you simple ass no stones.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, I can't say that I like the idea of such a big cooperation (or a small one for that matter) sneaking out of the country to limit their tax liability, but who can blame them when the maneuver is within the legal parameters.

To be successful, countries must encourage businesses to operate within their borders, but if another country gives them a better tax break then they will leave with no remorse for the country that gave them birth.

. . . The IRS is a ruthless organization and I sympathize with that guy years back who flew his plane into an IRS building to forcefully state his protest, but Burger King has found a more constructive way around the problem, however, as a country we cannot afford this type of tax avoidance.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why not eliminate the corporate income tax?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Why not eliminate the corporate income tax? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Your government needs the money to run the country!
BigLouie's Avatar
You've missed the point completely. They should lower all the corporate tax rates to about 15% at least and this inversion thing will stop on it's own. This is what they do in Congress. Establish a high standard and then they will carve out some kind of exemption in return for donations. If we take away the weapon of high rates then that leaves congress disarmed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No you missed the point. Those with the power have the biggest tax breaks and they don't want to lose them so nothing is going to change.
LexusLover's Avatar
Those with the power have the biggest tax breaks and they don't want to lose them so nothing is going to change. Originally Posted by BigLouie
So, according to you, ...

.... the folks who pay the least amount in taxes have the most power?

A "tax break" is a "provision" in the tax code that reduces taxes, right?

Like "Warren Buffet"?
pyramider's Avatar

. . . The IRS is a ruthless organization and I sympathize with that guy years back who flew his plane into an IRS building to forcefully state his protest, but Burger King has found a more constructive way around the problem, however, as a country we cannot afford this type of tax avoidance.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Should have been a bigger plane ...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So, according to you, ...

.... the folks who pay the least amount in taxes have the most power?

A "tax break" is a "provision" in the tax code that reduces taxes, right?

Like "Warren Buffet"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're a fucking idiot, LLIdiot.

No wonder you've been named Clarksville's 2014-15 DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR! Yes, it's out and you are the winner.

pyramider's Avatar
To thinck Burger Doodle was struggling to stay out of bk a short while back. It would be funny if it were to shut its doors after relocating to Canada.
I would boycott Burger King but I do not think it is considered a boycott if you have not visited a BK in 5 or more years.