Trump says 'you have no choice but to vote for me' at New Hampshire rally

Sometimes people do lie to pollsters. Usually not. That is why for the most part polls have been very accurate over time.

One of the possible reasons for the miss in 2016 -- in every poll there is a category of "Don't Know" voters. At the time of the poll they have not made up their minds as to for whom they will vote. This can run 10% or higher at times. In 2016 it is estimated that the majority of the voters in that category decided at voting time to cast their ballots for Trump. And that turned the tide in Trump's favor.

Will the same occur in 2020? Possibly. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think Trump was in collusion with the voters to win in 2016 or he cast a spell so that they would cast their vote for him in the voters booth!! You mentioned something about...a post actually making sense. You need to read this post of yours...because it doesn't!!
P.S. I like to illustrate absurdity with absurdity
bambino's Avatar
Again, if I was a Socialist I would have no problem with you or anyone else calling me such.

But since you know close to zero about my opinions on political issues and know even less on what socialism truly is, I'll let you continue to make your unsubstantiated claims. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Would you define Sanders and Warren as Socialists?
A poll is just a snapshot in time. I think too many polls are being done and it just confuses people. Yes, Trump is low in the polls. But it does not concern me. Basically because - the dems don't have a viable candidate. And in my opinion - the more they speak the worse it will be.

Take Mayor Pete for example - The black religious community is looking at him. But due to their religious upbringing a majority of them won't accept him due to homosexuality. The pastors are trying to reconcile that but they admit it gonna be a difficult task. That's a major voting block. I think a lot of black voters will just stay home and not vote

Or take Elizabeth Warren. Well, never mind her - she's a kook.

Take Joe Biden - OMG, I feel sorry for him. He's just looks lost and again - it will not get better for him.

Andrew Yang - Young voters really like him and if he can get them out to vote along with their parents - who knows.

And the rest of the pack - well, who are they again?
Again, if I was a Socialist I would have no problem with you or anyone else calling me such.

But since you know close to zero about my opinions on political issues and know even less on what socialism truly is, I'll let you continue to make your unsubstantiated claims. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why did you say "socialism" was name calling...just strange!!

OK SPEED you love Obumercare because the Republican have nothing to replace it with .
Illustrating this because you think it's the Gumments job to be involved in healthcare.
And the fact that SS is a failing system going bankrupt in 2035...YOU PRAISE IT!!
With medicare headed for failure in 2026 you praise that also. You praise Gumment involvement in every aspect of or lives...but say tax cut aren't going to "the right people"...a leftwing talking point. With those views you say..."you know close to zero about my opinions on political issues".
Yeah right SPEED I have no knowledge of you political opinions
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Would you define Sanders and Warren as Socialists? Originally Posted by bambino
Both support some Socialist policies -- Medicare for All, free college tuition, more income equalization.

Here is the definition of socialism:

any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Neither Sanders or Warren are advocating the government takeover of the means of production and distribution of goods. Neither supports abolishing private property.

Here is an article that is worthwhile reading.

Does anyone know what socialism really means?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Why did you say "socialism" was name calling...just strange!!

OK SPEED you love Obumercare because the Republican have nothing to replace it with .
Illustrating this because you think it's the Gumments job to be involved in healthcare.
And the fact that SS is a failing system going bankrupt in 2035...YOU PRAISE IT!!
With medicare headed for failure in 2026 you praise that also. You praise Gumment involvement in every aspect of or lives...but say tax cut aren't going to "the right people"...a leftwing talking point. With those views you say..."you know close to zero about my opinions on political issues".
Yeah right SPEED I have no knowledge of you political opinions Originally Posted by bb1961
You continue to flail your arms and ignore the facts.

Social Security is the main source of income for 80 million people in this country. Has helped 100s of millions of people since its inception in 1935. You will find very little support in your continuing attacks on SS.

Medicare also has helped many millions of people in this country. When I compare what I pay for Medicare vs. what I would have to pay on the open market for health insurance, I say "Thank you". Medicare payments may increase and some benefits dropped in order for the program to remain solvent. I say fine. Still will beat the alternative by a long shot.

Yes, I believe the rich and corporations benefited much more from the tax reform package than those at the middle of the middle class and below.

And NO, I don't support government involvement in every aspect of our lives. That is an outright lie which once again shows how little you know about my political viewpoints. You point to my opinion on 3 subjects and you know all about me. Continue on with your babble.
You must have coping and pasted that because that is the same nonsense you said for many months now. I post many links from all different website in regard to the demise of this two programs you cheer lead for every day. You SPEED put your head in the sand about the STUPID comment you made about socialism being a dirty word...the was some funny shit. Your sanctimonious holier that thou pious attitude..."I'm smarter then you so I will marginalize you"...your attitude show just how the righteous indignation you have is laughable.
When you are confronted with your posts on your "Hellery is going to win no doubt about it"... you go into psychobabble about COMPLETE nonsense as to why you were TOTALLY WRONG.
That is call called obfuscation...and you're full of it. Thank you Mr. Mensa...why do you bother with the RIFF RAFF?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ignoring riff raff
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I think Trump was in collusion with the voters to win in 2016 or he cast a spell so that they would cast their vote for him in the voters booth!! Originally Posted by bb1961

Duh, it was his magic wand...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

Neither Sanders or Warren are advocating the government takeover of the means of production and distribution of goods. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Oh yes indeed they do. That is exactly what the Green New Deal is all about, did you not read what AOC's former CoS said about it? Medicare for all, free college, more free schtuff etc., etc. Total absorption of the means to produce. Total control over everything by a central government.

Rights?!? You don't need no stinking rights, you get permission, but only if you do as we say and think as we tell you to think. Faggit-about-it - No thanks.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Kind-a the same thing bush 41 said about Blinton rising tax's if he got elected , and guess what Blinton a year into pushed tax's higher then anyone else at the time soooo ,, don't believe the liberal Fact checkers Key word LIBERAL progressives
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You must have coping and pasted that because that is the same nonsense you said for many months now. I post many links from all different website in regard to the demise of this two programs you cheer lead for every day. You SPEED put your head in the sand about the STUPID comment you made about socialism being a dirty word...the was some funny shit. Your sanctimonious holier that thou pious attitude..."I'm smarter then you so I will marginalize you"...your attitude show just how the righteous indignation you have is laughable.
When you are confronted with your posts on your "Hellery is going to win no doubt about it"... you go into psychobabble about COMPLETE nonsense as to why you were TOTALLY WRONG.
That is call called obfuscation...and you're full of it. Thank you Mr. Mensa...why do you bother with the RIFF RAFF? Originally Posted by bb1961
I don't think I've ever seen such a long post that said absolutely NOTHING.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh yes indeed they do. That is exactly what the Green New Deal is all about, did you not read what AOC's former CoS said about it? Medicare for all, free college, more free schtuff etc., etc. Total absorption of the means to produce. Total control over everything by a central government.

Rights?!? You don't need no stinking rights, you get permission, but only if you do as we say and think as we tell you to think. Faggit-about-it - No thanks. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So you believe that what Sanders and Warren are preaching will turn the U.S. into Cuba, Venezuela, or China?

I realize that this will be Trump's battle cry in 2020 but I can't believe people are falling for it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A poll is just a snapshot in time. I think too many polls are being done and it just confuses people. Yes, Trump is low in the polls. But it does not concern me. Basically because - the dems don't have a viable candidate. And in my opinion - the more they speak the worse it will be.

Take Mayor Pete for example - The black religious community is looking at him. But due to their religious upbringing a majority of them won't accept him due to homosexuality. The pastors are trying to reconcile that but they admit it gonna be a difficult task. That's a major voting block. I think a lot of black voters will just stay home and not vote

Or take Elizabeth Warren. Well, never mind her - she's a kook.

Take Joe Biden - OMG, I feel sorry for him. He's just looks lost and again - it will not get better for him.

Andrew Yang - Young voters really like him and if he can get them out to vote along with their parents - who knows.

And the rest of the pack - well, who are they again? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
How do any religious leaders “reconcile” support for Trump?

You talk like you’re supporting a saint, when in fact, Donald J Trump may be the most morally corrupt person to walk this planet. On virtually every level.

There is no reconciling that and most educated voters know it. Even conservatives.
Polls were VERY accurate in 2008, 2012, and 2018. They missed somewhat in 2016. Several times in the past you have cited polls done by Rasmussen because they fit your POV. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Again, In this I agree with Speed. The polls were even largely accurate in 2016. By election day, Trump was within the margin of error on almost every one.

It was the LSM media pundits calling it for Hillary, even though the data wasn't supported by the underlying polls. Hell, the NYT had Trump within margin of error and that magically equated to Hillary having a 98% chance of win. It was bullshit on their part to largely try and portray a massive win by Hillary and influence the electorate.

Luckily the electorate was more excited with Trump's enthusiasm and voted that way enough in the end.

The popular vote, while not making a difference in the end was again largely spot in in the polls.

Don't know the polling, knock the crazy ass pundits trying to interpret polling. And that includes both Speed and I if we claim any significance to any polling regarding 2020 at this stage of the game.