Prices starting to rise

Chung Tran's Avatar
People don’t set prices, markets do. If the market will bear $30/dance (or$40or $100), bars will charge it. If not, they will lower their prices or go out of business.

This is true of almost all businesses, but especially true of strip clubs. Barriers to entry are low, no market participant has anything approaching a monopoly, share of the market, and there are many close substitutes (including escorts, civilian girlfriends, porn, or Rosy Palm). Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Oh look, we have Adam Smith on the Forum!

Just funnin' TTH. You did look like you grabbed that straight out of an Economics text book. Nothing wrong with that. Actually, the part in parentheses is your own, no text book is going to utilize ''Rosy Palm''.

These prices make it imperative to nail them down, before hitting VIP. No more girl in your lap asking ''why don't we go back there''?, and you hopping right up. Might need a Contract Attorney on standby.
Rosy Palm AKA the "Invisible Hand" is always leading the way. Lol
20 per dance set before starting. If not, no thank you and move on.
I certainly have had dancers tell me it's higher, especially in vip. I always respond with sorry,I pay $20 a dance. Seldom have anyone walk out.

That said, when the norm does rise at some point to $25, I will pay it. $5 a song more will not break me. I will adjust with buying them fewer drinks. Hopefully it will be awhile, but it will happen someday.

Now, if it goes to $30 or more, that will impact me. I remember way back when dances were $10 and went to $20. All the guys thought the world was ending but they adjusted. That T&A is a powerful attraction 😉🙂
TexTushHog's Avatar
Oh look, we have Adam Smith on the Forum!

Just funnin' TTH. You did look like you grabbed that straight out of an Economics text book. Nothing wrong with that. Actually, the part in parentheses is your own, no text book is going to utilize ''Rosy Palm''.

These prices make it imperative to nail them down, before hitting VIP. No more girl in your lap asking ''why don't we go back there''?, and you hopping right up. Might need a Contract Attorney on standby. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Four years of saiting in price theory classes at an economics department heavily influence by the Chicago school will do that to you. And no offense taken to the Adam Smith reference. A high compliment, I’d say. The Scottish Enlightenment is a very interesting period up history, and one I love to study.
$20 a dance is honestly still too much for barely 2 mins Originally Posted by slap
I agree. I would rather pay $300 for one hour of companionship with full GFE service in a private incall or outcall location.
Jesus you Dallas guys over analyze everything. The price is $20 a dance. Period. Anything else is what negotiating is for. You do the math, hobbyist.
Jesus you Dallas guys over analyze everything. The price is $20 a dance. Period. Anything else is what negotiating is for. You do the math, hobbyist. Originally Posted by amexblack
No, its what ever the dancer is willing to take. A couple of clubs have indeed rased the minimum dance price to $25 and $30. Actually the dancers have but the club is supporting them in the price hike. Hopefully other clubs don't follow their lead.
$20 a dance is honestly still too much for barely 2 mins Originally Posted by slap

Depends on the club you go to. There are many clubs where the DJ plays the full song and does not cut the songs short.
So some of you guys are under the impression that dancers can independently decide what they charge for dances regardless of what the club says? Interesting. Why then does every single girl at BBD charge $20? Do you not think that price is set by the club? Do you not think every club sets a price?
So some of you guys are under the impression that dancers can independently decide what they charge for dances regardless of what the club says? Interesting. Why then does every single girl at BBD charge $20? Do you not think that price is set by the club? Do you not think every club sets a price? Originally Posted by Joe Blows
Some clubs like the Lodge, have signs up saying the dancers are independant contractors, set their own prices, and to settle on the amount before leaving the table. Some clubs, like Bucks wild have signs up saying $20 per dance. Most don't post anything

The dancers CAN charge what ever they want, if you agree to it. They can refuse to dance for $20 if they want. The managers don't care as long as there is no issue. $20 is the norm because most girls do not want to raise prices and become non-competive. All it takes is dancers in a few clubs to successfully raise dance prices and the other will follow quickly. When I was 18, it was $10 a dance. Things do change.

The clubs, as a whole, don't want to see prices for dances rise as times are still tough and don't want to do anything to discourage customers or lessen the amount they spend on booze. But the clubs also have to be carefull about setting dance prices in case another lawsuit pops up claiming dancers are employees. As long as we are paying the dancers, not the clubs, the clubs cannot legaly force the girls to accept ant price.
I've been going to clubs in Texas for 30+ years also and the price was never $10, always $20, at least at the "upscale" spots over the years. They only place I ever saw $10 for a dance was Georgia. Clubs or girls can raise the price on dances and watch their business model crumble if they want, it's already tough enough as it is. Competition to even get people to walk through the door like back in to the day is high enough as it is and then you want people to pay more for less. It's like staples vs descrestionary goods.
I have been going to strip clubs for 50 years. Whn I started at my first Strip Club in Baton Rouge, dances were $10. I don't recall when it went to $20, but I do recall the same exact bru-ha-ha as now.

I agree the dancers have to be very carefull about raising prices. There is a lot of short term downside risk. But, it's going to happen someday.
Understood but there are more factors involved than just inflation, etc. Considering that you don't get half as nice of, let's call it, "hospitality" from the club dancers as you did 20 years ago for $20 a dance, rasing the prices on an inferior product never works out.
Understood but there are more factors involved than just inflation, etc. Considering that you don't get half as nice of, let's call it, "hospitality" from the club dancers as you did 20 years ago for $20 a dance, rasing the prices on an inferior product never works out. Originally Posted by amexblack
Huh ? Mileage is way higher today than 20 years ago.